TER General Board

Wow a real chance for me to be serious...(don't you guys hold this against me!!)
junior457 2393 reads

First and foremost I would like to congratulate you on your sobriety...I truly admire you keep up the good work.(you are already doing something I can't bring myself to do)

I believe I recall your post and chose to pass on posting because I believed in the sincerety of your message and my response at the time would have been one of sarcasm. However, since you're back again I would like to add my point of view.

I truly believe the world has changed, society has changed in ways no-one could imagine. God or whomever you wish to refer to him as gave man free-will, unlike any other animal he created. With this free will our destinies became our own....so even God to some extent didn't know where we would go or what we would do with our free will. The laws which govern most religions are centuries old and I do not believe hold up to the test of time.
The first and easiest example is taking the "Lords name in vain". Do you think it would ever be thought that every television, radio or newsprint would publish the words they do today? Using the Lords name in Vain is not even an insult to most people today.....if it doesn't contain an F.U. most people won't even blink.

My point is each and every man,woman and child will someday have to stand up before whomever and justify their life and what they did with it and why.(a.k.a. Judgement Day) Can I honestly say I feel I am sinning being that I intentionally live with a tortured soul because I got married when my wife promised me we wouldn't have children right away...then two months in the marriage we were? I wanted to run for the door and not look back when I found out we were pregnant after she promised me if we got married we wouldn't have children for years. But I sat there and made an agreement with myself, with God with whomever was listening to my thoughts. I would be a man and live with the responsibility which was thrust upon me.....and do the best I can with it. And I have...........trying my hardest to be the best husband(o.k. you might have me there) but most importantly the best father that I can. And I am.

Let me ask you this question one that I have posed to myself often. As one drinker to another do you think your maker would prefer for you to "sin" in order to get by and do the best you can, or would he prefer you destroy your body, your sheer existance by drinking or drugging it away? Would your Lord prefer you destroy yourself in order to live by his rules? I sincerely doubt it.

When the day comes I have to look my maker in the eye and justify the actions I have taken with my life, I can promise you I won't blink once.

Anyway my travel agent tells me hell is warm in December and I hate these dam North East winters !!!

wow did I really write that stuff....holly cow someone PM me a fart joke !!!

sorry if I got on a rant......be well everyone.

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 10:39:32 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 11:12:03 PM

A while back I posted a message about my retirement from the hobby because I'm a Christian.  A very thoughtful discussion ensued.  I received numerous PMs over this.  What fascinated me was that providers e-mailed and said they considered themselves Christians and are comfortable being in the business.  Men e-mailed me and said they felt guilty about being in the hobby, but they couldn't stop themselves.  

I'm trying to figure what this says about the relationship between the hobbyistsw and providers.

BTW, I'm still sober!

If the Christian guys can't partake in the hobby, but the Christian women can, I want no part of it.  Not trying to judge, but if there's going to be a double standard, I prefer being on the better end.

junior4572394 reads

First and foremost I would like to congratulate you on your sobriety...I truly admire you keep up the good work.(you are already doing something I can't bring myself to do)

I believe I recall your post and chose to pass on posting because I believed in the sincerety of your message and my response at the time would have been one of sarcasm. However, since you're back again I would like to add my point of view.

I truly believe the world has changed, society has changed in ways no-one could imagine. God or whomever you wish to refer to him as gave man free-will, unlike any other animal he created. With this free will our destinies became our own....so even God to some extent didn't know where we would go or what we would do with our free will. The laws which govern most religions are centuries old and I do not believe hold up to the test of time.
The first and easiest example is taking the "Lords name in vain". Do you think it would ever be thought that every television, radio or newsprint would publish the words they do today? Using the Lords name in Vain is not even an insult to most people today.....if it doesn't contain an F.U. most people won't even blink.

My point is each and every man,woman and child will someday have to stand up before whomever and justify their life and what they did with it and why.(a.k.a. Judgement Day) Can I honestly say I feel I am sinning being that I intentionally live with a tortured soul because I got married when my wife promised me we wouldn't have children right away...then two months in the marriage we were? I wanted to run for the door and not look back when I found out we were pregnant after she promised me if we got married we wouldn't have children for years. But I sat there and made an agreement with myself, with God with whomever was listening to my thoughts. I would be a man and live with the responsibility which was thrust upon me.....and do the best I can with it. And I have...........trying my hardest to be the best husband(o.k. you might have me there) but most importantly the best father that I can. And I am.

Let me ask you this question one that I have posed to myself often. As one drinker to another do you think your maker would prefer for you to "sin" in order to get by and do the best you can, or would he prefer you destroy your body, your sheer existance by drinking or drugging it away? Would your Lord prefer you destroy yourself in order to live by his rules? I sincerely doubt it.

When the day comes I have to look my maker in the eye and justify the actions I have taken with my life, I can promise you I won't blink once.

