TER General Board

What Does Your Wife Want?
Kornlover 22 Reviews 1738 reads

Your post did not say anything about what it is that your wife wants.   That may be part of the problem.

I realize that I have no standing to criticize because I am also getting the kind of sex that my wife eschews.   Nonetheless, in my 40 years of marriage, I have learned what my wife wants.

First, she wants closeness.   If you gave your wife more closeness, then perhaps she would be more ready to give you what you want.   Not everything, of course.  But perhaps enough to improve your sex life with her dramatically.

There is no way to compare what goes on in the hobby with real life with a real partner.   In my case, I can have sex with magnificent young women, who can excite me much more easily than my wife can.   But sex with a wife is still important.  It is obvious from your post that it is important to you.  I suspect that it is also important to her--but in a different way.

WhatGotMeHere5684 reads

So in the continuing sit-com that is my life, my S.O. and I finally manage to have a serious conversation about the tragedy that is our sex life. (She still refuses to go to counseling.) When I ask politely to explore her list of personal taboos (e.g., touching her breasts, fingers in her vagina, oral sex, trying anal sex, etc.), she answers that the problem is not with her, but me.

S.O.:  You watch those porn movies and compare me to those women. That kind of sex isn't normal.

Me: Well, you're right the porn movies are exaggerated for dramatic effect, but lots of people do those things and think they are fairly normal.

S.O.: Sure, the people who are as obsessed with sex as you. Normal people don't need that.

Me: Honey, I didn't get the idea from porn movies. Some of those things I did before we were married.

S.O.: Oh so you're comparing me to your slutty ex-girlfriends now?

Needless to say, the conversation went downhill from there, but it did get me to start to wonder. Are those of us - especially on this board - so abnormal that we do not reflect the larger society. Is our need for less inhibited
sexual expression perverse? I know I am probably preaching to the choir, but I actually thought that I had a fairly "normal" and healthy interest in sex (okay, maybe trying anal sex is pushing it too far, bad pun intended). Am I kidding myself?

The mainstream media bombards us constantly with the message that all the sexual practices you mentioned, with the exception of anal sex, are 'normal' baseline behaviour. Does your wife live in a cave in the Himalayas or what?

Also, if she's always been like this, why did you marry her?  It sounds like she's got some serious problems about acknowledging her sexuality.  Was she sexually abused/assaulted?  Regardless, she needs counselling and unfortunately it sounds like you're going to have to force her go.

friend of the lasses3839 reads

It sounds like your wife wrote the article that Emma posted above.  Sorry for you.

Emma is right.  My 1st wife was just as you describe.  After 18 years of marriage, 3 kids and 3 years of counseling it came out that she had been sexually abused as a pre-puberty child.  Hope she goes to counseling and you should move on.

CheatingBastard3269 reads

She does like People though.

-- Modified on 7/5/2005 8:13:10 PM

Cynicalman2515 reads

Same issues, same no win circular logic.
DTB is the only rational answer "Dump The Bitch"
Seriously friend I have experienced this kind of condescending, self-righteous, pejorative rhetoric and it only gets worse.
BTW- If you really want to have some fun and learn her worst primal fear. Next time you're having a "friendly discussion" about your sick sexual desires look her straight in the eyes and calmly tell her that her inability to sexually please you leaves you ambivalent to you EVER wanting sex with her again. Mark my words it WILL be a Kodak moment to be sure.


Man, she gets around.  I was married to her as well.  Once, I tried to out-wait her.  I got tired of begging for sex, so I wanted to see how long she could go without.  At the six-month mark, I went back to begging.

Thank God those days are gone...at least for me.  If you DTB, they can be for you as well.

Patooie!3329 reads

During my 1st marriage, we would get togeter with another couplw to go out pretty reguarly. Me and the other guy were always biching about who was getting laid less. We decided to keep a calendar at our homes and compare "frequency" whenever we got togeter. Well, the wives didn't particuarly like losing to each other ,so for a  while we were getting laid a lot more often! Unfortunately they called a truce and then both of them decided to pay us back by cutting us off altogether! We are both divorced now!!

