TER General Board

Are you sure.....
Dondee62 4 Reviews 1498 reads

... I thought your fame was due to your charm!

See WebMD article linked below for report on small number of men reporting vision loss while using Viagra and Cialis.

A personal note:  I have noticed a vision loss in one eye, which, now that I read this article, I realize started sometime within months of starting to take Levitra.  However, since I am an AARP member, the loss may be due to age and other physical conditions.  I have a visit with an opthamologist soon.

Who the fuck cares? Dude, priorities.

Thanks to Viagra, I'm almost nearly famous.

... I thought your fame was due to your charm!

I actually posted "Who the fuck cares?"....

...how charming can I be?

harryj2922 reads

Sounds like a myth like the one about masturbating causing the loss of eyesight. I would risk one eye.

followme2737 reads

Yeah I was told I would go blind from masturbating.....so I just did it until eye needed glasses.

Thank You

ps If I get laser surgery do you think Eye can start new again?

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