Anyway my travel agent tells me hell is warm in December and I hate these dam North East winters !!!

wow did I really write that stuff....holly cow someone PM me a fart joke !!!

sorry if I got on a rant......be well everyone.

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 10:39:32 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 11:12:03 PM

Jeremy Bender3912 reads

Since there is no God, there is no sin. Party on!

vikingexpress2368 reads

that was one of the best and most well thought out posts on this board.  Thank you.

You arent ready for a sobriety pin just yet. Its only been 6 days since your first post of this. Now that I look back. I think you need to quit pointing fingers at others and admit. Not only did you commit a sin.. But break a commandment.
Thou shall not commit adultry.

I hope youve been praying. The big bad boogie man gonna get ya soon !

We are sinful christians. It is what we were made of and from.

"Ye who is without sin,  cast the first stone "

the relationship between hobbyists and provider is - companionship/ Money

who cares.

Whats the relationship between church and members? Church and parishioners ?


Whats the relationship between man and wife.. part sex, part communication.. part money..

The relationship between boss and employeee, Money

The relationship between TER and VIP members? Money

Money makes the world go round.
(it spins on Electric that costs what ? MONEY!

This is the word of Ciara
Amen :)

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 2:42:49 PM

Gold Diggers Suck3211 reads

I really hope you win the lottery or something one day and can think about something else than the money.  Your posts almost suggest an obsession with it.

Bizzaro Superdude3329 reads

If you really think that Ciara's obsession is with money, then I think that you have missed her point entirely... I will let that go!  BUT the point about Ciara being obsessed with $$!! Let me introduce you to my ex-wife...

Bud, there are true Gold-diggers out there, Ciara is honest about the relationships she chooses....   but what would you say of a woman who marries for better or for worse, hard times come, and she goes through his savings - and then tells him "Bye-bye, cause you are all used up!?"  Never saying "Sweetie, I am marrying you for your $ and when it is gone, I'm gone!"  

So, you see, what I like about most providers is, yes, they do indeed have a agenda, but it is never hidden.  

So post this dishonest finger pointin' elsewhere cause these ladies are honest about the whole nine yards....

Gold Diggers Suck2795 reads

Didn't say she was being dishonest.  Just have noticed a trend.

is refreshing. Shows me that she is in touch with reality on a consistent basis. More power to her and I hope that she earn many boxcar loads of money.

Bizzaro Superdude2438 reads

to one of the folks in Emma Bond's post below!! lol hee hee hee hee.....

Keep it real

If I didnt want money, id be on a dating site.
WE all do it for money.. we wouldnt be here otherwise.

You do it for money because you dont want entanglement of "relationship"

Same here

Get a real name
Then give me a real opinion.

Gold Diggers Suck2816 reads

It is real.

You are right, it is done for money...or the freedom the amount of money that can be made quickly here can bring.  However, I have noticed more statements based on monetary issues coming from you than from any other provider on here.  I would normally question if someone who has this obsession was raised in a poor childhood, or had to struggle in some way in her life, and has "Scarlett O'Hara Syndrome" ("As God is my witness, I'll never be poor again").  This is not criticism...just observation and inquiry.

As for me, I do it to be with women I might not be with otherwise while I am in-between relationships, but I would be happy to have a good relationship again.  That's not as easy to find, though.

I have a real name, and am not using it because these posts are sensitive...

but they are my real opinions.

It comes up in posts such as ? why do providers do this..

I am real, I do not need an alias. Nor am I a coward.

This industry is about money. It's never been this deep dark secret at any point in time.

A gold digger I am not. Hell I wont even buy 500 dollar shoes *wink*

Try a dating site. OOps. you have to pay for those too
get over it

-- Modified on 7/7/2005 8:14:45 AM

TatterednTorn3258 reads

Since when did you change your name? Posting by a reviewer's handle won't change a thing. People will their opinions good and bad on a public board. If any of you are hurt by this dribble, don't read and don't post. The same as changing the channel on the other boob tube.

dwdiddle4434 reads

I at least had the idealistic notion that some providers care and its not about the money.  Thanks for setting me straight.  Its all about the money.

TatterednTorn2228 reads

Let these who must prattle on that providers care about more than money and fill that and your toilet with the stinch of lies. Sure, it's possible to have a special relaionship with a provider; she is a real woman afterall. But if you think she's your friend or cares about your feelings, ask her for credit or a huge discount. Don't be suckers, pay for play or go suck your scary wife's tits.

