TER General Board

You'll know you have truly arrived when....
YourKarmaSuitsYa 2352 reads

You start bringing your rubber duckie, Jell-O and invisible penguin to sessions with pregnant born-again Christian former Nuns.


I've hit one of those points of vast seperation with my pre-hobby life.  

I arranged an appointment with sweet young lady.  I found out afterward from another source that she's getting married the day before.  It's a guy she's lived with for 7 years, and who knows very well what she does and accepts it.  

What a mix of emotions I'm feeling about this!  The title list doesn't describe it.  I'm remminded now that my life is different than a year ago, and that I'm living in a different culture.  

No, I'm not looking back, thinking that I've fallen into sin, but I do have memories of that guilt.  This seems a good way to stomp it, or squeeze it for pleasure.  

It's a thrill of fantasies, too.  It's something like being invited by the bride to the honeymoon, or having her cheat with me on her wedding night.

I told her that if she wants to be flexible about the appointment, that I could change days if she wants it or needs it.  I haven't heard back from her yet.  I hope she doesn't though.  It does add to the spice of it.  I'm becoming such a debauche.

I have seen it in both hobby and civie life so I am past surprised. My brother did a lady that I went to high school with the the day before her wedding. I remember him saying that she kept thanking him for doing her as that was her dream. Go figure.

GooeyFacial2398 reads

If you dwell on those things you'll never enjoy yourself. All providers have private lives that we can't concern ourselves with.

I was at my local hangout one Saturday night. It was the usual packed house and I saw a wedding party come in. All well oiled of course. A bit later, one of the tuxedoed members of the wedding party came over to me and said, Hey, my buddy over there is interested in you, lalala. Turns out his buddy was the groom. Either the bride decided not to play or she had passed out before the consummation. I just could NOT do it even though he was a cutie pie. Call me a chicken but some things ARE sacred.


ellobo692906 reads

What a surprise that must've been when Miller followed the instructions, "Now, you may kiss the bride."

There is a bit of his legacy that went to the grave or so goes the rumor.

YourKarmaSuitsYa2353 reads

You start bringing your rubber duckie, Jell-O and invisible penguin to sessions with pregnant born-again Christian former Nuns.


...why doesn't that shit ever happen to me?

No doubt I'd be "lucky" bastard who's civie wife did it with someone else on her wedding day.

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