Although we talked about our desires and at the first of the marriage, sex was great.  We experimented and she enjoyed most of the things we tried.  Then it went downhill until now we have not had sex in 10 months and with her now being over 350 pounds she has become a turn off.
I look at her and want to throw up.  We have been in counselling for 3 years, but unless she wants to change, it is a waste of time and money.  Would leave the bitch, but she has f-uped our credit so bad that I can not afford to.  
I wonder what is a normal and healthy interest in sex?  I am starting to explore the dom/sub realm with my ATF and have come to realize that society paints those who participate in that as strange, that life style demands much of what has been talked about in the counselling sessions (openness, communication, trust, giving of oneself, etc).  
I have come to realize that there is no such thing as a normal sex life.  Normal is whatever you and your partner define it to be.  Some people are satisfied with hardly any touch, while others are satisfied with what some would consdider extreme acts bordering on cruelity.
Good luck my friend!

Pumping Irony1791 reads

Why marraige doesn't work

Women marry men thinking they will change

Men marry women thinking they won't change

skisandboots2347 reads

It's a shame you've gotten such worthless answers from the board.  You are not abnormal.  In fact, one of the MAIN reasons this hobby thrives is because too many of us are married to your wife (you know what I mean).  Assuming that you don't want to divorce your wife, you need to face the fact that it's your wife that has the problem.  Do not give up on trying to get the both of you in to counselling.  However, you need to realize that it's unlikely that your wife will make any real changes (zero chance if you can't get her into counselling).  Where does that leave you?  Hobbying your ass off and with a lot less guilt or worry than before.  I know this is not a perfect solution, but at least you know that you're very normal and perhaps you can enjoy sex better now.  Good luck.

-- Modified on 7/5/2005 6:28:10 AM

junior4573487 reads

There are a few things missing to draw a complete picture as to what's going on but based on what you said the conclusion is clear.

You either have to make the decision that you are going to hang in the for the "marriages" sake, and keep posing for the photo's at the family picnic's and keep smiling at the neighbors each weekend as you mow the lawn, and keep potraying the "happy family". Now there is one topic you didn't bring up is kids, if there are kids I can somewhat excuse the reason you wouldn't leave and keep up the ruse (that is my situation). However if there are no children then get up an leave right now. Why live your life at all if you are going to live an unhappy unfullfilled existance.

Look I've been through therapy I've been through it all and you know what there is no changing people. Yes if you have communication problems it will help, but is it going to suddenly get your wife to open up her legs and ass for you to start probing, no it's not. That is part of her "programing" as to who she is and what she's open to doing and if you've discussed it and she's called you a "perv" then your are going nowhere my friend.

Your choices; live a half hearted unfullfiled life (which is exactly what I'm doing however I do have children and I feel my sacrifice is for their benefit, and I'm not saying that is correct either, as the matter of fact I'm probably the last person who should be posting advice to you LOL), or suck it up now before you look back on a dozen lost years and move on then.

Good luck to you however I don't see much positive coming out of your situation.


I love it when the wife and her cohort, the marriage counselor, tell me I have a problem communicating.  How do you communicate (a) you've gotten really fat, (b) you suck in bed and (3) I'm totally bored with you?

These situations make it very easy to get too attached to an ATF.

can I be Junior 4583560 reads

Jr, you've mentioned your situation a few times here, and I was wondering...how old are the kids?  I'm just wondering how much longer you're going to hate your life.  You seem like a good guy, and I don't want to judge you.  It would be easier to understand if you're hanging in for a couple years, rather than a longer period.

Good luck, bud.