Chaska, first off, congrats on your efforts on staying sober!
Now about the fact that you are a christian, and you are having
some guilty feelngs about your sinful actions.
First my friend, I too consider myself a christian,
Second, Chaska, don't torture yourself with thoughts of life
as black and white, there is a middle ground (gray or grey?) lol
We were born of sin, and God told us that no matter what, we
will continue to be sinful, that is not a ticket for us to go out
and be sinful, but it is an admission by God, that we are far
from perfect. We were given a free will, and we have the choice
between how God desires for us to live, and how we wish to live.
There is a great amount of sin, reason being, people have given
into there lust for pleasure, money, sex, material items ect.
Let your personal relationship with God guide you in your actions,
Yes it is hard to turn and walk away from fun and pleasure,
but remember how God has said to suffer unto him as Jesus has
suffered for us. You alone have control over how you feel,
and how you choose to live.
I am a sinner, but I know in my heart that I still love my God
and I struggle each and every day to live a meaningful life.
I make mistakes, and I learn, but the one thing that I can
take some comfort in, is that I try my very best to maintain
a balance between pleasure, and fasting from that of which I
desire. Lust is in my heart and I struggle each day to stay pure at heart and seek
comfort in my own love for God and self, and others.
When I give in to my lustful ways, I at least try to respect and
show consideration for others, so as to not tarnish or hurt
the other person. Remember that God loves you so much that he
begat his Son so that you may receive the Fathers blessing!
Good luck to you in your fasting, and honoring God by being a
person who is mindful of the evil that lurks around every corner
waiting to infest your blessed life. You have his love in you
and you are a light to those live in darkness, learn that God
forgives us and so it is only right that we have forgiveness
for ourselves and others.


because my mind shuts down just like it does during long lectures in church.

My relationship with providers is over at the end of the hour.  But I will be happy to live with any one of them who believes in BBBJTC-CIM

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 4:04:49 PM

TatterednTorn2741 reads

If any of you want to console yourself with this dribble fine, but one cannot be a sinning christian. To be a christian is just that. The latter is one of the biggest oxymorons on the planet. Chaska, technically you are not sober if you cling to any part of this community. To be a christian means you remove yourself away from this life and stay away. For those who believe in higher power or an existence other than yourselves fine, but leave out that you are a christian because to do so is the very contradiction of what you label yourself. I wish you luck and if you want to remain sober, this is the wrong place for a ministry of any kind. This is about buying and selling myriad services; end of discussion.

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 4:25:36 PM

divamissx2744 reads

When you learn everything there is to learn, then you'll be on that level with God and won't have to come back to earth and learn.  So while you're here, you may as well get out there and experience what you need to, else you'll have to come back and do it again.

" . . .if you cling to any part of this community."

I want to echo Tattered, who stated it so well there is little to add.  If you consider yourself in recovery, this is the last place you should be hanging out.  That is a little like the recovering alcoholic going to the bar because they make the best burger in town -- asking for trouble.  I would also suggest you take your time going through Steps 1-11 before rushing to Step 12 (spreading the Word), and even then you will still not find a receptive audience amongst this group of "sinners".

Something for some deep thought if you dare.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words: they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny"

A lie can travel around the world and back while the
truth is still putting its shoes on"

Mark Twain

sicnarf3044 reads

Sin?  remember that IS the natural state of man.  To lecture Chaska and say that he must leave this community or he cannot be a Christian is a bit silly!  Everyone sins in either thought word or deed - every day!  Think not!  Take the case of the self-rightous who chastise others - but do nothing to help others....  

Which sin is worse - visiting an escort - or breaking the law by speeding and accidentally killing a child crossing the street!?  

One day we will all be judged, but till that day comes, ask yourselves just what you did today that it is that makes you have the ability to judge the actions or morals of another.  If truly honest, you will hate the answer...  And I too salute your effort to stay sober, hope that it is a lasting condition.


I often wonder how a "true" Christian would find a site like that when reading their posts. Heaven knows there are plenty of sinners to save elsewhere in their cities and states.
Some of the tradeoffs that such people make amaze me.

Nor will I give credence to ANY religion that relies on guilt & shame to keep the followers subjugated.
 Chaska; I admire your resolve to re-commit to the covenant you made with your wife on your wedding day. Respect for others and reverence for your obligations to them is the best religion


dwdiddle2485 reads

For your own good, quit coming around here.  Its like the alcoholic who hangs around the bar and tells everyone how great it is to be sober.

No one feels good about having to pay $$$ for the attention of a pretty girl.  Most of us deep down know its wrong.  We admire you for quitting.  Now be on your way.  Say a prayer for us.

We are cheaper than a wife/ girlfriend. I promise !

erbslydcw4594 reads

Provider response:Just figure out your relationship with your higher power, and that will be enough!!
I have lovely conversations with a married, mormon friend of mine!! We both believe our higher power is how we live our lives, full of human mistakes and all!!
Providers and hobbyists are human. I still can't, and won't, figure out all the terminology of this profession. I was laid off 3 times in six months, and when I became hungry, I took this temporary route!! Everythng is temporary!!
Keep the sober part...that can only be a plus!!

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