The Erotic Highway

HenryMiller 3 Reviews 12147 reads

Life is never simple, never "black and white." People have different drives... money, power, sex, beauty, family.  Our social mores were written by people whose life span ended at 45. Things are more complicated now. At this point in our society, family and money and power are a closely tied bundle. Sex is excluded from the equation.

SO... if you find someone to have great sex with, and it's not your wife... well, that's where we are.

Do providers really care if hobbist is married? If they ask I don't lie, I tell them I am.

I really think that's going to depend on the individual provider.  Some might have strict rules on the subject; others might not.

Love Goddess13377 reads

Good thing, nutandbolt,

There hasn't been a TER poll for it yet, but my experience tells me that providers sometimes feel a little safer with married clients. Mostly because the potential stalker factor lessens considerably. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but on the whole, it's much nicer to know that the client is going home to someone else at the end of the day, and not lurking or getting strange ideas in his head. Otherwise I don't think it matters that much. If you are a nice and considerate client who treats the provider with respect and sensitivity, your marital status becomes irrelevant.

the Love Goddess

LG I agree with you that most ladies prefer married men to us single guys for the reasons you have stated.  Being single, this concern has come up with almost every provider that I see on a regular basis.  Once I inform them that I have an SO they do seem to become more relaxed with me.

When I was a new provider, I swore I'd never see married men. Then of course my business was cut 90% and I rethought that policy. At first, it really killed me. Not because I was sleeping with a married man, no. It was because I never met one who didn't worship his wife. Never did a married man say to me, "My wife is awful, I'm only with her until the kids are grown." I heard just the opposite, "My wife is the best wife and mother, she's damn near perfect." Then I'd ask, "Well, why the hell are you risking all that by being here?" The answers were one of two things, "Well, I just need strange every now and then" or "I don't know. We have sex two times a week but I still want/need more."

Eventually I stopped asking because at one point, I started believing that no matter what we, as women and wives do, the men are going to cheat. Then I had to remind myself that I'm not meeting the many faithful husbands out there, only the ones who are cheating. I'm a lot happier now. LOL

I, myself, prefer a good client. Doesn't matter if he's single or married, just so long as he's decent to me, pays his fee without complaint and respect our time together. I don't worry about stalking or relationship wanters anymore with singles than I do with marrieds and I've never had a problem with it, either. I do keep boundaries and they are very clear from the beginning, so I think this minimizes the risk of issues in all directions.

So, don't fear singles, I'm as happy to see you as I am the married men. Sometimes moreso because you don't have a time limit you can be away and we can enjoy whatever happens for as long as we'd both like no matter the clock. :)


She would tell her married clients: "maybe you love your wife, but don't tell me that you are a good husband." She speaks her mind; that's way I keep going back to her. :-)

I would never even bring up the subject of my marriage unless the provider asked about it.

I figured why bother?  There are far more cheerful subjects to bring up.

I also would say nothing against her (though I could) because it just seemed kind of sordid.  I would say that her interest in sex had waned (which is an understatement) and let it go at that.

I have a hard time trying to understand why a married man would sing the praises of his wife to a provider.  I suspect many must be lying, or else why are they with you?

Perhaps they want to enforce the seperation and disabuse you of any ideas of getting together with them; as if.

Life is never simple, never "black and white." People have different drives... money, power, sex, beauty, family.  Our social mores were written by people whose life span ended at 45. Things are more complicated now. At this point in our society, family and money and power are a closely tied bundle. Sex is excluded from the equation.

SO... if you find someone to have great sex with, and it's not your wife... well, that's where we are.

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