TER General Board

Would regulation
hbyist+truth=;( 965 reads

Force everything protected including oral for health reasons? And would the johns have to divulge true identity to protect the ladies...so that if he did mess up she could call the cops and give his real info.  

Also would she be able to use cameras like other businesses to protect herself (common areas)?  

And if there was no discrimination , and she was forced to see every john with cash, there might be an added fee for physical protection.  

Along with state and federal licencing and fees for frequent testing...i don't see the fees being lowered but raised to cover that.  

As for more ladies flooding the market..not sure. It really does take someone with a strong stomach and great people skills to do this.  

I prefer this set up. I want to see who I want, not what I am forced to see.

First you must differentiate between legalization and decriminalization, as the two are not the same.

Obviously the demand would go up, as more johns would come into the market but also there would be more hookers as well.

What we cant predict is if the hooker/john ratio will stay the same before and after any new law.

The law isn't the only thing keeping people out of p4p. Morals is another issue. Just because it is legal, would THAT many more girls get in the biz? Who knows.

I assume the state would mandate testing of the gals so that could be an added expense for some. But would the state regulate pricing? Would the state force a no discrimination policy, i.e. if ANY john passes the verification process, would a hooker HAVE to fk him?

Many girls would leave hooking now who do it if they couldn't determine who their clients could be, and thus have an upward pressure on rates.

Supply and demand is still in play and it just seems very difficult to determine if there were a big pendulum shift in either direction if it were legal.

Force everything protected including oral for health reasons? And would the johns have to divulge true identity to protect the ladies...so that if he did mess up she could call the cops and give his real info.  

Also would she be able to use cameras like other businesses to protect herself (common areas)?  

And if there was no discrimination , and she was forced to see every john with cash, there might be an added fee for physical protection.  

Along with state and federal licencing and fees for frequent testing...i don't see the fees being lowered but raised to cover that.  

As for more ladies flooding the market..not sure. It really does take someone with a strong stomach and great people skills to do this.  

I prefer this set up. I want to see who I want, not what I am forced to see.

But what we don't know if the free market forces, or lack of same, would create an overall net uptick or lowering in rates.

The hooker/john ratio is really the key, imo, re: rates.

Nobody could accurately predict that, as we don't know what the law would entail, how strict the enforcement would be, who would jump in to hooking, out of it, etc.

But I agree, I like this set up. I have always said we have de facto legalization now, without the downside of legalization.

Screen, screen, screen and do research, practice some common senses, on both sides, and the odds of a bust are so slim as to not warrant any real discussion or worry, imo.

GaGambler1068 reads

There are many different templates to use.  

As for prices going up or down, I have never seen much correlation between the legality of prostitution and price. It seems to be much more a matter of cost of living and prevailing wages in whatever country or region you are talking about. Hookers tend to get anywhere from 10 times on the low end, to more like an average of 20 times the "average" wage for a "normal" job regardless of whether or not it's legal.

As for more ladies flooding the market, despite the guys hope to the contrary, I have been to dozens of countries where it's legal and except for a handful of countries in Asia for example, women are not flooding in droves to sell their bodies.

How many tricks would bitch and moan here that it takes away from the GFE illusion? Some cry about counting the money beforehand to reduce shorting etc.  

I didn't think I mentioned problems...just extra things that might need to be considered. Brothels in Australia do have cameras in common areas. You mention a camera here and guys shit their pants.

I think as far as discrimination in other countries, the ladies still can refuse to see guys based on whatever they feel can get them around blatant discrimination laws. I mean a simple contact form that is not filled in with weight, age or ethnicity etc. is dumped...therefore if a hooker had any of these restriction/discrimination, she can avoid them.

even if the guy shows up and he is not what she prefers, she can bail...give him his money back and walk. Not hard.

Bob.Sugar1130 reads

Pretty sure there's direct flights too.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
How many tricks would bitch and moan here that it takes away from the GFE illusion? Some cry about counting the money beforehand to reduce shorting etc.  
 I didn't think I mentioned problems...just extra things that might need to be considered. Brothels in Australia do have cameras in common areas. You mention a camera here and guys shit their pants.  
 I think as far as discrimination in other countries, the ladies still can refuse to see guys based on whatever they feel can get them around blatant discrimination laws. I mean a simple contact form that is not filled in with weight, age or ethnicity etc. is dumped...therefore if a hooker had any of these restriction/discrimination, she can avoid them.  
 even if the guy shows up and he is not what she prefers, she can bail...give him his money back and walk. Not hard.

