Did they give a reason for the delay / why you had to chase it down? I'm also pretty motivated, but feel like I'll just piss them off if I keep pestering. There's obviously something about my info they didn't like, I just wish I knew what.
Hi all, I’m new to the hobby and trying to get verified by Alena. A few months ago, I sent them my info and never got a response, even after follow-ups.
I’m trying again, but I’m wondering if they possibly have an age requirement? I’m a bit on the young side for the hobby, but I don’t think it should matter? Anyone familiar?
I don't deal with agencies so I don't know if Alena is legitimate, maybe that's the problem. If they are whatever requirements are probably listed on their website, maybe you didn't follow their requirements? I'm only guessing, but if they're not responding then something about your messages is making them cautious or they're not handling their business very well. If they don't get back to you after your latest try then move on and give someone else your money.
Yeah, I'm having the same frustration. All reviews indicate how easy it is to get set up with Alena, but I'm getting completely ghosted. I sent a friendly follow-up maybe 4 days after the initial email, and nothing. Funny you mention age requirement, because I thought maybe I'm too old (40s)! They also say "IPHONE" on the website, but that would exclude like 40% of America, so that would be silly.
Anyway, their loss, as I'm a very generous tipper. Maybe I'll try again in a few months.
I recently got verified. I had to chase a bit but got it done in the e nd. Was highly motivated as the girls there look super hot and reasonable prices. Haven’t booked a date yet due to busy work schedule. Good luck, and check your spam mail folder just in case.
Did they give a reason for the delay / why you had to chase it down? I'm also pretty motivated, but feel like I'll just piss them off if I keep pestering. There's obviously something about my info they didn't like, I just wish I knew what.
I've been in the hobby for a while, have had no issues with seeing providers over the years. Similar to what others reported, I sent an email, never heard back, sent a follow-up perhaps two weeks later, never heard back. I gave up on them for a time, but after a year I got interested again in one of their providers and so I figured what the hell, I'll try one last time to get verified. No response whatsoever. It's a shame, and it appears to be a systemic problem with that agency.
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