The Erotic Highway

How do you count your dates, plus let's beat up on Joe some moreteeth_smile
ziggy440 84 Reviews 135 reads

So I met a lady for a light bite, then took her out on a second date or dinner. Ended up back in the hotel room after that date, but just some play, no sex. Have not paid her a dime and I do like her well enough, just want to know if I see her one more time, which I think means we will have sex (assuming she is not pissed off because I did not give her any money last time, which would be fine, too), have I broken the GaGa 2 date rule, or is that first quick meet a freebie? Happy to be an idiot so long as I know when I am being one.

Note to Joe: This is P4P Joe, and unless you are just looking to pay someone to be your friend (in which case $1k seems high, buddy), how can you pay her an allowance before you have sex? Sure, you like her, but what if the sex was awful? You say you have fallen for her, but how would you feel if she was some frigid queen who was all safe, nothing hot and dirty? Even the ladies who are serious about being SBs have told me that there is no arrangement until we try it in the sack.


I have been pretty good at the hobby and initially on SA, there were times when I got closer to some providers and had some quality time with them beyond the paid sessions. But that does not make us (mostly me) immune to making bad decisions.

So I met this SB and I liked her so much that I have kinda fallen for her, I know this should only happen when we are in college and all but and SA relations are always NSA. Anyways, we clicked and she is a very successful young woman who made some fucked up decisions to get into some financial trouble. No, not blinded by love, I did check all the stuff, I can be sneaky. And then on our first date evening, even though we were supposed to just discuss the arrangement and have some warm up for intimacy, I ended up giving her some allowance in good faith. But later on that night she told me that she wants to take things slow and because we both have jobs and our schedules don't exactly work for us, we may not meet as frequently as I would like.  Yes, I am still all smitten and in it for the long haul or as long as she does not actually ditch it.

But my spider sense says that I might have made a mistake and would like to get some beating from my fellow friends on the forums who have always guided the newbies with enthusiasm :)

I'd move on and chalk it up to puppy love on your part...I think she was letting you down easy.

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 3:57:49 PM

John_Laroche226 reads

So are you out more than $500? Turn in your man card, say 10 Hail Marys and refrain from any P4P (except hand jobs) for 30 days for each multiple of 500.  

You might want to avoid strip clubs too until your sense of judgement returns.

going to tell you to go farque yourself.  

Yeah, you probably fucked up, but we all make mistakes in this game.  Just hope the ones we make don't come back to fuck you in the ass.  Just ask SFTD, he nearly got fucked in the ass by one of his POT SB's.  LOL

Write it off as the little brain thinking for the big brain and move on.

How much are you out of pocket Joe? I am sorry to say that most likely you will not see her and there will not be any compensation ala quid pro quo! I've done this before and I wasn't even into that SB that much! I was out 500 in transferred fund$ (Effing loser biatch was so fooqued up that didn't even have a bank account and I WU'd the $um). It happens bro and it will only make you less prone to the future SA scammers and believe me that there are aplenty.

Run away as fast and as far as possible from those whop are way behind in rent, car payment or something really crucial. Those types really ought to suck it up and go on BP ASAP! They just prey on the benevolence of people who mean well. I don't care any more if the story checks out or what not as it's not my fooquing problem. The transaction is simple, I f*ck her and she then gets paid NOT before. It is SA so my rules apply not these fooquing hookerland rules!

OTOH, if you are out more that 1000 and she plays games, take a screenshot of her SA page ASAP and expose this R.O.B to The Dirty dot Com. You may get lucky and it gets published on the from page if it is salacious enough and if she's good looking. That will be the death knell of her budding business career. If you want to play hardball, block her from your profile. screenshot hers and then tell her what you intend to do. Burn the fooquing bridge and go scorched Earth!

ou know I was pulling your chain on the Princess comment.

The whole Princess joke is spreading bleeding over to other threads now :)

Principium, I gave her 1K but no scam or exploit yet as it was just me being plain old crazy in love. But I got ideas now about the things to do if someone does try to scam or exploit me, thanks a ton for that, lol

Thanks, and yes beating is expected, appreciate all the suggestions and response. Of course it's not as bad as some guy who got beaten by the SB's ex/bf or the guy who paid and got the SB with a dick in bed :)

More details, we had met for lunch first then it was second date for dinner when I gave her the allowance cause I liked her and trusted her. She did not even explicitly ask for the money, she had just mentioned what she needs when we first met. It's just that I feel really smitten which is kinda kiddish and I paid her in advance rather than standard SA approach. Frankly, I pay even my ATF providers after the session, unless it's an agency where it's all by the book.  We did meet again but we are just making out like lovers taking it slowly one step forward.  

