TER General Board

Vision loss from Viagra, Cialis
WymenLover 36 Reviews 4466 reads

See WebMD article linked below for report on small number of men reporting vision loss while using Viagra and Cialis.

A personal note:  I have noticed a vision loss in one eye, which, now that I read this article, I realize started sometime within months of starting to take Levitra.  However, since I am an AARP member, the loss may be due to age and other physical conditions.  I have a visit with an opthamologist soon.

Who the fuck cares? Dude, priorities.

Thanks to Viagra, I'm almost nearly famous.

... I thought your fame was due to your charm!

I actually posted "Who the fuck cares?"....

...how charming can I be?

harryj2922 reads

Sounds like a myth like the one about masturbating causing the loss of eyesight. I would risk one eye.

followme2737 reads

Yeah I was told I would go blind from masturbating.....so I just did it until eye needed glasses.

Thank You

ps If I get laser surgery do you think Eye can start new again?

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