TER General Board

What you seem to be missing is that no one gives even a single fuck about what you said
GaGambler 528 reads

I seriously doubt that LostVegan and I could agree on whether or not the sun comes up in the east, but I am pretty sure even he and I can agree we don't give a fuck what you think or say. You are comedic relief at best, and simply back round noise the rest of the time.

Don't worry, if you hang around long enough, maybe your friend Jake will come talk to you, but I wouldn't hold your breath, or on second thought PLEASE hold your breath, I promise it won't be too long. lol

LasVegan2690 reads

can be open about their extracurricular activities, especially those serving on active military duty.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to keep our private lives, private!

Especially when some men do not keep their end of the bargain, as "hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned!"

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 2:01:56 PM

GaGambler775 reads

It's not a morality issue, that's between him and his wife. It's a national security issue and faced with the loss of their name, career, marriage, pension, essentially their entire life, A man in his position is/was a prime target to be "turned"

No one gives two fucks if a divorced and drunken oil man fucks all the hookers in the world. What is anyone going to black mail me with? A man with clearances like his needs to be held to a MUCH higher standard.

LasVegan553 reads

if faced with blackmail, how many men would have the intestinal fortitude and be of strong enough character, to turn themselves in BEFORE compromising our national security?

If approached by a blackmailer, he has already been "caught."  Would be time to face reality and come clean with those he would prefer to keep in the dark.  No matter how reluctant he may be, all the facts he has been trying to hide, WILL come out anyway.

I agree.  
A two star general needs to make better decisions.  
This guy was careless and stupid.  
Not good traits in people being responsible for our country's security.

I'm sorry, but unless he gave out privilege information or put someone's life at risk then who the fuck cares!!! He's just like anyone else.

No, he's not.  
He's responsible for whatever part of the world he's assigned.  
That includes US secrets, all personnel, American citizens passing thru or working for our government in that area.  
It's a HUGE job and responsibility.  
He knew that when he took the job.

I served, out of a sense of duty to country and because that's what the men of my family do, but I only did 4 and out.

This guy dedicated his life to his country for 30 years, and if he doesn't get busted he'll make $123K? I fully agree that playing the game he played opened himself up to blackmail and a possibility of compromising National Security, but he was part of the Operation that got Bin Laden and we didn't hear about that until just before they dumped that piece of trash into the Ocean, so he proved he could keep his mouth shut.

His mistake was getting into a romantic relationship with someone who could and did expose him. If he would have simply saw prostitutes he could still be having his 3somes and debauchery. I'm sure this romantic relationship cost him a boatload of money before he potentially lost his pension, so it's not like he got this fun for free.

The other problem that this doomed to fail romantic relationship caused is that there was reportedly many times which he was distracted calling/texting/emailing this mistress, in order to maintain the relationship. If he were to just arrange for a prostitute then he could have maintained his focus on his job because a prostitute is a sure thing, no romancing or maintenance needed. Schedule/screen, pay, fuck, then leave. Most providers don't need or want unnecessary communication.


We both know it's not just about the money.  
It's power, prestige and ambition.  
Officers above Lt Col, full birds, Navy Captains and above could make ten times more in civilian life.  
In the military they're considered VIP, have flight privilege, Protocol lounges, Lear jets etc.
They'd have to be CEOs in civilian life to get the same perks.  

You're right in that this guy should have stuck with providers. An affair and a swingers lifestyle is what brought him down.  
His superiors would have looked the other way if it was hookers

When I read this article the other day I was amazed that he got away his double like. HE would have been too easy to turn!  It was a good thing he was stopped.

Posted By: LasVegan
can be open about their extracurricular activities, especially those serving on active military duty.  
 Sometimes it is extremely difficult to keep our private lives, private!  
 Especially when some men do not keep their end of the bargain, as "hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned!"

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 2:01:56 PM

LasVegan612 reads

degree of luck, to ascend to such a high position of responsibility in the military!  One would need to be extremely arrogant to think they could hide ANYTHING about their extracurricular activities.  It was extremely obvious to me, that the higher up I went, the more eyes were on me and the more squeaky clean I had to be, if I wanted to continue to get promoted.