WhatGotMeHere3853 reads

Thanks for the responses. In answer to some of the questions: Yes, we have three lovely kids. The birth of the last one (nine years ago) was the death knell to our sex life it seems. Still, divorce is out of the question. As for why  did I marry her, Emma? I loved her then and I do now. She remains my closest friend, a lovely person and physically attractive. Let me be clear, in her mind, she is not refusing to have sex. She thinks once or twice a month is quite reasonable. The other problem is that the act with her is just that "an act". Soooooo boring. I don't get to build the excitement with foreplay so I rarely even climax. When we were dating and early in our marriage, it was better if not perfect. Lastly, she maintains that she has never been the victim of abuse in the past. Who knows? Anyway, I won't harp on about my issues. I realize that life isn't perfect and we all have our burdens. This one just happens to be mine. Thanks again.

Stories like junior's below are what keep guys like us going.  I got W into joint counseling for awhile, but she kept finding reasons not to go.  At one point I convinced myself the kids would not be damaged if I moved out and tried to stay part of their lives.  I announced I was moving out but W convinced me to try again.  It got better for about six months, then back to square one. Nothing unless I beg and then mediocre sex. (Though not quite as bad as you describe.)  

So then I decided to wait until the kids were all in college.  I didn't want to burden them with the divorce bomb until they were mostly out of the house.  That happens this Fall, so time will tell if I have the guts to go forward.  Trouble is I have had two heart attacks and a bypass surgery since I last confronted this problem and now W makes 4x my salary.  With the cardiac meds mr. happy only stays up with the blue pill or its equivalent (thanks drug companies!)  The ironic byproduct is that I don't bother her for sex anymore (literally not worth the headaches) and we get along better.  

I gradually hide enough cash to hobby 3-4x a year and that gets me by.  One of my options is to negotiate a don't ask/don't tell, be discreet arrangement.  

So, if your son is 9 now you have 9 more years to get through.  Plan for it and get out then.  And BTW take care of yourself physically.

How can she be your closest friend if she is so indifferent to your suffering?  That's a rhetorical question, 'cause I have asked it of myself plenty of times.

junior4574601 reads

Daughter 9 (10 in August) Son 7. As sad or double standard as it might sound it's my son that keeps me there. My daugher is daddy's little girl and we have a great relationship but she no-where near hero worships me like my son does.

About a week ago I'm sitting watching my son play with action figures (yes they are action figures and not dolls when your son plays with them!!) And my son is playing with a regular guy action figure and the hulk action figure. I over hear his banter as he's mock fighting with the dolls and apparently the Hulk was getting his a$$ handed to him. I hear the mock Hulk start pleading for forgiveness as the "regular guy" is about to finsih him off. With that my son a.k.a. the hulk asks the regular guy, "who are you & how can you defeat the Hulk?", my son's response as the regular guy.......I'm my daddy.

In my life nothing evoked a tear in my eye as quickly as that. What if I leave and then I am no longer the guy that can beat up the Hulk?

Sorry to all if this is silly and wasting some bandwith....but that's my story sad but true. Thanks for letting me share a little of myself.

Be well everyone.......

can I be Junior 4582440 reads

Thanks for sharing.  It makes perfect sense to me...

Marce12455 reads

You married my ex-wife????

Sadly, I think many women, brought up by equally repressed mothers, have the same (dare-I-say?) Bible Belt mentality. They are told for forever that sex is wrong before marriage; then when they DO get married, they can't retrain themselves to try it and enjoy it.

Do what I did: find an ex-catholic neighbor who LOVES oral sex...just not with her own spouse.

Your post did not say anything about what it is that your wife wants.   That may be part of the problem.

I realize that I have no standing to criticize because I am also getting the kind of sex that my wife eschews.   Nonetheless, in my 40 years of marriage, I have learned what my wife wants.

First, she wants closeness.   If you gave your wife more closeness, then perhaps she would be more ready to give you what you want.   Not everything, of course.  But perhaps enough to improve your sex life with her dramatically.

There is no way to compare what goes on in the hobby with real life with a real partner.   In my case, I can have sex with magnificent young women, who can excite me much more easily than my wife can.   But sex with a wife is still important.  It is obvious from your post that it is important to you.  I suspect that it is also important to her--but in a different way.

