The Erotic Highway

Re: Yup, the truth works well for me too! As does the boat!
airmantroy 28 Reviews 143 reads

The Jay Hickman "Boat Ride" joke comes to mind....Cause women LOOOOOVE boats...

I've got a nice center console and and it's amazing how many blow jobs I've gotten simply by asking if they wanted to go hang out at the lake for a few hours..

PussyPump1365 reads

Created a temporary (non-verified) SB profile last night, just to see what the opposition looks like (literally, in some cases).  

1) Numbers
There are 6,600+ SBs within a 25 mile radius, and 1,600+ SDs. Ratio is almost exactly 4:1. I like those odds, even if they are not as good as those claimed by SA (10:1 ?).

2) Ages
I was surprised by the age profile of the SDs. Younger than I had anticipated - most SDs are not daddies! More than half seemed to be under 40. About 600 of 1,600 were over 40. Very steep drop off in numbers over 60. Oldest I noticed was one of 72.   However, I also noticed that some of those who said they were in their 50s looked older to me.

3) Wealth/Income
Who knew there were so, so many Daddies with 10+ million in assets , and 1+ million pa?!! Every second to third guy! Lots with 100+ million in assets! Clearly the worth/income questions are utterly meaningless.  

4) Photos
Was not scientific in counting, but my impressions is that somewhere between half to 2/3 of the profiles had photos.  Surprised me that there were so many.  Perhaps consistent with the cultural changes, the younger men seemed more inclined, on average, to have photos.

5) Privacy
Just to illustrate the down side of putting photos on SA, I immediately noticed the profile of one of my co-workers! If he really has over 100 million in assets, as he states, then why is he a wage slave, just like me? :)   Would not be good for him if his SA profile became public knowledge.  Nothing to fear from me, but the potential is clearly there.  

6) Pitches
Were all over the place. From offers of substantial monthly allowances, to no money at all, just access to a 9" "package," or no money, but travel. One of the profiles that did look like it belonged to a truly rich SD, focused on "mentorship" as the benefit - surprising.

-- Modified on 6/18/2017 2:28:59 PM

GaGambler123 reads

I guess you have proven what we all knew all along. The guys are just as bad at lying as the girls. lol

I don't "pad" my $$ numbers nor "fudge" my age. I am starting to understand now why the SB's I see are always telling me Thank you for being Honest, there is so much Bullshit out there.

GaGambler118 reads

I am sure I could get a lot more "hits" if I fudged on my age and/or padded my financial stats, but I doubt I would get laid anymore often. I would probably get POT SB doing to me exactly what I do to the ones that catfish me, which of course is to ghost on them after the date with rarely so much as an explanation. The liars know they are lying and don't deserve an explanation as to why I no longer have interest in them. I assume that's what happens to the guys that lie too.

That's why I always tell the truth. Maybe it's the military in me. I refuse to lie. I won't even bend it. How could I lie about a 40 foot boat anyway? I am sure I could get way more interest but I am not worried about that. I am looking for fun, good looking ladies and I am finding them with no problem. I told my 25 year old (300 ppm) on the boat yesterday that I could only see her once this month. She was "What, Why Baby?" I cruised to the gas dock on the way back off the lake and pumped $390 of gas into the tanks. I explained it costs me that every weekend in gas. She went "Oh". She then said "Well, I am still coming to the lake and spending time with you, just pay for my gas to get here and give me a $100 every Saturday is that okay?"  Hello honesty. Now she want to bring her friends for the 4th of July weekend.

First off, the OP had some very good info, so thanks.  As for telling the truth, I always do.  Last time I was going sailing 900 miles away from home I sent messages to about 30 SBs telling them exactly what I wanted and could offer.  Sure enough, I found one amazingly cute hottie who simply loved joining me on the boat and screwing my brains out, just for fun and a nominal $200 gift.  

The Jay Hickman "Boat Ride" joke comes to mind....Cause women LOOOOOVE boats...

I've got a nice center console and and it's amazing how many blow jobs I've gotten simply by asking if they wanted to go hang out at the lake for a few hours..

they won't know any better.  After all, we've been telling them that this (holds up fingers about 1/2 inch apart) is 10 inches for years!

MissedOpportunity112 reads

Your info seems similar to what I saw too in my area.  If you assume the million dollar asset guys are full of shit and fakes, and the young guys aren't really competition (as I've heard from multiple SBs, the younger they are, the more likely they don't have the money they say and won't pay dick for meetups, they are just looking for hookups), etc, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of legit SDs does mean it's more of a 10:1 ratio.  Same here that just being honest with them makes all the difference.  

My favorite story is one SB once told me that she was talking with a guy that, surprise surprise, had 2million$ as his net worth on his profile, and when he came to meet her, drove up in a pos car that literally had no steering wheel, he was using a lock wrench.  And of course, "his nice car is in the shop".  

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