It is mind boggling to me, that so many remained blind to this very obvious point.

I think in the "hobby" we call this, "thinking with our little head."

Not all providers can be open about their extracurriculars, especially those with families and other work. Women hardly have a monopoly on vindictive behavior. And, while we may not have unknowing wives or military careers, some of us have plenty to lose and can be outed or wrecked in the timespan of a hummingbird's heartbeat. A former Olympian played with fire and trusted clients with RL info and look what happened.

Your reminder for discretion, caution, and adequate screening all around is much appreciated.  

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 3:19:52 PM

2horses2many480 reads

That pussy has the edge...it confuses us and we lost focus all the fucking time..Not the first time.... it happens to kings, prince, presidents, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, generals, athletes, actors, firemen, doctors, lawyers, etc,etc,etc..and more....

FatVern586 reads

Pussy is a distraction, a distraction. Once upon a time, the U.S. Government understood this, and took the appropriate actions. I don't want to here any BS about equality of the sexes, somethings just don't work out well.  

Posted By: LasVegan
can be open about their extracurricular activities, especially those serving on active military duty.  
 Sometimes it is extremely difficult to keep our private lives, private!  
 Especially when some men do not keep their end of the bargain, as "hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned!"

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 2:01:56 PM

FatVern434 reads

It's the simplest solution to solve more than one problem.  

I say the same thing when the topic of opposite sex military rape comes up.

If the military is made up entirely one sex, the majority of problems that have to do with sex, will disappear.  

Is that hard to understand?  

I'm about real world solutions, for real world problems.

FatVern425 reads

Have you ever wondered why same sex private school students perform better than coed classes.  

Why the fuck do you feel the need to curse, you sound like a mentally defective cunt when you do that.

GaGambler435 reads

The first two years of the contest FatVern was the odds on favorite to win, but managed to fuck it up in the end. Just how stupid do you have to be to do that? lmao

FatVern459 reads

There would be less affairs, and less sexual misconduct with in the ranks, if the entire military was made up of one gender?

I don't care if it's an all female military.  

Posted By: GaGambler
The first two years of the contest FatVern was the odds on favorite to win, but managed to fuck it up in the end. Just how stupid do you have to be to do that? lmao

hotplants402 reads

Instead of kicking all women out of the military, how about the military putting some genuine effort into actually prosecuting the (small minority of) men who engage in sexual misconduct.  

Crazy idea. I know.

ncgent49579 reads

one sex or the other?  Apple should be males only and Google should be females only?  Can't have distractions, right?

FatVern434 reads

Sexual distractions in the work place? My answer is, yes!

ncgent49496 reads

If Apple said "only males need apply," and Google said "only females need apply," they'd both be outta business thanks to lawsuits they would lose, and thanks to the government shutting their doors.

FatVern437 reads

What I'm saying is, if you want to eliminate the majority of work place issues between the sexes, having a work place of people who are all of the same sex, most of those problems would cease to exist.

It's a simple concept.  

BTW, why are you talking about the tech sector, it has nothing to do with my comment.  


Posted By: ncgent49
If Apple said "only males need apply," and Google said "only females need apply," they'd both be outta business thanks to lawsuits they would lose, and thanks to the government shutting their doors..  

GaGambler438 reads

Problem solved.

Do you even have the slightest clue as to how dumb you are?

Of course not, stupid people never know they are stupid.

This is some of the stupidest shit I have read in a long time. Given I read speaches from both major party canidates, that is saying something.

FakawiTribe555 reads

But wouldn't it be ironic for FatVern to be the subject of sexual harassment from a male coworker?  
Oh the irony. No doubt FatVern would be quite the distraction for them..

ncgent49393 reads

or, New York Times and Wall Street Journal, the issue is life would suck without Apple, Google, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal would go outta business due to your idiot caveman idea.

Can anyone imagine life without an iPhone, iPad or being able to do a Google search? - I can't

I much prefer Android devices. Now no Google that would blow. My hobby, board and personal emails are through them.

