Washington DC

Whatever. I am off to Chicago with Gemini 9/22-23 and Nashville 9/29-30. eom
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2096 reads


Had 4 appts scheduled. Everyone cancelled. One provider would not give a reference. Oh well at least the guys gave me a heads up. Bye.

Everyone cancelled? Sheeze! This town really is going gay.

Er...um...not that there's anything wrong with that.

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 2:34:08 PM

is about to get blown over -- and the country crooners won't know what hit em -- enjoy

With Angie, that makes TWO now Lex.  Guys, what are you DOING?  These are visitors.  They don't post lousy stuff about us on Marilyn's.  If it keeps up, the visitors will be the only SAFE providers to see.  Only problem?  There won't be any LEFT!

We know how to treat quality----

I was filing away my gambling cards and drooling over memories of Gemini Starr in her white wedding dress and cleavage, oh yes, that was a good party! No, she wasn't getting married, it was the other board's get together in Vegas...(humming)....nights in white satin...

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