Washington DC

Re: Carols?
TERP410 21 Reviews 41 reads

BWI, hermano

Wondering what everyone's favorite current agencies are these days for hot, young girls in BWI, Tysons, and DC.  It's hard to beat Carol's for Brazilians at this point, but are there any good Eastern European or American agencies around anymore?  I'm a little leery of the Asian agencies because many of the girls allow bareback, and I don't want to catch something.  I usually steer clear of girls that allow this even if I myself aways wrap my tool just out of an abundance of caution.  Indies have gotten too damn expensive for anything except the occasional indulgence and I'm curious what the current go-to's are.

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I'm not big on agencies but I've used two - Tyson Girls and Discreet Story. I've had good luck with both although I haven't used either a lot.  

DS has nice girls and they do not offer BBFS. I am like you and wouldn't use them if they did.

I always like Private Liaisons - met some fun girls through them, and when compared to Jennifer's the girls matched their photos.  

Elite, Jens, Tysons in VA.  Carol's, Erotesvip in MD.  The MD agencies & Elite are the best to me. The other two hit an occasional homer. Not aware of any E. Euro agencies since xo.  

Anyone know of non-asian agencies actually in DC, or at least close VA near a metro?  Driving 30 min from work is getting to be a pain.

I’ll pile on here.  Hauling out to Tysons is a pain.  I miss BOS when they had a location in DC.

Any agencies operating in DC, Alexandria, or Arlington?  Asian or otherwise?

I’m actually interested in the Asian agency’s but have always refused to give all the screening info they want (drivers license, work site etc) .   Are there Asian agencies that don’t have as invasive screening criteria? I’m happy to provide references, deposits and p411.

The best you can do on that is just offer that information up and see if they take it. Some will not, largely because they don't need to as they have plenty of business already. Some might if they feel they need to increase the customer base. And, if some new one's open up they might be even more open to accepting references and P411 and TER ID to get a good start. But that will likely mean you need to be aware of its existance in the first week or so and you may find they are not all that great. However, if you are with them and even do a little business they they can become a spring board to more established agencies -- the K-agencies seem to greatly prefer references from other Asians and even other K-Agencies (not all are antagonistic towards each other) while seldom accepting other references.

How about Velvet Room. I'm interested in Julia but leery of the screening. Does anyone have experience with this agency?

I've got an eye on Julia as well. I did follow their screening procedure and got cleared very quickly - within minutes.

Unfortunately there is no pre-booking - only same day appointments, The "booker" is very nice and easy to deal with and told me the girls all have very variable schedules and it's rare to be able to book in advance. I'm waiting for an opportunity to see Julia but last minute is tough for me most of the time.

So I have not used them yet but have gone through with verification.

I pm'd a few of Julia's recent reviewers and a few responded so if you have questions about anything I'd go that route.

somethinglikethis38 reads

QQ on the Velvet room  

what info do they ask for verification? reference from 2 providers or PII?


PII. Only the second time I've given in to that.

somethinglikethis46 reads

Thanks for the reply i was hoping it wasn't PII lol

Can't give up PII. They say they destroy it once you're verified but if the recent busts of the J-orgs, etc in Tysons tells you anything, it's that they don't. NEVER give up PII. No piece of pussy is worth it. If they don't take P411 or references, move on fellas.

Yeah I totally agree. This is a DISCREET hobby for me and I want to keep it that way. More than willing to give references from here and other platforms I'm on but will not do PII. That's the hangup I have with P411.

WHAT exactly is your hangup with P411??

Bumping this thread with a question.  I'll be visiting and would love to get some Brazilian company.  Can't find a Carols anywhere.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  

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