FatVern441 reads

So far all I've read is ridicule.  

I don't believe my position can refuted

hotplants464 reads

Oh, indeed it can. Now I could go into excruciating detail to spell this out for you, very slowly, and try to 'splain how women in the military excel in every capacity---including front-line combat.  But, that would be annoyingly tedious for me---considering the fact that everything I might say is already readily available public record, and anyone who is not already a complete moron doesn't need this explanation.  

And, as always FV...WTF dude?...


Posted By: FatVern
So far all I've read is ridicule.  
 I don't believe my position can refuted.  

FatVern454 reads

or anything remotely sexist?  

I'm talking about keeping G.I. Joe & Jane from playing doctor...

Gender based segregation would make it very hard for them to do so... My only point

Having no GI Jane's? Do you live in a cave?

FatVern387 reads

What I suggested was a possible solution to solove some of the issues discussed in the link.

People like to blow things out of proportion, and read things that aren't there.

Posted By: MatureGFE
Having no GI Jane's? Do you live in a cave?

LasVegan422 reads

we felt women would be a distraction in combat because; we might alter our tactics to protect them above ourselves and the mission, at the expense of some of our more complex missions.

That is NOT an issue today.  Women have proven intelligent, savvy, resilient, and adaptive well beyond even the biggest male chauvinist's wildest dreams!

In today's military women have done amazing things!

FatVern453 reads

You are talking about other issues. none of which have a thing to do with what I said

GaGambler529 reads

I seriously doubt that LostVegan and I could agree on whether or not the sun comes up in the east, but I am pretty sure even he and I can agree we don't give a fuck what you think or say. You are comedic relief at best, and simply back round noise the rest of the time.

Don't worry, if you hang around long enough, maybe your friend Jake will come talk to you, but I wouldn't hold your breath, or on second thought PLEASE hold your breath, I promise it won't be too long. lol

JakeFromStateFarm514 reads

Your intensely stupid posts over the past couple of weeks have out-dumbed even FG.  It seems to me that with this stupefyingly dumb post you have all but clinched the SPOTY.
But keep up the good work.  You make a great piñata.

He is being fired because he is at risk of blackmail because if the black mailer revealed what was happening, he would be fired.
It was like the old day for gays: once it was no longer the end of a career to be gay, gay people were not at risk of being black mailed.  
If the General could have revealed his "hobby" with no risk of being fired, he was no longer at risk of being blackmailed

GaGambler548 reads

If being gay was still illegal, you're damn right that even a field grade officer could be compromised.  

We can fight the battle about whether prostitution should be legalized at some other time, that's not the issue here. The man through his own actions made himself a blackmail target and that can not be accepted with the amount of top secret information rattling around in his head.

hotplants459 reads

The standards need to change. This guys' sex life is nobodies' biz. Your logic is the same logic that kept LGBTQ people from being able to land many jobs in recent past (and in many cases still continues). We can't hire you because you're vulnerable to being blackmailed. And, the reason you're vulnerable to being blackmailed is because......


If you hide (which we demand you do), this puts you at risk of being blackmailed.  
If you do not hide (which eliminates the risk of being blackmailed), we will fire you.  

Hmm.....what to do....

GaGambler462 reads

I fully agree the standards need to be changed, but when people can end up dead because some general has a secret to protect, yes he does need to be held to a different standard.

change the standards and the problem goes away, but until the standards change he is putting literally thousands of lives at stake. His "right to privacy" doesn't trump the lives he is putting in danger. The solution of course is an easy one, make this legal. but in his case it still wouldn't matter, he's still a lying, cheating spouse and that in itself opens him to extortion so he can keep his "little secret" Cheating on your wife is not a crime, but if a person can use your cheating to make you turn on your country, it doesn't matter.

LasVegan477 reads

is only one component of why his career is over.  People who have been in positions of responsibility will tell you it can be difficult to motivate subordinates under the most positive of conditions.