Tig Ole Bitties3179 reads

You are married to a human icicle. Do you realize that? How unfortunate. :(

sexxygirrl2582 reads

In college, when my boyfriend showed me a porn movie for the first time, I felt threatened by the looks of the porn stars.  

I assumed my boyfriend was comparing my appearance (unfavorably) to those girls, and that he would be thinking of them when we had sex afterwards.

It took me a while to let go of the jealousy.

I recommend that in discussing porn movies, you downplay the physical looks of the actresses. Let your wife know you find her just as sexy as the actresses, and you think of her, not anyone else, when you have sex (even if that's not always true).

Perhaps tell her the sexiest porn movie alive would be a home movie with the two of you.

Most women need reassurance of their continued sexual attraction to their husbands, especially since most women gain a few (or more) pounds as time goes by.

Good luck!

-- Modified on 7/5/2005 12:01:04 PM

Actually, I work with a lot of porn actresses in my "other" life.  The funny thing is that they tend to be rather shallow in my experience, and up close, most of them aren't that pretty.  If that ruined it for anybody like it has for me, tell yourself that I'm lying...

I think most people who watch porn are curious and sometimes titillated, and there's a smaller group who are really 'in' to it.  But most of us can't suspend our disbelief long enough to not notice that the women (with some notable exceptions) are freakshows, the sex is boring, the acting is absent and plot, what plot?

I get bored and irritated that such a big industry can fail to produce anything even remotely entertaining, but intimidated?  God no.

if breast touching, fingering, and oral sex make you a lunatic, then I should have been checked into a mental institution a long time ago.

Elon M2470 reads

Sorry to say it but it sound's like you suffer from what evidently most of the guy's here suffer from, marrying an incompatible woman. Did she partake in your sexual desire's before you were married? If so, but now it's a no no, I feel sorry for you, your stuck in the ultimate bait and switch. If not, why did you marry her? I don't care how beautiful she was, or what kind of chemistry there seemed, if she wasn't about to let you touch her, what was the point? You actually married a woman that wouldn't let you touch her breast, fingered her vagina, or give and received oral sex? The anal I can do without but the willingness to try new thing's would be nice and seem normal if she is as into you as you are of her. I've alway's felt the main reason so many marriage's fail is because too many people feel like they're doing what they're supposed to do instead of what they actually want. Society, family, religious, etc. pressure's. Once you reach this age, finish school and get a job, you're supposed to get married, natural progression. I remember guy's when I was in my twenties saying how bad they had to get married and start a family, WTF. I alway's thought before you even think of that you better find a woman that you really love who really love's you, common sense. If that never happen's, oh well, you might be lonely sometime's but you won't have a life of misery or a string of expensive and bitter divorce's. Surprisingly a few guy's I've talked to said they married their wive's because she'd serve the purpose, hahaha. That's a disaster not even waiting to happen it's starting out as such. They married a woman that they weren't actually in love with, she was just there and would do. If marriage is so sacred, as so many people like to say, it's a shame more people don't act like it is. Just my never married two cent's.

Nah dude, you're okay, I'm f**ked up because I obviously married her twin.

But I have got my wife to go to counseling - it took her finding a strange text message on my cell phone ("Who is this?"  "A girl I get bj's from because you won't touch me or allow me to touch you."  Honesty is always the best policy even if you have to sleep somewhere else for a few days.)

It's been 12 sessions and it's still a long road to go, but sometimes I get the feeling that she's coming along.  

TER members are not abnormal at all.  Go watch "Kinsey." Guys who sit in strip bars by themselves dolling out thousands of dollars, may be abnormal.  But guys who are seeking release because their wives have closed shop - nah.  

The caveat about counseling is that you really have to look at what you've become - are you spending too much time online, etc?  Are you still sexy?  And as far as being threatened by porn stars, it may be something bigger than just the women in porn.  It may be her entire self image.  Every week our counselor (a woman) continues to press the issue that my wife has to find herself sexy before she can get in touch with the sexual nature she once had.