Ok, I won't give her next payment before some real intimacy/frequency terms are established but again I felt a real connection and love so did not follow the book :

Wow - this brings back very bad memories of a few women I dated back in my single days. Anyone who wanted to go slowly with me was not going on more than 2 dates with me. :) Good luck with it - but I would move on.

GaGambler135 reads

I guess I am just a shallow pig, but if I am not fucking a civvie chick by the second date, there is unlikely to be a third. The chances of having a third sexless date with a POT SB are less than zero as I can't imagine ever being talked into a third date if sex didn't happen on the previous two.

Oh well, my heart is sinking out as the money already sank :(
GaG, you have seen much more world than I have so the odds of beating the less than zero chance must be simply Zero!
Well, I will call my ATF to schedule an appointment to put this whole thing behind..

So I met a lady for a light bite, then took her out on a second date or dinner. Ended up back in the hotel room after that date, but just some play, no sex. Have not paid her a dime and I do like her well enough, just want to know if I see her one more time, which I think means we will have sex (assuming she is not pissed off because I did not give her any money last time, which would be fine, too), have I broken the GaGa 2 date rule, or is that first quick meet a freebie? Happy to be an idiot so long as I know when I am being one.

Note to Joe: This is P4P Joe, and unless you are just looking to pay someone to be your friend (in which case $1k seems high, buddy), how can you pay her an allowance before you have sex? Sure, you like her, but what if the sex was awful? You say you have fallen for her, but how would you feel if she was some frigid queen who was all safe, nothing hot and dirty? Even the ladies who are serious about being SBs have told me that there is no arrangement until we try it in the sack.


Zig, we will test the GaGa 2-date rule if you finally do get to have sex with her, at least you haven't given her the money so no loss if GaGa rule indeed plays out.

I know it's P4P, I have another 21 yo lined up to meet probably for much less than the market rate of providers who is more than enthusiastic about sex. Well, the girl I have fallen for is different cause sometimes we stop thinking from the brain then shit happens. I sure had more chances of getting her quicker into bed if I had not paid her, now she has the luxury to still take or even leave it if she finds a better SD. Well, I got beaten up alright!

GaGambler115 reads

AND you've given her no money. I have to have at least "something" to keep my attention and although I have a hard time imagining taking a girl back to a "hotel room" without having sex, since I would only be renting a hotel room in anticipation of sex.

and no, I would not consider that first quick meet a "freebie", you met, had a bite together, that constitutes a date IMHO. In the Sugar World I would most definitely be expecting sex on the next date, but as I said earlier, I would probably "bend" my own rules due to two factors. One, no money was exchanged and two, you got a "taste"

As for paying an "allowance" before sex, no way, no how, HELL FUCKING NO!!!

I haven't paid a monthly allowance "after" sex, much less before sex.

Look, we may all like to dump on you and beat you like a piñata but in all honesty I can categorically say that we have ALL committed such similar sins in the past whether in Hookerland, Sugarbowl or the Civvie turf. Gawd knows as to how many moocher past GFs I had loaned $$$ to in the past who never, ever paid a dime of it back so I guess that even like 20 years ago I was a Sugardaddy in my early 30's without even knowing it!!!

Move on, but still put the scare of Jeebus into this biatch if she's going to give you the run around. Even if you are not going to do it (which I am sure you will not) the mere mention of The Dirty dot com and an expose there will make shyte freeze in her colon. But if you are going to make empty threats, do take a screenshot and then do block her from your profile. This is another reason as to why I don't typically text photos to POT SBs whom I have not been intimate with.  

As a footnote, a lot of SBs do ask for text photos just because they get so many messages and they do lose track of who is whom, so sending one photo is fine if you are going to meet her but refrain from photo text flirtations if you have no intention of meeting her because you never know where your mug may end up! Proceed with extreme caution of playing the photo Casanova game!

We are still meeting and exchanging emails, I am hopeful that I will get my 1K worth from her and that she may get more from where that money came if she works for it.

But I will consider your suggestions if all goes downhill!

And I will be deactivating my SA profile once the premium ends so no need to block I guess, plus i have taken all my pictures off, I am just keeping the profile up in case some new SB shows up that interests me.

Thanks Principium for the details on thedirty dot com, that stuff is scary, I will be more careful with the POT SBs, I am guilty of sending some pictures to one of the girls who had sent hers before seeing her. Well, I took my SA profile out for now as premium ran out. And I will be careful with sending pictures, may be just the one picture with blurred details gotta do.

As far as the SB in question goes, still want to see how the money plays out, will give it some time before thinking on the lines of asking for money back or threats. While my senses warned me about not should have paid so early, I still believe that she is worth every penny, lol, I am a nut case!

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