In the military, people in positions of leadership often must ask more from those who work for them, than their civilian counterparts..  Military leaders often decide who will be given assignments that put their subordinates in harms way.  They often make subjective decisions on who will be promoted or given tremendous responsibility.  Military leaders make decisions that result in their people working extra shifts, weekends, implement dangerous policies that leader has decided on, drill in the rain, and many, many, many more, all without extra pay or comp time.  A unit commander, with guidelines from the legal office, is judge, jury, and executioner over his/her people.

How would you feel if someone had that power over you, yet did not follow the rules themselves?

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 9:14:35 PM

hotplants336 reads

The fact that it's even possible for someone in the military to be potentially blackmailed for something as ubiquitous, and benign (at least to the world at large) as cheating on their spouse is absurd.  

The military itself  creates the very problem it has so many regulations to prevent.  


Posted By: LasVegan
is only one component of why his career is over.  People who have been in positions of responsibility will tell you it can be difficult to motivate subordinates under the most positive of conditions.  
 In the military, people in positions of leadership often must ask more from those who work for them, than their civilian counterparts..  Military leaders often decide who will be given assignments that put their subordinates in harms way.  They often make subjective decisions on who will be promoted or given tremendous responsibility.  Military leaders make decisions that result in their people working extra shifts, weekends, implement dangerous policies that leader has decided on, drill in the rain, and many, many, many more, all without extra pay or comp time.  A unit commander, with guidelines from the legal office, is judge, jury, and executioner over his/her people.  
 How would you feel if someone had that power over you, yet did not follow the rules themselves?

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 9:14:35 PM

People have killed in cold blood keep their cheating hidden from their spouse. It is one of the more common thing blackmailers use to blackmail people with. Most people, even those who cheat, do not want to hurt their families, and even those that hate their families don't want to lose half or more of their stuff. This is reality. The military is responding to the fact no matter what few people want their cheating exposed, career damaging or not. Anything you wish to remain hidden makes you a target for blackmail.

FatVern446 reads

This is how they get rid of folks they do not want.

That story is probably just waiting to ne published.  

Posted By: scoed
People have killed in cold blood keep their cheating hidden from their spouse. It is one of the more common thing blackmailers use to blackmail people with. Most people, even those who cheat, do not want to hurt their families, and even those that hate their families don't want to lose half or more of their stuff. This is reality. The military is responding to the fact no matter what few people want their cheating exposed, career damaging or not. Anything you wish to remain hidden makes you a target for blackmail.

LasVegan395 reads

complicated than that;

1) in the military we have this concept called fraternization.  No matter your rank, in theory it is unacceptable to have an "inappropriate" relationship, with someone of a lesser rank.  Affects your ability to create an environment of order and discipline, which is even more important, than the private sector because of factors that affect military settings/operations.

2) probably like most who step out on their spouses, he may potentially violate our national security in order to also keep his secret from his spouse/family.

3) adultery is a court-martial offense in the military.  Wouldn't just lose his job, reduction in rank, reduced retirement, and potentially more.

"Revealing his hobby" would put him in violation of the above.

our view of morality.  (Particularly now when the two candidates for the presidency both seem to wallow in what appears to be thievery.)  As I understand it, he was not fooling around with a subordinate, That would be as unacceptable as me fooling around with one of the docs I supervise.
When former French President Pompidou died, his wife and mistress and children both legitimate and so called illegitimate were all at the Funeral and sat together


Unlike civilian employers the UCMJ does not allow affairs, certainly not a swingers lifestyle.
We Sergeants could get away with a lot but Officers are called "Oficers and Gentlemen"
While its antiquated thinking the military is inflexible on many issues..
And General officers are not just promoted into those positions. The promotion requires senate approval and needs a few senate sponsor types.
Moral turpitude doesn't sit well in that arena.  
He's known that since he first joined up.
It shows poor judgement on his part.
And that's really why he's being forced out.
You truly don't want a guy who isn't thinking clearly to have tens of thousands of explosives and the troops to use them

LasVegan466 reads

Obviously this individual's rank IS an issue.  Understandably, he should be setting the example for his subordinates to follow; by NOT putting our national security at risk due to potentially being subjected to blackmail.

But there are many much lower in rank, everyone on his staff for example, but even many more, who have the same security clearance he does and access to much of the same information.