JackDunphy1005 reads

You wouldn't even be allowed to ask for ethnicity on the form.  

And if you don't think an African American, or any other "undesired" ethnicity/nationality making an allegation into discrimination wont be looked into in todays day and age, you haven't been paying attention.  

How many women do you know who want to be on the evening news for being a hooker AND a racist

And the guy would have to have some pretty solid evidence the reason she won't see him is based on one of the discriminatory factors.  

Right now I can get rid of a guy if I feel weird about the situation, without giving a reason.  

Comfortable i think is a good word many hookers use...I don't feel comfortable about this, and they walk. Or feign illness..then it is on her and she need not rebook him.

In addition..how many johns want to be part of that news report so the wife finds out he is screwing hookers because if it was me, I sure and shit would name him as well.  


-- Modified on 7/22/2015 12:02:21 PM

GaGambler805 reads

and in most of Latin America women are completely free to fuck or not fuck anyone they choose, for any reason they choose. including skin color, age, weight, or any other criteria they choose. Health cards are mandatory, but enforcement in some of the sketchier areas is rather lax, Those rules are most definitely enforced in high end, touristy areas. I do know in Costa Rica for example STD tests are free for the chicas.  

As for cameras, most high end hotels already have cameras as do most of the massage parlors/brothels and the women are required to show ID just like the men in all hotels.  

The other obvious benefit of legal prostitution is that both parties safety is protected. If you don't pay your hooker, she can and will call the Policia. OTOH if you hooker rips you off, tries a "trick roll" or lifts your wallet, you too can call LE to report the crime.

There is no real fear of B&S as most liasions are not arranged over the internet, but are done in person so both parties can see what they are getting into before a date is even set.

All in all, the way it works down there works just fine, and is a huge improvement over what we have here, and a thousand times better than the Nevada template.

Bob.Sugar828 reads

I guess you haven't paid much attention to the days/weeks/months planning a single encounter. What will those johns do if they can't build that anticipation...that wanton lust.

I seem to also recall that there are no reviews on the hookers in CR.  

They probably don't have discussion boards either  LOL

Oh...and seeing a prospective hooker in person might eliminate the blurred photo's.  How would that work out  ;)

Posted By: GaGambler
and in most of Latin America women are completely free to fuck or not fuck anyone they choose, for any reason they choose. including skin color, age, weight, or any other criteria they choose. Health cards are mandatory, but enforcement in some of the sketchier areas is rather lax, Those rules are most definitely enforced in high end, touristy areas. I do know in Costa Rica for example STD tests are free for the chicas.  
 As for cameras, most high end hotels already have cameras as do most of the massage parlors/brothels and the women are required to show ID just like the men in all hotels.  
 The other obvious benefit of legal prostitution is that both parties safety is protected. If you don't pay your hooker, she can and will call the Policia. OTOH if you hooker rips you off, tries a "trick roll" or lifts your wallet, you too can call LE to report the crime.  
 There is no real fear of B&S as most liasions are not arranged over the internet, but are done in person so both parties can see what they are getting into before a date is even set.  
 All in all, the way it works down there works just fine, and is a huge improvement over what we have here, and a thousand times better than the Nevada template.

GaGambler856 reads

Just nowhere near as many as here. The just really aren't as necessary there.

and there is a Costa Rica version of the "lurker" here, some broke dicks simply hang out at a bar full of hookers, make one beer last all night and waste the hookers time the same as the guy who sends a hundred emails without ever booking a session.

L.Guapo683 reads

Not really a review site, but here it is.

GaGambler956 reads

but there are more than one international review sites, and although they don't have even 5% of the number of reviews that TER has, they do still exist. The thing about reviews in a country where you can simply meet hookers in person rather than hoping their ads on the internet are accurate is, why even bother? I would much rather meet a chica at a bar like at the Co Cal, get to know her a little bit, have a drink or two together and THEN decide on whether or not you want to fuck her, than commit to a woman I have never met, hoping that we click. As much fun as I have doing it the American way, I am sure you will readily agree the Costa Rica way is better.

And had to provide real ID?  

Don't forget they are most likely cheating on their wives and even though it might be legal, that has nothing to do with the anonymity the johns want so the wife does not find out.

Bob.Sugar640 reads

I haven't been to a hotel that doesn't have surveillance.  Same with most apartment complexes.