Hope that helps.  Remember you once loved each other.

luvtofuck2862 reads

and not the relationship part, I think that people are kinda 50/50 that they are either open to things and want fun things or they are shocked and want 'normal' sex like missionary only with the lights off. I know that one time i was talking to an older sister of mine who's married and she was asking me about my sex life (i'm single) and said she didn't understand how I could have sex with someone I didn't LOVE! I was so stunned. Love? What did that have to do with it? So maybe it's that people think that sex is only for lovemaking when you're sharing love and not just sex or fucking which is because it's fun and entertaining etc. You know what i mean?

Good point, Luvto.  Undeniably some emotional involvement can enhance sex, but sex for fun can also be terrific, and yes, there seems to be a large percentage of the population that equates love w/ sex (or viceversa).  So nice to know that there are open-minded people like you still Out There.

Suzanne in San Diego3389 reads

I think your sexual desires are pretty normal, but I have heard variations on your story from many of my clients.  Depending on the woman's age, I think hormone levels are a major issue in a woman’s declining sexual desire, but the fact that many women won't take hormone replacement therapy is their choice.  I'm not a doctor so I don't have much else to say about that issue.

I have said to many of my clients that if the women, wives, girlfriends, SO's, etc. in the US and all over the world too for that matter, would suddenly decide to have sex with their partners once or twice a week, I would need to find another line of work.  I don't see it happening in a million years so I'm not too concerned about that!  What I don't understand is why so many guys put up with it.  When I was married, it wasn't an option to refuses sex on a regular basis ... I'm not saying I was forced but I would be asked why not, and most of the time my 'why not' would be ignored anyway.  I was told stuff like, 'do you want me to have to go out and find someone else or would you rather I remain a faithful husband?' or, 'we're married, if you won't have sex with me, why should I stay married to you', in an assertive enough manner that I knew he meant what he said.  

If you're an honest, hardworking, decent husband, SO, etc. bringing home your paycheck and supporting your family, doing your best as a partner, then your partner should have sex with you on a relatively frequent basis or you should just get rid of her and not feel guilty about it either!  
Suzanne in San Diego

Suzanne, well put but sometimes it is not that simple.  If a guy can get the 1 missing ingredient elsewhere, then the marriage can stay together for the good of "all."  You wonderful ladies don't know how well you meet the needs (not just physically) of the guys in the hobby.  Thank You!

Ask her first, then try it out. Choose it. Do it her way for a while. Make her feel like she is good enough and her feeling and thoughts are valid.

Just think, none of us know your wife, but I already think she is a prude. Put yourself in her shoes for a second. Imagine having a husband who makes everyone think you are a prude? How often would you want to have sex with that guy?

Hey I get it, but if you think about her first, you MIGHT get what you want more.

You melt ice with heat, not more ice.

Who is normal or not is beside the point.  (My vote is she's frigid.)

Personally, I think she's trying to tell you she doesn't want any part of you, and you need to get used to the idea, and move toward a manageable divorce.

Because a couple that isn't working together is falling apart, you know?   You're sucking hind tit in this relationship, and divorce is the only thing that will change it.

I don't care what you call her, get used to the idea that she will dump you if you don't do it 1st.   So get used to the idea, and manage the divorce as best you can, and get on with your life.

erbslydcw2478 reads

Provider insight: You've already shown your level of respect for her by "airing your dirty laundry" on a forum such as this.
One lovely new friend of mine is married, we are in some kind of "like"...I can look him in the eye, and say, "take what you've learned with me, home". and he can hear about a first date (not in this forum) i was telling him about, and remind me to "let my walls down".
when he said he didn't know how i do what i do, i had to tell him i think the same of him!!
Would you have any fun if you had nothing to complain about....and do you take ANY responsibility for your own approach?!
I've been gifted $200 in a tip, from a super nice man who said "thanks for the touches like i've never received from my wife"...and i'm thinkin' it was the rather tantric approach we took.
But then again, him and I don't have to sit over the checkbook haggling about finances either!!
If you have any same problem again and again, it's usually best to look at your approach and contribution to the problem, no ?!?

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