Review FAQ

Legal disclaimer

Prostitution or exchanging any kind of sexual service for money is illegal. (You can give it away for free, but you can't sell it.) Therefore, everything contained in this site is a work of fiction that is published for entertainment and amusement purposes only. The reviews are stories that have been submitted by users of The Erotic Review.

How does the review rating system work?

Your reviews should be as honest and objective as possible since a TER staff member will verify them. Even so, actual experiences still vary due to the simple fact that everyone has their own opinion. A lady’s performance may also vary from client to client, or from one encounter to the next, so please try to be fair. Please use the rating system below to express your thoughts on and experiences with each provider. Tell us how the provider measured up to your expectations. Also, save the 8 and 9 appearance ratings for ultra-special ladies. The 10 rating should be reserved for a provider who just lived up to your most powerful fantasy.

To rate the provider’s appearance and performance, please use the following:
She was a one in a million.
It was a one in a million.
She was model material.
I forgot it was a service.
She was really hot.
She went the extra mile.
She was attractive.
It was really hot
She was nice looking.
It was a nice time.
She was plain looking
OK, If you are drunk
She just laid there.
She was fairly homely.
It was barely worth the effort.
She was simply ugly.
I should have stayed home.
I was really scared.
A total rip-off.

For performance ratings, it is asked that you please save the 8, 9, and 10 ranks for situations where out of the ordinary services are provided (i.e. Blow Job - without condom, Kissing - with tongue, Anal - Yes, and Really Bi - Yes, More than One Guy - Yes). Of course, the 10 rating should be reserved for an experience that is really worth a million!

In order to keep our overall performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she performs one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are performed, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum. Remember, it’s your review; within these guidelines you still get to decide what her score should be. You do not have to give her the 'extra point'.

The rest of the review is fairly simple to fill out. If you have any questions, ask a Review Question and we will respond.

What are some common reasons for reject a review?

  1. Any review that we believe is false will not be posted.
  2. The Provider doesn't advertise on the net.
  3. The URL is missing or the link to the website is bad.
  4. Not one of the following criteria for contact information was given: No phone or pager numbers, email address, or reservation form.
  5. The client hasn’t written any or enough information in the comments area; or the comments are too nasty or incoherent.

How do i report a problem i've spotted in another user's review?

Our reviews aren’t worth much if they aren’t up to date or accurate. But we’ve managed to solve this problem by enlisting your help. If you take exception to a review, click on the Report A Problem button located in that particular review and tell us what’s wrong. For each problem you correctly report, we’ll credit your account with 2 VIP days! Where else can you help yourself by helping others?

Why was my review rejected because of a bad website?

The lady being reviewed must have an advertisement on the web that includes her name and any one type of the following contact information: phone number, pager, email address or reservation form. You must also enter the lady’s web address in the "Web Site" field. If she advertises on an adult mall, a link that takes us directly to her ad will speed up your review process. To create this link, find the picture of the girl at the mall site and right click (or SHIFT+CLICK) on her photo. A pop up menu will appear. Choose the option to “Open in a new window.” The direct link will appear in the address bar above. Copy and paste that address into your review. Remember, names of escort agencies or newspapers aren’t good enough. Classified ads are also unacceptable. Only URL or web links will pass muster. The only exceptions to this rule are massage parlor reviews.

I reviewed a massage parlor girl and it was posted, why didn't i get vip credit?

Massage Parlor reviews are accepted and posted in the Massage Parlor section, due to their popularity with our members. However, these reviews will not receive membership credit because the majority of Massage Parlors don’t advertise on the web, with the names of their girls on the web advertisement (internet advertising is a TER must for posting). MP enthusiasts usually choose to share their experiences with other members, despite the fact that they won’t receive credit for their submission. The choice is up to you.

My review was turned down for being too old. what does this mean?

Each review must recount a visit that took place within the last three months in order to be timely. A lot can change with a provider ¬ even in this relatively short period. Reviews older than 3 months will not be posted.