Do they have running water where you hook in?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And had to provide real ID?  
 Don't forget they are most likely cheating on their wives and even though it might be legal, that has nothing to do with the anonymity the johns want so the wife does not find out.

GaGambler716 reads

Everyone here seems to be manufacturing problems that just don't exist in other parts of the world.

Just how is the wife going to get access to security footage of a hotel or brothel? Especially when the brothel is breaking no laws.

Bob.Sugar918 reads

Same with the johns.

Why so argumentative?

GaGambler936 reads

anyone with any sense should assume he/she is being recorded virtually every where they go.

I have no issue with a hooker having a security camera any more that I do with liquor store doing the same. The big difference is her risk/reward for blackmailing clients goes way down if prostitution is legal. She might still be able to blackmail a guy to his wife, but with legalized prostitution the likelihood of her intended victim going to the cops instead of paying her off goes up dramatically. Once again legal beast the hell out of illegal, except of course for those looking to do harm to others.

And as for security cameras, I suppose that they were in the lobby areas but I can't say i ever worried about them. Any brothel that indiscriminately releases video of their customers without reason isn't going to be in business very long. Now if you show up and create a serious problem, I would think the video showing your actions might be provided to law enforcement if necessary, but in that case you kind of get what's coming to you.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Force everything protected including oral for health reasons? And would the johns have to divulge true identity to protect the ladies...so that if he did mess up she could call the cops and give his real info.  
 Also would she be able to use cameras like other businesses to protect herself (common areas)?  
 And if there was no discrimination , and she was forced to see every john with cash, there might be an added fee for physical protection.    
 Along with state and federal licencing and fees for frequent testing...i don't see the fees being lowered but raised to cover that.  
 As for more ladies flooding the market..not sure. It really does take someone with a strong stomach and great people skills to do this.  
 I prefer this set up. I want to see who I want, not what I am forced to see.
-- Modified on 7/22/2015 12:51:00 PM

Skyfyre887 reads

"... It really does take someone with a strong stomach and great people skills to do this."

Disagree. It takes someone who loves to make lot of fast easy cash and no longer have to fear the consequences of law and/or care for morality.

Sorry to disappoint but "people skill" is NOT high on my list. I care far more for fucking and sucking skill. To wit how much "people skill" does a typical porn star need to be every man's fantasy?

or that there would be an influx of providers or clients on account of it.

Where pay for play is now legal in the USA, in certain Nevada counties, the cost is much higher, but this is on account of the fact that they have a monopoly on the legal sex trade.  If it became common, supply and demand would lower the price.

In Canada where it is almost totally legal, the prices are about the same as here, and maybe a bit less.

I think that for the most part people who want to participate in the hobby do so, and do so at the prices they feel it is worth it to them.  I don't think the fact that it is legal or not has any bearing on those prices

What the regulations are in Canada? Do they have to use protection for all acts? Is there mandatory testing and licencing? Can the hookers discriminate based on individual criteria (age, weight, ethnicity etc)

They just let independent gals be, and don't bother them.

If any folks in the Great White North are reading and need to correct me, I'm ready to learn

Posted By: mrfisher
or that there would be an influx of providers or clients on account of it.  
 Where pay for play is now legal in the USA, in certain Nevada counties, the cost is much higher, but this is on account of the fact that they have a monopoly on the legal sex trade.  If it became common, supply and demand would lower the price.  
 In Canada where it is almost totally legal, the prices are about the same as here, and maybe a bit less.  
 I think that for the most part people who want to participate in the hobby do so, and do so at the prices they feel it is worth it to them.  I don't think the fact that it is legal or not has any bearing on those prices.  
I think prices would go up. Nobody likes to regulate business quite like America. Licensing, bonding insurance ,health tests along with federal and state taxes would almost certainly cause prices to go up.

Legalization would not bring in a new influx of girls since it would still not be socially acceptable.

GaGambler701 reads

Instead of worrying about vice cops busting them, non licensed hookers would only be worried about "code enforcement" still a huge step in the right direction.

are looking for.

I agree that government regulation of pay for play would be a negative thing, and hope that doesn't happen.  (That's what Nevada's selected counties have, and it's BS.)

It should be no more illegal to have someone come over to your apartment or hotel room and have sex for pay then to come over and clean the house or cook a meal for them.

It's illegal in Vegas, contrary to popular myth.

correction insert "some parts of Nevada" 8o)

Posted By: BigBoyPants
It's illegal in Vegas, contrary to popular myth.

the sun turning blue.  Some states might but do you think it is possible in your life time? I'd bet a very large sum that it won't in mine. BTW, I'm 83 LOL

All the while the cult freaks keep thumping away, it will stay in the shadows. USA, the country of God and Guns.

