The Erotic Highway

Re: SA is not so good for LTR
silverbeachbud 106 Reviews 156 reads

yes, please send the link to the service you mention.  thanks  

PhantomRailRoader1515 reads

I'm up to speed on the sugar dating but I haven't found much on Long Term Arrangements (LTR).  I get that there is a financial aspect to the LTR.  I guess what my question is, what is the difference between Sugar Dating and LTR?

If you want LTR, I think first you need to be a high net worth person who can afford a generous  monthly allowance.  Second, I have found that most of the ladies on S/A are regulars who just want PPM.    

For the high net worth guys (which sadly is not me) I do have a link to a service that can hook you up with models, airline flight attendants, female lawyers, etc. The service has a web site, but a lot of people don't know about it.  Be prepared to shell out.  Message me if you seriously want to explore this.

-- Modified on 5/11/2017 4:05:15 AM

I assumed LTA might arise on any venue. I find it ironic some amazing women (providers) have "retired" since
Making an arrangement with a gentleman that hobbies. Honestly what I dislike greatly on SA is not feeling like I can be honest about this having been something I did briefly. I think there is more honesty and acceptance in this realm than SA. An LTA cannot be without honesty and acceptance. The monetary aspect of the SB/SD LTA is as negotiable as any of it. I myself rather someone say "let me help you with this or that," not a contract or unrealistic expectations.

By the way would be thrilled if you would like to pm the deets on the other site you mention. Women like myself do exist that would be happy to devote time to one worthy person even if only when time in there schedule permits- that's the bigger piece that needs to be understood by both parties. This hobby is great but I very much enjoy focusing on one- for however long it goes. Just one woman's perspective.


GaGambler237 reads

What happens is when they find one they disappear from the site, just like they are supposed to after finding what they seek.

I have had more than a couple of women I have met on SA who would love an LTA, in my case of course it's not a matter of being able to afford it, or a lack of interested women on SA. In my case, I have a serious wandering eye and a very short attention span and I simply grow tired of any woman I am with for more that a month or two, regardless of how or where we met.

and you don't have to be anywhere near as rich as you think to be able to afford a long term SB, and personally I think your advice on this matter sucks. There is a LOT of good information being shared on this board by guys who treat the Sugar Bowl with our eyes wide open just like we do on the rest of TER. So far at least the guys on this board by and large have their nut sacks intact and most of us are able to have a GREAT time for a lot less than guys are led to believe by the guys who either don't care about money, aren't smart enough to figure out a smarter way to play the game, or simply don't have any game and are doomed to be led around by their dick no matter what venue they use to find female companionship.  

Please guys, do NOT listen to the hookers, POT SBs or guys either too rich to care or too dumb to figure out a smarter way of doing things that try to tell you that you need to be "rich" to attract a girl who will stick with you for quite some time. It's really not as hard as some people try to make it out to be.

Kind of shocked at Gambler's passion here. I have received a number of PMs which either validate my point or the Gambler's, depending at how you look at it! LOL

I have to agree that use of the term "high net worth" was an overstatement on my part. But I do think a LTR requires a significant financial commitment, certainly more than ordinary hobbying.  Gifts, trips, birthdays, etc.  

Carry on.

GaGambler211 reads

You seem to accept the "fact" that the tail can wag the dog, just like all the spineless jellyfish in the hooker world and THAT is what elicited such a harsh response from me. Hookers have managed to convince the johns that it's "their pussy and thus their rules" and have gotten so called men to accept their thesis that to even attempt to negotiate is an affront and should eliminate such a rude monger from even being considered for the high privilege of being a PAYING customer.

SB's would love it if us SD's would adopt the same attitude, you are feeding that POV and by doing so you are doing us all a disservice. You (and I mean the generic you) just need to grow a set and start setting the ground rules yourself and NOT let some girl just barely out of high school to lead you around by the dick.

There is no need whatsoever to drain yourself financially to attract an SB who will see you regularly for a long time, depending on your definition of a "lot" of course. Unless you are a repulsive pig with no game, it's not hard at all to find a girl that for a couple of grand a month will spend 20,30 even 40 hours a month or more with you. Compare that to the hooker world where a couple of grand a month will barely get you laid once a week.

You are buying into a false narrative and that kind of attitude makes it tougher for all the rest of us. Personally if a woman "demanded" $10 K a month to have a LTA with me, my ability to pay would have nothing to do with it. I don't want a fucking Prima Donna who expects me to kiss her ass constantly and shower her with gifts, trips etc for the "privilege" of her company. Now if I "want" to spoil her rotten, that's quite a different matter and I occasionally find a woman where it just makes me feel good to go above and beyond our agreed upon arrangement, but that's my choice and not a prerequisite to us being together.

One last thing, just because a woman "claims" she needs $5-10,000 a month or even more, doesn't mean she is ever going to get that much or that you NEED to give her that much to have a relationship with her.

yes, I wish to get the web site.  PM please.

yes, please send the link to the service you mention.  thanks  

I've had two LTRs with SBs.  Both lasted well over a year which I think qualifies as long term, right? One is still ongoing. But neither was exclusive because I don't want that.  I prefer all my arrangements to be poly.  I have several SBs at any given time and all of them have several SDs too.  We are always open and honest about that.  If a POT SB is looking for something exclusive with a SD I move on, not what I want. And all my arrangements have been of the PPM variety and all have been very affordable.  So I don't think you need to be a high roller to enjoy an ongoing long term arrangement.

8pointbuck254 reads

On the other hand you end up having to handle more minor problems.    Gasoline, cigarettes, cell phone time, doctor visits, etc.
Can give you more control if you spread out the allowance.      

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