
Re: maybe I misread something then. Sorry.
crutsinger 13 Reviews 712 reads

First paragraph of the article:  

Actress Mia Isabella claims she’s engaged in a relationship for almost three years with the rapper, revealing text-message exchanges and NSFW pictures between the two online

I'm told sports figures, musicians, actors, etc... are often clients but no provider had ever once named any names to me. Interesting article.....see the link.

Cheating is of course very bad.. but...  

It is (kind of) nice to see celebrities into transwomen.  There are probably tons of famous fans out there who are too ashamed to admit it.  Maybe one day we won't be so taboo.

Taylor, I think that the taboo status of transwomen is disappearing and will soon be gone entirely.

I absolutely agree. They ruin it for themselves too. Who would go and see them after doing that?

Yeah.. I know.  I would never do that.  Still sucks when you have to cheat.  Even though, sometimes men have fabulous reasons for doing so.

She is from Joliet? I did not know she was from the Midwest.  

Is she primarily a movie actress or a stage actress? Does she do any Shakespearean Theatre? She may portray a surprisingly good Lady MacBeth or perhaps Juliet from Joliet?

Guy either pissed her off or, she felt the press could escalate her career...sitting around trying not to work unless money is falling from the sky will put a less ethical companion (oh and she is definitely a companion) on the "attention" path.

That's hollywood!!!!

The article makes that very clear that she is the source.

I read they said "from an anonymous or unknown email"  

By the way is this the "Mia Isabella" ts from porn they're talking about? Or who is this person? An actress? Couldn't find pics or a link that would lead me to her pics. Can anyone explain or tell me who she is?

First paragraph of the article:  

Actress Mia Isabella claims she’s engaged in a relationship for almost three years with the rapper, revealing text-message exchanges and NSFW pictures between the two online

Thanks for the link. Why would they keep referring to her as an actress? I guess porn is nothing but acting too but they're usually referred to as "pornstars" which is another term that is misleading... LoL.

Mia Confirmed it wasn't her. Most of the stuff has come from fake IG accounts using her pictures and name. Her only statement was about equal opportunity love. And more bloggers went and flipped that into more BS.

Always good to know both sides of the story.

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