GaGambler521 reads

As for God, well you can't hate what you don't even believe exists, although "hate" is most definitely the right word in describing how I feel about religion.

I  do find it ironic that in Latin America where there is not even the illusion of any kind of separation of Church and State, prostitution seems to coexist quite nicely with the Church that has such huge influence in these mainly Catholic countries.

But those that make the rules and laws and want to keep their cushy government jobs, have a bible shoved up their ass.

I blame the fucking puritans for their uptight crap they brought over....and es you have a great point about the Latin countries,..very Catholic but seem to be okay with legalizing hookers and johns...go figure.

GaGambler838 reads

I am more accurately an agnostic, but I utterly despise organized religion.

I won't completely rule out the possibility of "something" being out there, but the concept of an all knowing, all caring, all powerful God that really gives a fuck about "morals" is so ridiculous as to be laughable.

Now I have to work on you HT.

Lets start by me shoving a bible up your ass.  

Is Friday good for you, about 8pm? :D

I don't work past 4 pm. Got better things to do in the evenings sunshine. My ass is a no entrance zone. I will gladly rip it to shreds and start a fire with it though.

Americans love to demonize the concept.

Just look at how the hookers like to put one another down.

Posted By: cooper80
the sun turning blue.  Some states might but do you think it is possible in your life time? I'd bet a very large sum that it won't in mine. BTW, I'm 83 LOL

I think decriminalization would be a great thing to make the hobby safer without affecting prices much.

I fear that any regulation that comes with legalization could have large negative effects in many ways... ways that might overshadow rate increases. Consider:

* Whether providers might have to "register" with the government - using real names. Future career prospects?
* Mandatory testing as in the porn industry - every two weeks. Is that a cost increase? For guys and gals?
* Mandatory standards for locations?  
* Increased license and taxes?
* All-covered activities. Dental dams?

The list goes on. Inevitably, with regulation come more requirements and more opportunity for error (committing a crime). Consider the potential complexity of varying requirements by locale, regulations changing as political and religious influences change....

Decriminalize, yes. Legalize and regulate? No... I'd rather pass on  that one

I dare say neither would most of the high end ladies.  We have lives outside of this; before, during, and especially after.

Decriminalization...  There would still be stigma so I don't see it affecting the higher end of rates.  Lower end would almost certainly go even lower.

Look at rates in the UK.  There's your answer.

Bob.Sugar953 reads

The same answer as the one to "low volume"  ;)

Posted By: MissMarieM
I dare say neither would most of the high end ladies.  We have lives outside of this; before, during, and especially after.  
 Decriminalization...  There would still be stigma so I don't see it affecting the higher end of rates.  Lower end would almost certainly go even lower.  
 Look at rates in the UK.  There's your answer.  

Low volume is two or fewer a day.  Anything else I can definittively settle for the world? ;)

but I thought the rates around Hyde Park were a bit high, but then again London is a pricey town.

You can hold a 20 pound note in your hand and see it disintegrate right in front of your eyes

NumNumMan929 reads

In a Pussy to Pussy comparison, the price will go up. Granted, more pussy will be available, but the average quality of the pussy will be significantly down and costs will go up for all Pussy.  

To get the same quality pussy as before, you will pay much more. Due to regulation, high quality Pussy will have higher costs.  Licencing, certification, regular checks ups, etc. This will drive up the costs. The Pussy will transmit their problems to the customers, who will be forced to take it. High quality pussy will not take a reduction in profits lying down. They will pass along those costs.  

Even though there be more high quality pussy, there will be more demand for the pussy.  For high quality products, the demand almost always exceed supply, which is whey luxury pussy will be recession proof. The premium priced Pussy ($1,000 per hour), will see no impact on their business. Customers who can afford $1,000 per hour pussy are already above the law.  

As with every newly legalized industry, the new entrants will be low end pussy. Street Pussy, which currently has no overhead costs, will go up in price due to the higher costs they incur. Street pussy and discount pussy will use a Cost Plus pricing model, so prices will go up.  

Pimps and Agencies will eventually give way to Pussy Superstores. This will create McPussy for the cheap hobbyist. Predictable quality, good prices, and customer service levels. You can place an order and expect the same quality pussy from any Pussy Superstore you visit.  

