
allenp is an evil man...LOL (eom)
cruiser1 7517 reads


10,000 questions9741 reads

Read a lot of reviews, visited providers web sites and finally found the TS I want for my first time TS experience. Now I'm only worried about how I'm going to get her thick 8 (Some reviewers say 7) inside me! I'd like to be somewhat prepared for this before it happens if thats possible. Is there anything I can do to make it a more pleasurable experience for myself? Are their different tecniques involved? Is there a way to loosen myself up a little before hand? A good way to relax my muscles back there? Safety is huge concern for me, are there any particular brand of condoms that work better for anal than others? Are providers usually receptive to requests to use a specified brand? Is there any way to um..."clean" myself in there? I once saw a GG provider in Chicago who had Greek on the menu. She was open to same day appts, but insisted on 24 hr notice for Greek so she could "prepare" herself. I never thought to ask about that. Any ideas on what such preperations one would make? Thanx in advance for your help.

Alcohol or anything else to relax you. Dildos can help get you stretched out before hand and douche! Most providers will guide you through your newbie experience. Most know to hold it in place after they enter you to let you acclimate to their presence. Bear through the initial pain and it will pass and then it will be easy sailing from there.

TS Star9345 reads

If this is your first time, why would you want to try a big, thick 8" one?   It's a common mistake you can read about on boards like this.   Guys THINK they want the BIGGEST and THICKEST for the first time, only to find out they can't take it - literaly.

I'm not telling you what to do, and maybe you CAN take it, but it might be something to think about.

Also, be aware that some girls do NOT appriciate a guy showing up at their door drunk or wacked out on drugs to help them "relax".  (If anyone shows up at MY door like that, they don't get in.)  If you are concerned about safety, then booze and drugs and sex can be a bad combination as it tends to mess up your judgement on things sometimes.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but it's only my opinion.

-- Modified on 6/7/2005 6:01:28 PM

I agree with Star, you should start with someone that is gentle and shy. There is a little lady on the West Side close to the old Peanuts that could ease you through the process. Her name is Ednita and her number is (323)913-1271. Don't come on to strong with her, you could scare her off!!!!!

This is the second time I have seen him do this to a newbie.  Ednita has a GIGANTIC dick.

I have been bad and want to make it up to you. Try a little lady by the name of Ivy (310)858-8288. I know that some of the guys think I am evil. I hope this will change their minds. Good luck!!

10,000 questions8525 reads

Thanks for the response. I wasn't out searching for the biggest or thickest. I was searching for the provider in my area that had the best reviews, had a reasonable rate, and truly enjoyed being a top. She just happens to be 8 and thick, although some reviewers say it's less than that,(7) and that's the size most of the providers in my area are advertising anyway. I'm a little more worried about the girth then the length. I agree with you that showing up drunk would be a bad idea, but maybe just a nice buzz from a beer or two to take the edge off? Any suggestions on other ways to relax?

8ISENOUGH8912 reads

yeah, that's exactly what he needs, Ednita? For your info 10,000 questions, Ednita is probably 10" and thick. And one of the more agressive TSgirls out there. However, going to Peanuts is an excellent call.

highendts8816 reads

If you are young and healthy
get an enema before then go to the sex shop
buy a butt plug and some JUNGLE JUICE

Hahaha...  Good ole Jungle Juice!  Don't you love the look on someone's face as you plow them when the rush hits after a few whiffs?  

You forgot to advise the poor future anal recipient not to take PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra with nitrate poppers like Jungle Juice.  Also take care in using nitrates if you are on blood pressure medication. The nitrates cause sphincter dialation, which makes insertion easier, but they also cause dialation in the smooth muscle tissue that surrounds the vascular system and this creates a rapid drop in blood pressure. Don't go cheap on lube.  I suggest EROS original formula or JO Systems.  These tend not to dry or turn tacky, yet are latex safe.

Preparation is key in all things.... I would stay away from the very largest providers at first... douche/enema before going to see the lady... one idea that I have read is to fill an appropriate sized plastic bottle with warm water, lube and insert it... the warmth will help you RELAX... enjoy...

dolley6852 reads


-- Modified on 6/11/2005 5:06:22 PM

-- Modified on 6/12/2005 11:28:59 AM

talos48073 reads

Have you considered visiting a strap-on domina first? A good pro-domme will have a selection of dildos from beginner to advanced. That's the route I took, and I got quite a bit of experience that way. By the time I saw my first TS, I enjoyed a good ass hammering, and I feel no pain anymore even hen taken by a real whopper.

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