My review was turned down due to the lack of details

We look for reviews that fully describe the provider, the encounter and the enjoyment of the experience (or lack of enjoyment). There should be a full understanding of all the events that transpired. Both the General and Juicy Details section have been set up to house elaborate descriptions of your encounter. The General Details section should contain generalized, broader comments about the provider and your experience. At this point, do not mention specific sexual acts or price; just give the members a tease. The Juicy Details section should be used to describe the provider, the experience, and whether or not you enjoyed the session in graphic emotional and sexual terms. Don’t make this space a recap of the General section. Instead, go for a blow-by-blow tell-all of your session with the provider from your own unique point of view. Remember, your opinion matters! Both the General and Juicy details should be at least four lines long or (preferably) longer.

My review was turned down for not being objective. what does that mean?

If you speculate on something about the provider that we cannot verify, such as she seemed to be high on drugs, was drunk, diseased, or some other supposition, your review will be rejected on that basis. Your review will also be turned down for using foul language. Even if you have been ripped off, please try to keep the tone of your review at a mature, fair level.

My review was not verifiable. what does that mean?

We use this term if we suspect the review is false. The burden of proof is on the member who wrote the review.

My review was rejected for being inconsistent. what does that mean?

This occurs when the reviewer pens a great review, yet gives the provider low performance ratings or vice versa. Also, if a well known provider who continually gets glowing reviews and high performance points is suddenly at an all time low, our suspicions as to the veracity of this review are aroused. We also use this term if the review states facts that other members have contradicted. The burden of proof is on the member who wrote the review.

My review was rejected for being incomplete. what does that mean?

Information such as the cost of services, the provider's contact information, or the provider's name was not included in your review.

My review was rejected because the provider was delisted. what does that mean?

The provider has asked to be taken down, banned, was caught posting false reviews, has retired, etc. In short, we won’t carry information about her anymore.

My review was accepted and i was credited 15 days, but it says: "not applicable." what does that mean?

This term has nothing to do with the subject matter discussed or the reviewer. An approved review with ‘Not Applicable’ on it will still be used, and the writer will still be credited. A New Review with ‘Not Applicable’, simply means a review that has not yet been examined by our staff.

My review was rejected and i would like to resubmit it. how can i do that?

You can edit and resubmit the updated review by going to the VIP Community, then Account Manager, and then List My Reviews. You will be able to edit only those reviews with an the edit button next to them. If they only have a VIEW Button, they cannot be rewritten.

I read a certain provider's reviews yesterday, but i can't find them now. what happened?

First check to see if she has a bad website by using the Search Reviews feature. Set "exclude bad website" to NO, and search for the provider. If you still do not see the provider, it is possible she may have been delisted. A provider is Delisted when the provider has asked to be taken down, banned, was caught posting false reviews, has retired, etc.

I sent in my review a couple of days ago. how long will it take for my review to be posted?

Once you submit a review it may take anywhere from two to four days before it shows up on the site. This is because we check your information to verify its validity, first. We don’t want to compromise TER’s integrity by posting biased reviews written by the ladies themselves, or their pissed off ex-boyfriends! Remember, it is the accuracy and honesty of our reviews that lend credence to this site, and make it an indispensable tool for you to use in your quest for satisfying encounters.

