The Erotic Highway

There's a learning curve in the sugar world
hiddenhills 143 Reviews 107 reads

Just like In the escort world.  The same advice you see on the newbie board about reading back pages on the newbie to gain insight is true here. Scroll back as many pages as you feel like, and you'll get many answers to your sugar questions.

 I retired from the sugar world as I didn't have all the time necessary for the sugar world. I prefer the find em, fuck em, forget about em method of seeing escorts.
Posted By: lopaw

So against my better judgement I signed up on SA to see what more mischief I could get into. Being distracted by providers and masseuses had me not checking SA for a few weeks after signup. Now I check it and there are so many message & interests....I mean A LOT.  I can't read any of them, of course, unless I pony up some $$$. My question is - are all of those messages & interests real, or are they basically BS and made up in an attempt to separate me from more of my hard earned money?

So against my better judgement I signed up on SA to see what more mischief I could get into. Being distracted by providers and masseuses had me not checking SA for a few weeks after signup. Now I check it and there are so many message & interests....I mean A LOT.  I can't read any of them, of course, unless I pony up some $$$. My question is - are all of those messages & interests real, or are they basically BS and made up in an attempt to separate me from more of my hard earned money?

I'd say it's both. There will obviously be a mix of scammers in there. :)

If there is a few that peak your interest and don't mind spending the $80, I'd say go for it. Always feels like a full time job finding the real ones.

...many are delusional and still others are outright scammers.  But they are real.  I've been using SA actively for about 3 years and have never found a profile I could say was created just to make it appear like there are many SBs. Never.  And that's a whole lot more than can be said for other fraudulent websites like A.M, or A.F.F. et al.  

Lopaw, I know you are a real and active enthusiast.  I assure you that many of the women on SA are equally or primarily seeking an Arrangement with a Sugar Momma and would be thrilled to hear from you.  You will have to eliminate the scammers, wade through a sea of delusional newbies who believe they are going to be given a fortune, and also those who think an arrangement does not include sex.  But the payoff is huge.  I have two very lovely young things right now who give me a fantastic experience every time we play, and am going to start up with a third one tomorrow.  Each one charges me less per date and gives me more time per date than I could get with an escort. Feel free to reply here or pm me with any questions.

I was referring to the ones who pose as girls, but are young guys goofing around. I've come across a few of those.

Just like In the escort world.  The same advice you see on the newbie board about reading back pages on the newbie to gain insight is true here. Scroll back as many pages as you feel like, and you'll get many answers to your sugar questions.

 I retired from the sugar world as I didn't have all the time necessary for the sugar world. I prefer the find em, fuck em, forget about em method of seeing escorts.

Posted By: lopaw

So against my better judgement I signed up on SA to see what more mischief I could get into. Being distracted by providers and masseuses had me not checking SA for a few weeks after signup. Now I check it and there are so many message & interests....I mean A LOT.  I can't read any of them, of course, unless I pony up some $$$. My question is - are all of those messages & interests real, or are they basically BS and made up in an attempt to separate me from more of my hard earned money?

Lopaw, once you get the hang of SA I think you will be THRILLED with the return on investment, and I have a funny feeling that the ones who actually prefer a Sugar Momma over a Sugar Daddy will be willing to be with you for a fraction of hooker rates and even lower than what us guys enjoy here.  

Yes, there are a lot of scammers and would be scammers, but I was counting up the number of SB's I have "been with" over the last year or so and it's well into the dozens. So YES, many of these women are most definitely "for real" I think it's well worth the eighty buck investment and then feel free to run any questions you have about the POT SB's that contact you by the rest of us and we will be happy to share our own experiences with you. Or you can always reach out to me directly and I'll be happy to help, and don't worry about me trying to "poach" your SB's, even though we have very similar tastes in women, I am rarely anywhere near So Cal. lol

Must agree!  Please don't lock down all the hot Asian SB's! especially the 18-23 year old ones.  

I'd be devastated... and would have to comfort myself with just Latina LBFM's, and everyone knows there's precious few of those in Los Angeles.....  no, wait...    

No.... no that might be an exaggeration.  :p seems like there are an unusually large number of young Asian chickies who have left me messages.

I'll see what I can do.  
No promises :D

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