The Erotic Highway

I've had a few
lil_ol_me 69 Reviews 370 reads

Who stated they had a SD pay them $500 just to have tea at a public restaurant, needless to say I simply dropped her..  There are some who feel they are worth a shit pt full of $$, I just don't deal with them..  I do offer to pay for lunch/dinner or drinks for 1st time meeting.  I only pay for dinner I will not pay them to see if I'm OK, food & drinks only.  Some like that others have balked, that's OK I drop the ones who demand I fund them at dinner etc.  I had one tell me that before any type of sex we would need to meet for dinner at least six times, she's gone as well..  There are many fish out there looking for someone, so be selective..

300 just to meet and has a problem with intimacy . The other one wants 1-200 for the first visit and I told them both that A - 300 to watch them eat isn't going to happen and B - I usually don't give anything just to meet but what may be an agreement for bcd activity ? A declined and B stopped answering my texts .... I was a gentleman to both ..... working on C

GaGambler504 reads

but keep at it and you will find what you are looking for.

Actually, I seriously doubt you will have to go through 26 POT SBs to find what you want.

Just out of curiosity, I went back and counted back the last 26 POT SBs that I have spoken to, of the 26 POT SB's that I had at least one message from, I met with 8 of them, and ended up fucking 6. Of the two I didn't fuck, one of them was her choice, she was one of those chicks who wanted to get paid simply for going on "dates" I told her "thanks, but no thanks" and that if she ever wanted to fuck me, I would be easy to find. lol Ok, I was a "bit" nicer than that, but that was the gist of it. The 8th girl was too "hefty" for me and the "no sex" was my choice, not hers.

I don't know how my batting average compares to others here, but it's an average I can live with.

There are a few good ways to imply that you expect and are looking for BCD time... The first is to tell them that you are looking for an "NSA FWB arrangement with financial assistance" for them. The second is more subtle where you can say something to the effect of "my ideal date would be dinner and a bottle of wine and then I would get us a room for some adult fun time." The more POTs you talk to, the easier it will become.  

You want to waste as little time as possible with chicks who don't understand SA or are not looking for intimacy. If they hint that they are not ok with BCD time, cut bait and move immediately to the next one. You can be tactful and direct without compromising your expectations or being rude. If someone is being wishy-washy or not picking up on your hints, then move on as it probably won't work out anyways if you and she can't communicate well from the get go.

Who stated they had a SD pay them $500 just to have tea at a public restaurant, needless to say I simply dropped her..  There are some who feel they are worth a shit pt full of $$, I just don't deal with them..  I do offer to pay for lunch/dinner or drinks for 1st time meeting.  I only pay for dinner I will not pay them to see if I'm OK, food & drinks only.  Some like that others have balked, that's OK I drop the ones who demand I fund them at dinner etc.  I had one tell me that before any type of sex we would need to meet for dinner at least six times, she's gone as well..  There are many fish out there looking for someone, so be selective..

Thanks to all who post tips here.  I am experiencing the same thing the original poster is.  Also - I have had some ask me for more detail of what I am after (which I'd rather get into in person rather than messages, but there seems to be a lack of wanting to meet in person in my market).  When they ask this via message, I respond that I have no problem with a good allowance if we can have some BCD time.  Both of them came back with "what's BCD" and when I type it out - they said "oh, I generally don't do that".  I'll be moving on, but frustrating.

I dont lock in on one lady. Or 2 or 3. They are all liars and BSC so you keep as many options open as possible until one works. I've fucked some I thought were never going to happen. And never scored with some I thought were slam dunks. They are all danaged goods so assume weird shit and anything great is bonus time.

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