The Erotic Highway

mid-20s to early 30s
Rockfordfile 19 Reviews 66 reads

My best have been in their mid-20s to early 30s.

But an 18yo Pakistani told her aunt about meeting me, and she bought her a pair of crotchless panties, which we both enjoyed very much, both being crotchless panty virgins.


I know a lot of us are up there in years and curious to see the age ranges of your best SBs.
Up to now I've been working in the 25-35 range (one was 24) and have felt some good connections beyond the bedroom.. common interests, things to discuss.
Wondering how you navigate with the different age ranges (especially the young ones). I am tempted but have a hard time getting much action under 25 (I'm in my 60s). Is it just a slam-bam experience or are you finding good connections? Any special tips for managing the young SBs?

Young girls are flakey.  Lots of cancels, no shows, last minute not wanting to do something they already agreed to.  I've had an easier time when I was not their first SD.  Sure. They look cuter, but I've found closer to my age is better.

Adonis4880 reads

I'm having difficulties with all ages trying to connect and do M&G's. Seems like they are all either escorts or they are scammers. The ones that I've found so far that are real want 800 and up ppm, condom only and they are really average looking. I'm still only 4 weeks into this though, but a lot of stalled messages, both on the site and off, unavailable to talk direct, date cancels, no shows, everything. It's not been a good experience so far. No BCD's as of yet. One promising date tomorrow we'll see how it goes.    

AsianManNOVA75 reads

Most of my SBs are in this age range. My first regular SB was 18, but she was skilled in bed way beyond her age. She was flaky but the sex was just too good.  She is now a full-time escort so she can utilize her talent. There were also a few mid to late 30s (they could be in their 40s since most of them lie about their age), but most of them are in their late 20s to early 30s. They are more reliable and more experienced in bed. Most coeds have no idea what they are doing in bed.

I have found zero correlation between the age of a SB and her level of flaky behavior. Some of the youngest are super reliable and some of the oldest are flaky af.  So you really can't make a generalization that the younger ones are more flaky.

As for bedroom skills, some young coeds are indeed clueless, but some are extraordinary!  And as for connection and conversation, I find the younger SBs that I've connected with are excellent to talk to about life, careers, relationships, and so many other topics.  The difference in our ages simply adds a difference in perspective rather than pose a communications gap.

Right now, my 2 regular LT SBs are both 26yo, and they were 24 when we started dating.  I am 76 so we're looking at a 50 year age gap.  They are both solid 8-9 in looks, solid 9-10 in performance.  And they both seem very happy with a 200 gift per visit!

I kinda feel guilty going too young (18-21.)   I did an 18 year old once.  She was fine.  Just felt that I don't like to be the one  that leads them astray, so to speak.  By the time they're 23 and above they've probably done it all.  But I do like 30's and 40's and even some 50's.  I'd do 60's but never met anyone still active at that age.
I agree that age (other than extremely young) has little bearing on how they act or perform. Some of the older ones can be insane.  You just never know.

Too Young
Nat King Cole
... while I'm at it ...
Nat King Cole
And now the purple dusk of twilight time
Steals across the meadows of my heart
High up in the sky the little stars climb
Always reminding me that we're apart
You wander down the lane and far away
Leaving me a song that will not die
Love is now the stardust of yesterday
The music of the years gone by

My best have been in their mid-20s to early 30s.

But an 18yo Pakistani told her aunt about meeting me, and she bought her a pair of crotchless panties, which we both enjoyed very much, both being crotchless panty virgins.


Reminds me of a superb beauty I dated for over a year awhile back.  I had been chatting her up, trying to get her to agree to meet me.  When she finally agreed to a M&G she told me it was her grandma who encouraged her to go for it!  Turns out grandma had been an escort in her younger days and appreciated the benefits of a generous older gentleman and wanted that for her granddaughter!  Sometimes these Aunties, and Grandmas give excellent advice!

... and my regular search range is between 18 and 35.  

Most of my SB's over the last 12+ years have been between 20 and 25, although I have had a fair number of SB's between 18-20, and 25 to 36 along the way.   Like Papa Sweet, I don't find a strong correlation between age and:  
- Sexual skills/enthusiasm (I'll argue the latter is much more important than the former)
- Flakiness  
- Ability to discuss issues and common interests
- Dedication to the arrangement (i.e.: How long they will stay)

Admittedly, my SA search filters are all about physical attraction - because if I don't want to fuck her, I don't want to even start.  But after that, I absolutely look for "compatibility" - a term that's hard to define, but you know it when you meet her.  There have been many B&B (Bang and Bail) SB's along the way.  Some POT's just want to get to BCD and cash out; no dinners, no shopping sprees, no cuddling, etc.  Those are always good, because like I said, I start with carnal desire. But with the exception of one 35-ish Asian MILF in my current rotation, they tend to move on after one or two BCD's.  

Life is good

The Cat

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