Eventually, government regulation will be dominated by the Corporate Pussies, who will attempt to create a Barriers to Entry. As with all government regulation, they Corporate Pussies and the regulators they are in bed with, will help maintain higher prices by keeping competition out. Eventually, Pussy will unionize. Unionized pussy will further drive up prices and drive down quality. You will see collective bargaining on the number of pops, depth of DFK, and time limits on BBBJ.

This will cause the creation of Black Market Pussy and Uber Pussy. Union Pussy and Uber Pussy will battle in the streets and make the nightly news.  

Once unionized, imported pussy will get into the picture. Imported pussy will advertise itself as lower cost and higher quality. This will create a trade war. Regulators, controlled by Corporate pussies, will step in and put a cap on the quantity of imported pussy.  

The pussy wars will get ugly. The only thing I know for sure, the price of pussy will go up

Legalized and taxed, it could balance the Fed, State and local budgets.  

Except that the politicians would create enhanced (double-FF or bigger) bureaucracies, padded payrolls and NCNS no-show inspectors destroying any gains to be had.  

They might even create a new visa category: the H2B ("hooker to be") category.  Oh ... put me in charge of that bureaucracy so I can check their credentials and ability to meet the requirements of the job.  No application fee but there will be an oral exam.  And I'll have to check up on them to make sure they're working and not using the H2B just for visiting museums and national parks.

Legalize! But keep the system simple

I'd rather speculate on, who am I going to have sex with next. Local, provider, or visiting provide?

If you look at the Nevada brothel model, the brothel owners are legal pimps and they take 50% of the brothel ladies earnings.  They charge the ladies for room and board, charge for routine STD/HIV testing, food, licensing, etc.  There are no fixed/posted prices for services, since at 99.9% of the existing NV brothels everything is negotiated.  Typically, you will pay way more at a legal NV brothel than with any indie escort.

That's just one example, but I doubt the legal prostitution will ever go nationwide in the USA.  If it ever does, they better not implement the Nevada brothels model

Skyfyre593 reads

Like somebody said there are nuances depend on how legalized prostitution will be allowed to carry out.  

It's funny why people always speculates when this theme surfaces. It's simple folks just look OUTSIDE the USA. There are plenty of different varieties and models of legal prostitution: in Europe, in Asia, in Latin America etc...


However in general I would think that legal prostitution would mean lower price because there would be a lot more supplies entering the market.

Simple logic: the easiest, simplest and also the CHEAPEST form of prostitution would expand the most: STREETWALKERS!  

Double Duh!!

The demand has always been there. At best with legalized prostitution a few more timid dudes would try to get in the action but just like drugs the ones who want and crave it have always been getting it already, legal or not

Posted By: Skyfyre
Like somebody said there are nuances depend on how legalized prostitution will be allowed to carry out.  
 It's funny why people always speculates when this theme surfaces. It's simple folks just look OUTSIDE the USA. There are plenty of different varieties and models of legal prostitution: in Europe, in Asia, in Latin America etc...  
 However in general I would think that legal prostitution would mean lower price because there would be a lot more supplies entering the market.  
 Simple logic: the easiest, simplest and also the CHEAPEST form of prostitution would expand the most: STREETWALKERS!  
 Double Duh!!  

The demand has always been there. At best with legalized prostitution a few more timid dudes would try to get in the action but just like drugs the ones who want and crave it have always been getting it already, legal or not.  

Most mongers (except for the poor)  don't want streetwalkers.


 How would street prices go down when they would have to be licensed, bonded, insured and pay taxes. In Europe prices went down initially because of the influx of Eastern Euros. Prices relative to the cost of living are not down in the UK. Ditto for the rest of Western Europe and Australia.

Prove to us that as of 2015 prices are down relative to the cost of living. Maybe in some third world countries

Skyfyre752 reads

Maybe it's true most mongers don't want streetwalkers. Maybe it's not. Chances are by sheer volume there are more streetwalking transactions than escort ones.

Regardless, your OP did NOT specifically exclude streetwalking did it?

Street prices "may" go up if the streetwalkers have to be licensed, bonded, insured, etc... like you said. However given the nature of streetwalking, do you REALISTICALLY believe the fly-by-night here-today-gone-tomorrow streetwalkers are going to go through ALL THAT TROUBLES?

Supply side - Legality is not the only thing stopping women from becoming prostitutes. There's also the heavy social stigma. Basically, having sex with a lot of guys is not seen as good, by society or even by hobbyists, apparently. And having sex for money is perceived as lower than low. So, there might be a slight rise in supply but not much.  

