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You are then missing out on the other 2/3 of the pecan pie of the century babycakes. (eom)regular_smile
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3260 reads


Recently encountered an interesting stat: 30% of females over 80 years of age are sexually active. I began to wonder who their partners might be. Guys over 80? probably not. Also, if one of these sexually active octogenarian ladies came on to you, how would you respond?[guys or gals may answer] What is your age limit for a partner/provider?

when a gross-out was defined as "when you go to kiss your grandma goodbye, and she slips you the tongue!"

Sexy mofo3416 reads

The other night I caught my grandpa banging the sh*t out of my grandma!  I turned around and saw an empty bottle of Viagra on the floor!

... However, remember there will be way more women than men at that age.  All you guys that haven't thought a bit about your health for your entire life will kick 8+years earlier than the women in your life.

The take away, live right, stay in shape,, play safe -- and you can live to be 80 and fuck whomever you like:  including those hot 60 year old women.


DDEbony2429 reads

I have had the pleasure of a few clients over the age of retirement and enjoyed the time we spent together very, very much. :-)

I really don't think age really matters.  It is only the perception of somebodys age that might make the difference.  Male or female if you keep yourself in good shape have a healthy attitude and a good sex drive your good to go.  I'm a little older than Harry not that anyone would know to look at me.  I tell you this--I'll be screwin good looking womwen as long as they will have me.  THATS WHAT KEEPS ME YOUNG!!!!


PeterPickle2132 reads

I would seriously question the validity of that statistic. Was Viagra the sponsor of that study by chance?

It was on the program "Talk Sex" which is on the Oxygen[cable] network. The host/moderator is Sue Johansen, a well respected Canadian sex educator. The program is most informative, the call-ins enlightening and is well worth watching.

Ci Ci2603 reads

It doesn't matter how old the client is as long as he is legal age, alive and breathing, baby!  As for personal partners, I couldn't tell you. I'm not involved with anyone, but age wouldn't make a big difference with me. If there's one thing this business has taught me (and I'm very thankful for it) is "age really doesn't matter."  It's all about companionship, sharing things that you both have in common (very important) and someway who isn't a complete slacker. If he's nice, if he treats you right, if he's responsible and trustworthy, & you're attracted to him, then it doesn't matter.


I don't have an age limit.  I want to be attracted to them.  As far as a sexual partner, yes I would have to see something physically attractive about them.  And I've seen some women around 60 to whom I was physically attracted.  Obviously a higher percentage of 20 y/o's are attractive to me than the percentage of 60 y/o's that are attractive to me, but I've seen a few young women that were simply physically ugly, perhaps unfortunately for them.  Who knows what their personality is like, but hopefully someone appreciates them for their character if it is good.  I'm 27 now and I hope I live past 80 and still enjoy the pleasure of a few ladies occasionally including (or possibly only) the ones around my age.

Maybe I have a strange mind but sometimes I'll see ladies older than 50 or 60 and I'll think what if for some reason she wanted to have sex with me.  Would I let her?  Often I am thinking yes.  Maybe I don't see anything particularly physically attractive about her initially, but I'm not repulsed either.  She isn't ugly and the thought that some of these mature women still have a strong labido is a curiosity as well as a turn on.

I knew this woman where I used to work who had a body to die for. She had long lovely legs and firm tits. The last time I saw her was at a party a few years ago, and she was 67. All the guys there were still putting the make on her. I know I'd have jumped in bed with her in a heartbeat, and she probably has 15 years on me.

vannessa1925 reads

Males are very  visual so I guess this question is for the ladies?
When was the last time you saw an 80 year old woman with a much younger male?

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