Washington DC

She maybe your hidden gem let us know. Eomred_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 15 reads


A gal DMed me on TikTok and after establishing we both lived in the NoVa area, we moved the communication to Telegram. She immediately offered $100 for an hour and $300 for an overnight, with every sex act imaginable available. Of course I have not responded -- the prices are ridiculous -- but I'm curious what her game is here. Ask for some cash upfront and then no-show? Something else?

See where it ends up , but keep your guard up and your spidey-senses on alert.

How are we supposed to guess what she's up to??

Why don't you play along and see where it goes?

There’s a chance it’s legitimate, honestly.

Chat with her further to get a feel on her familiarity with the industry - there’s a lot of ladies out there who want to be providers, but are entirely unaware of the value of their services.  

If it works out, tip her to compensate her value and inform her of her options, how to review the market, places she can advertise, how she can verify clients, etc! If the low rates are purely innocent ignorance, you would have an opportunity to make a positive difference in her life by giving her this information.

Just some thoughts 💛

I have found that everyone who contacts me on Tik Tok lives near me, or at least in Maryland.  I got one who seemed legit until she got some info from me then she was going to call my family etc.  i ignored her (at least claimed she was a she). Forewarned is good, I will not engage any more on that app.  Good luck and be safe.

jam63228 reads

Probability that a someone who's only on TikTok is a legit provider is very small. Probably looking to get $ in advance or blackmail/threat.

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