Demand - Would go wayyyy up. The only things stopping men from seeing escorts are 1) the possibility of getting arrested and 2) their wife finding out. Supposedly half of married men have affairs, so the wife is not as strong a downward pressure as the arrest record.  

So, if demand goes up and supply stays the same, then prices will go up

Posted By: EmmaBlairBaby
Supply side - Legality is not the only thing stopping women from becoming prostitutes. There's also the heavy social stigma. Basically, having sex with a lot of guys is not seen as good, by society or even by hobbyists, apparently. And having sex for money is perceived as lower than low. So, there might be a slight rise in supply but not much.  
 Demand - Would go wayyyy up. The only things stopping men from seeing escorts are 1) the possibility of getting arrested and 2) their wife finding out. Supposedly half of married men have affairs, so the wife is not as strong a downward pressure as the arrest record.  
 So, if demand goes up and supply stays the same, then prices will go up.  
I can't agree with you about demand going way up because men face the SAME social stigma as women. Just ask Elliot spitzer. It would have been no easier on him if it was legal. The wife can still catch you.

GaGambler943 reads

Prostitution is already legal in most of the non Islamic world, and demand is not skyrocketing through the roof in any of those places.

With the exception of the over priced, under serviced legal brothels of Nevada, I can't think of a single country where legalized prostitution has led to higher prices.

Also if overly burdensome government regulation temporarily drives up the price, a thriving black market with spring up almost immediately as todays illegal hookers revolt and become tomorrow's unlicensed hookers. Does anyone really think that today's legal marijuana shops have wiped out the corner dealer? Not when the legal stuff costs twice as much as you can get from your old supplier it hasn't

I meant the price of LEGAL prostitution. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. There are always underground markets. I heard in TJ some prostitutes can be had for $30.00 since they work without a health card.

GaGambler682 reads

but I will agree that legal, regulated prostitution would increase in price. and I also agree that there would still be an underground market that would be much cheaper.

In my experience, in most countries where prostitution is already legal, regulations are not onerous and don't really effect the price. Hookers tend to make between ten and thirty times the prevailing average wage in whatever place they live. In a country where the average wage is only $5 per hour like lets say Costa Rica, hookers will average $50-150 hr, in Colombia where wages are more like $2-3 hr hookers average $20-60 hour in a place like NYC where wages tend to be more in the $30-40 hr range, hookers get between about $300- 1000 hour. The legality of the business seems to have less bearing on the price of hookers than the cost of living.

Skyfyre855 reads

Only the ignoramus american providers/johns who have ZERO knowledge and experience outside the border of the USA are the ones who falsely believe that price will rise due to legalization.

As one who has travelled often outside the country for cheap pussies I can attest that yes in Tijuana you can get a streetwalker's pussy for $20-$25 even WITH a healthcard.

Legal or not the more important determinant factor will still be supply vs. demand.

Last but not least for those of the contrary opinion think about this: DEMAND in this country will NEVER lead to an increase in price, dream on. Reason being is that if price proves to be too much we johns can always go outside the border for cheaper pussies. Last I look no foreign johns are beating their ways into the USA for american pussies! More likely it's the other way around.

In my opinion, yes.  We're legalizing marijuana and the price is going up where it's legalized.  Decriminalization gives the government less control.  There's a reason it's becoming easier and easier to legalize marijuana, the government prefers it over decriminalization.  Where the government is involved, things are going to get expensive and messy

GaGambler921 reads

Just like there is with pot. Some people will go to the state licensed places and pay inflated prices, others will go to the same guy they've been dealing with for year and pay the same low prices, but without the fear of getting busted for simple possession of it in the privacy of their own home. Still a MAJOR win for stoners.

The same will happen with prostitution, very few of you girls are ever going to go work for a brothel after years of being your own boss, but isn't looking at a "code violation" much better than getting arrested under the current laws?  The new mongers might start going to brothels if the US adopted the horrendous Nevada template, but just like the brothels have had very little impact on the illegal hookers of Nevada, neither would brothels impact many of you if it were to go nationwide.

and I still maintain the Nevada template is the worst possible template we could every use, there are so many other models that work so much better around the world.

at first, it would lower prices as I think there would be more providers entering the market than clients.  As time goes on, prices would bottom out as some ladies would not see it as lucrative, and I think more clients would enter also.  Net effect long term would be very minor in either direction.

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