What are the guidelines for submitting a review?
  1. You must sign up for a username before submitting a review. A username is required so we may credit your reviews and keep others from posting their own material under your name. A username also protects your anonymity and reputation. If you do not have a username, please click here to sign up for one, FREE.
  2. Be fair and honest in your reviews -- this is what the providers do for a living. Try not to be swayed – for good or bad – by any emotions you may feel immediately following an encounter as your feelings may change over the next day or two. FAIR WARNING: We will not post any review that slams or denigrates a provider, nor will we post reviews that contain such derogatory terms such as: cunt, bitch, slut or any other wording that we deem inappropriate or hurtful. TER has created a community where hobbyists can help a member find exactly what he’s looking for – or warn someone away from a provider that doesn’t look, act or perform as advertised.
  3. Members appreciate being warned about ROB’s, Bait & Switch providers, or dangerous or dirty situations. Some members are sensitive to dirt, animals, noise or smoking, so be sure to mention anything of note in your review.
  4. The provider being reviewed must have a current advertisement on the web that includes her name and at least one type of the following contact information: phone number, pager, email address or reservation form.
  5. A phone number isn't required for posting. If the provider doesn't wish to give out her phone number, please respect her decision. Type 555-555-1212 in the phone number field instead of a real number.
  6. You must also enter the provider’s web address in the "Web Site" field, along with her site name. If she advertises on an adult mall, a link that takes us directly to her ad will speed up your review process. To make the link, find the picture of the girl at the mall site and right click (or SHIFT+CLICK) on her photo. A pop up menu will appear. Choose the option to “Open in a new window.” The direct link will appear in the address bar above. Copy and paste that address into your review. Remember, names of escort agencies or newspapers aren’t good enough. Classified ads are also unacceptable. Only URL or web links will pass muster.
  7. Massage Parlors are accepted and posted in the Massage Parlor section. However, these reviews will not receive membership credit because the majority of Massage Parlors don't advertise on the web with the names of their girls on the web advertisement (internet advertising is a TER must for posting.)
  8. In order to keep our overall performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she performs one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are performed, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum. Remember, it’s your review; within these guidelines you still get to decide what her score should be. You do not have to give her the ‘extra point’.
  9. You may also submit an update on a provider that you have already reviewed, but you won’t be credited for an additional 15 days. Your new review must be a complete rewrite that adds something new to the experience. Your old review will remain.
  10. Each review should recount a visit that took place within the last three months in order to be timely. A lot can change with a provider - even in this relatively short amount of time.
  11. Both the General and Juicy Details section have been set up to house elaborate descriptions of the encounter. The General Details section should contain generalized, broader comments about the provider and your experience. At this point, do not mention specific sexual acts or price; just give the members a tease. The Juicy Details section should be used to describe the provider, the experience, and whether or not you enjoyed it in graphic emotional and sexual terms. Don’t make this space a recap of the General section. Instead, go for a blow-by-blow tell-all of your session with the provider from your own unique point of view. Remember, your opinion matters! Both the General and Juicy details should be at least four lines long or (preferably) longer. Make your reviews candid, informative and interesting to read. What are the most important qualities you look for before deciding to meet a provider? Be sure to put those things in your review.
  12. Reviews cannot be submitted by the provider (self-review) or submitted by anyone directly related to the provider (husband, brother, roommate, other provider, etc.). Reviews cannot be submitted from the provider's computer.  Breaking these rules will result in the provider’s profile being delisted, if caught. Repeat offenders are subject to being permanently banned from TER.
  13. TER has a policy against exchanging good reviews for favors (free or discounted meetings, etc.) or anything of value. (TER also has a policy against attempting to get free or discounted meetings, etc. by threatening a bad review.) Remember, you are trying to be help other members get the best bang for their buck, and fake or inaccurate reviews don’t do that.
  14. Most of all, have fun!
  15. Reviews which violate TER’s policies (as periodically updated), as determined by TER in its sole discretion, will be removed and any credit will be taken away. TER reserves the right to cancel the membership of anyone that violates any of TER’s policies, and may ban a member if TER believes that the violations were willful, repeated or flagrant.
  16. By providing us with content or posting content, including reviews, you assign to The Erotic Review all intellectual property rights you have in the content. This assignment includes, but is not limited to, all rights of copyright in the content you post and in all derivative works, and to any and all causes of action accrued or accruing for infringement of the copyright in the content. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against The Erotic Review, its sublicensees or assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property right: your provision of content to The Erotic Review, your posting of content using this website, and The Erotic Review’s use of such content (including of works derived from it). You also represent and warrant that the content you post on The Erotic Review has not and will not be posted anywhere else by you. We are not obligated to post any review and we reserve the right not to credit, or to remove credit from writers of reviews we do not post or cancel later.
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