TER General Board

A nother ditto of RuDonn eom
LVP 2 Reviews 2855 reads


Do a majority of the men actually use the verification sites ? Rs2000,date-check,preferred411 ? Or do you sign up for the free offers and let it go ? I see more and more verifications sites popping up. Just wondering.

I've heard about them, of course, but don't really know how they work.  But I'm not comfortable with them.

-- Modified on 10/26/2005 5:23:16 AM

MrATM1410 reads

When I signed up for rs2000 they asked a lot of detailed questions and even called up my job to make sure that I was employed. They also did criminal background checks.

skisandboots2387 reads

...everything RoDunn said.

MrATM1747 reads

I use only 2 rs2000 and date-check.com, both life time memberships.

I figure who needs having their personal information spread over God knows how many data basis out there?  I know many providers who are happy to give me a reference and that has always worked for me, so why bother?

MTM2084 reads

DANG!!  Didn't even know about these.
That's why I'm still  a relative newbie.

Thanks for the info.

bamboo sushi3364 reads

One angry employee it all it would take to ruin alot of lives. I'll take my chances with my referal network.

I did have a problem verifying my employment. My employer uses a third party verifier: The Work Number.  If you call my place of employment, they won't even admit that they know me.  

Of course, The Work Number insists on a credit card charge to release the information, I could reimburse her for that, but worse they also demand my SSN to do it.  I'm not going to release that to her.  

So, this is the situation these days: providers ask for references and work information, and employers won't admit to a business relationship they've had for years.

I've said it before: you know the world is changing when the hookers are acting like corporations and corporations are acting like hookers. :)

They seem too high profile to me and I worry that the info would fall into the hands of a zealous prosecutor,  organized crime or worse.  I prefer to use provider references, when this isn't acceptable I have given personal matterial to providers.  I'd rather trust a provider with a good rep. than these guys.

I've never used a verification site. By the time I was made aware of them, I had already written a few reviews and had references.
Never been ASKED to go through a verification site either.
But my needs and circumstances are different than others, and I can see where the value of discretion makes a verify site like rs2000 or the others quite compelling and useful for many.

Wanna ride ?
Just ax` me for a ride :)


-- Modified on 10/26/2005 10:45:36 AM

OJSimpson1795 reads

Maybe you can pick me up.  Can you drop me off on Cherry St? I wanna visit my hood, from back in the day...

Bizzaro Superdude2237 reads

The ones that accept me, know me from my posts - and are accepting of the green color....  and I carefully come to their place and discreetly as possible....  hide my donating green in a white envelop and that seems to work better than RS2000 - and other such services...

While I have had the verification actually done on me, and I carry a business card to the encounter.... I have found that I have been told that, at least on the phone, I give off a lot of good vibes - and so I have not had to go through the agony of a lengthly verification process....  even though I know that some of the ladies I see, do an extensive background check.  I also, usually have really enjoyable sessions....   so when others don't - I have to think it has something to do with attitude...

Aside from my approach here on the boards, in real, REAL life - I suspect that you would not know it was me - coming to your door.... for trickin & treatin!!  lol.... I truly crack me up!!

it worked well.  Some providers knew of it, called, and voila - an appointmnet.  Some who weren't familiar but were curious, connected w/ RS2K, and found it to be "useful."

The down side is that once you've been in the hobby for awhile and accumulate references, it becomes rather useless.  Thankfully, its only $50 - one time fee.

ma vie3230 reads

Works well for me if the lady accepts verification site reference.  Only about one in ten does.

Saves hassle waiting for references to get checked.

-- Modified on 10/26/2005 7:02:42 PM

MTM2078 reads

Hmm!  See that my first reply never got on here.

Didn't know there were so many verification sites available!  So far, I've bbeen rel;ying on personal contacts and e-mails & I haven't had a problem at all.

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