The Erotic Highway

Re: The Long Game is a great way to describe it
MDraft 195 reads

I fully agree. I took one out to dinner last night. No hanky panky was agreed to in advance. She told me she's been on the site for a year and so far I was her second date. She screens brutally and doesn't care much about the cash. She likes older men and wants to learn from their life experience. She hinted about good things will come given time.  Even her restaurant choice was modest and looked for the "specials" on the menu to keep the bill low.

Gentlemen, IMHO the SD/SB game should be planned out as a long game and if you decide to enter the foray, plan to be on SA as a paid member for at least 3 months (you can pay monthly as you go along or can pay quarterly). This game is laborious and very time consuming as it can be both very exciting and also quite frustrating. As alluded to in an earlier thread, there are highs and lows so an experienced SD ought not get too euphoric with the highs and should not get his spirits dampened or worse crushed by the lows. As you are seeking a suitor, so are those SBs and trust me that even when the nature of the game is titled to your favor, i.e, transactional; a reasonably good looking SB will receive hundreds of more message than you will ever get unless you are either willing to state your net worth over 10 Mil and have the evidence to pictorially prove by showing many photos in very luxurious and lavish settings or just lie about it and be a douche canoe!

The reason that guys like GaGa, SftD and Z have been successful at it is because they have been active on that site longer than most. To have a full roster, takes time to build up and a potential SB (referred to as POT SB) can get phased out and spooked by the slightest of wrong moves or an something which they may interpret incorrectly either in a text or an email. Always remember that they are on that site for financial benefits and most of them need $$$ ASAP. If they ask you as to how soon you are willing to meet up with them, just like in the hobby when a provider places ad as being available, you must be prepared to make the attempt to meet her before someone else does and have a deal for her in mind. As long as you do not over spend on the meeting (no expensive dinner dates with alcohol which can run the tab up) you can always enjoy a nice outing with someone cute and if that is the end of that, so be it! However, I know that if you make a reasonable offer you will most likely get a real date out of it the next time around.

Just like the Hobby, SBs loath the wishy-washy and indecisive SD who gets tongue toed and who is unable to articulate anything because let's face it, you ability to own the atmosphere in addition to the lure of cash is very intoxicating to most SBs. Also always remember that in this realm, you can always go down on your initial offer later on AFTER you have had her once or twice, if you wish to continue seeing her but do not want to pay as much as before.

Remember these three magic words if they ask you what it is that you want:

- Long term preferred

- Reliable

- Steady

If none of this stuff is worth your time, energy and effort; there are always the good old TER hookers and it's not the end of the World

I really think it is important for the lady to throw out the $$ figure first. Then you can walk and save time and money on silly  let's neets. If she's crazy because she doesn't know the real price of pussy let her reprice..

Try to softly ask about her past arrangement details (the numbers not the personal info) and don't get phased out by a high number as it is an inflated BS number because most often when she notices your reaction or there lack of, she will follow up by saying, "... but that could also be worked out..."  

If she insists on knowing mine first, naturally I play the deflation game and tell her it was like 1200 a month once a week which transitioned to more (I'll be vague as to what got more, money? frequency? perhaps both?) My physician friend who also plays the game in this market swears that he pays 250-300 but I think the lure is that he's a Dr. and that most of these SBs want to be GF'ed up once they find out that he's a Dr. By the same token, he also admitted to me that once there was this ultra, uber hot chick whom he had to have and went for the full Monty of 1K asking price (all nighter). He also pays 500 for the 9's but there are lots of 7's on SA (your TER 9-10).

Actually, spending the time to develop new leads and find new SBs is half the fun of playing on SA.  I love it!  I've been at this for 2 years now and my methods have become refined and work very well for me.  I always have conversations going with several SBs at a time and look forward to each new one with great anticipation.  I find it more enjoyable than dating escorts perhaps because it does take much more time and finesse.

MDraft196 reads

I fully agree. I took one out to dinner last night. No hanky panky was agreed to in advance. She told me she's been on the site for a year and so far I was her second date. She screens brutally and doesn't care much about the cash. She likes older men and wants to learn from their life experience. She hinted about good things will come given time.  Even her restaurant choice was modest and looked for the "specials" on the menu to keep the bill low.

Yep - I am new to this EH board and the SD/SB scene. Even being new to it, I can tell that patience is a virtue in this game - not unlike the P4P game, especially if you want quality and value. Anyone can go buy an expensive provider - and enjoy the quality of the experience. But the real trick is to take time - sort through the boards and fine quality and value. And no I am not a cheap skate, but I am like anyone else, I understand the value of dollars and how hard they are to come by.

GaGambler249 reads

Some of these dates are what have led to most of my "free" sex from SB's.

Come to think of it, every times I have gotten "free" sex from sugar babies, with only one exception, it has come after dinner/drinks or just drinks alone. My very best experience came after we consumed three bottles of wine. She was amazed that a guy of "my age" could still perform after all that drinking. I told her she had "no idea" about my ability to drink and fuck. Full disclosure did NOT seem like a great idea at the time however. I doubt she would have remained in my bed if I had told her about the thousands of hookers I have fucked in other countries, mainly while drunk. lol

I will agree that going down on your rate with an SB, especially on a per visit basis is much easier to negotiate with an SB than with a hooker. I have a couple of young SB's that will see me for a hundred bucks, but I agreed to see them VERY often. (multiple times per week)

I suppose I should mention that while I will NOT over pay for either hookers or sugar babies, blowing a few hundred bucks on dinner doesn't bother me in the least. It's usually me, not the lady driving up the tab with drinks/wine. It's something I enjoy and I don't blink an eye at a several hundred dollar dinner or bar tab.

I am looking for a LTR with one or two SBs, and I am confident I will have it soon enough. But I have only paid for one month of VIP and once that expires I have no intention of renewing. Yes, the chase is intoxicating and absorbing, too absorbing. Even after I have had a full dance card, I have kept chasing. Since the pipeline grows and shrinks somewhat unpredictably (though I am trying to understand why that happens, if there is any logic to what happens), chasing two many asses has not been a big problem, though it has extended the time to see is there is any chance of a connection with some potential SBs.

But after a month I am seeing a lot of the same faces, I have enough solid prospects, and I do not want to spend the time chasing new girls. I do not see the value.

OTOH, my evaluation and decision about who will be my SB(s) probably will happen after my VIP has expired. And there will still be some prospective SBs I am talking with and will see for a first date. So it is a long game, but I do not think one needs to be a SA VIP for long periods of time to play it. Perhaps if I were in a smaller city where total supply is less, so new supply is critical, I would feel differently, but that is not the case in Chicago.

I plan to post on my month of VIP in more detail shortly.


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