They too could potentially be subjected to blackmail and while they would not have as much to lose as him, relatively speaking, they too would be vulnerable to a court-martial if in his predicament.

GaGambler397 reads

Yes, the hobby should be legal, but until it is, these laws and regulations are necessary for national security, as much as it pains me to both agree with LasVegan and the Federal Government.

and LV, just so you know it's me and that no one has hijacked my keyboard, why don't you go fuck yourself!!!

See, it's me. lol

As much as I wish our sense of morality, etc was different, a man in his position, one he chose freely and developed vigilantly, knew what he signed on for.   To go clubbing and place yourself at the mercy of the descretion of others leaves you quite vulnerable.  The swinger thing has its drama...make no mistake.  We have no idea what fantasy he wove into the mind's of his partners that drove someone into basically destroying his life.  Sounds like hell hath no fury stuff or straight out blackmail attempt gone wrong.  Needless to say, being online searching for partners takes time and distraction from real life- healthy in many ways, but a man of his position needed to be present.   He had every Opportunity to retire and be civilian...he did not.  There are consequences as it stands now.  I personally know other men who have suffered consequences similar and worse to his. The hobby offers more anonymity for these men---not a public, social affair that can easily become a full on affair.   I do not call at night before you fall asleep to hear your voice one last time before my eyes let go of the day...swinging can be just as cavalier...and maybe not.

FatVern358 reads

What ever the reason, they want this guy out.

Being a General, is probably good for picking up chicks, let alone part of his identity, so I can see why he wouldn't give up his career to chase pussy.

As much as I wish our sense of morality, etc was different, a man in his position, one he chose freely and developed vigilantly, knew what he signed on for.   To go clubbing and place yourself at the mercy of the descretion of others leaves you quite vulnerable.  The swinger thing has its drama...make no mistake.  We have no idea what fantasy he wove into the mind's of his partners that drove someone into basically destroying his life.  Sounds like hell hath no fury stuff or straight out blackmail attempt gone wrong.  Needless to say, being online searching for partners takes time and distraction from real life- healthy in many ways, but a man of his position needed to be present.   He had every Opportunity to retire and be civilian...he did not.  There are consequences as it stands now.  I personally know other men who have suffered consequences similar and worse to his. The hobby offers more anonymity for these men---not a public, social affair that can easily become a full on affair.   I do not call at night before you fall asleep to hear your voice one last time before my eyes let go of the day...swinging can be just as cavalier...and maybe not.  

JakeFromStateFarm560 reads

Your Neanderthal views here have not gained a single supporter.  Your Neanderthal views on the P&R Board have been similarly shit on by an entirely different group of posters.
Get the message?  

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 9:42:58 AM

This thread, with fatvern's idiotic comments has been the closest thing to a proper train wreck in a while. I think the secret was fatvern. Without his idiocy it would be another snoozer. We need another idiot or too. Piñatas are important. We need more. I hear there are plenty on the politics and religion board, any chance we can get them to post on this one?

GaGambler427 reads

There is a certain village called the P&R board that wants it's idiot back.

Of course, it's not like there will ever be a shortage of idiots on that board, so I guess they/we can afford to share.

2horses2many373 reads

This particular General is only in command for a division...he's not that big.. His clearance is not enough to go higher in the ranks of chain of command... Any slight indication of a breach..All operations instantly altered and aborted... Yes maybe their are sensitive matters that will cost lives and millions or billions dollars but the military are always prepared for all of these...Always have a abc, xyz plans...It's sad and painful but it's always a thing we have to live with, ideals doesn't exist....

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 7:43:36 AM

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 7:53:30 AM

He's a two star up for three with a background in Special Forces  
You'd be surprised at what is at his beck and call.  
Don't discount it.

Tippecanoe505 reads

The best explanation of why she wasn't prosecuted came from a constitutional lawyer (not a constitutional issue per say, but impact on the system.

Who else was Hillary using her private e-mail with?  The president.  So now you're going to subpoena the POTUS in a trial?  No you don't want to do that and undermine the system, so better pick of two evils is to let her go.

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