TER General Board

Well Poor Bobb
HandsFree 61 Reviews 3141 reads

Has been trying to help her all day and to throw him under the bus because he did so is in very poor taste. So, if this is more about financing boobs and trying to stay sober, why the call for financial help?

Rather than add this to the mess below, I thought that it would be best if I posted this message separately.

Jill has asked me to share the following with all of you:

Subj: From Jill Morgan

First of all, I don't know bobb3950 NOR did I ask him to post for me.
Second, I am unable to obtain health insurance due to a preexisting condition.
Did I exhaust all avenues of obtaining such coverage in my home State? No, I did not. Throw stones again if you'd like.

Now I don't owe anyone, especially Miss Emma Bond, an explanation but perhaps in writing this extremely honest email it might stop someone else from being maliciously attacked on this board in the future.

Anyone who knows me....really knows me...knows I DO NOT own expensive things. I don't even own my own home.  

I'm not one of those providers who can see 10 clients a day or even 5 for that matter.
I am a recovering alcoholic of 3 years. Staying sober is my number one priority!!! I cannot or will not jeopardize what I've worked so hard to overcome.

I had planned on financing my new boobs for those who have already found fault on my financial planning.

My brother has a brain tumor and I have been helping him out when I can. I like to keep things simple and help others when I can.

All I'm saying is before you judge me and say truly hurtful things when I'm already going thru so much perhaps everyone should stop and think how your words impact others.

I'm sorry that it came to me posting for help, but you know what the love and emotional support I received from really good people is helping me a lot. I don't always agree with what's said and done on these boards but I try to do unto others as I'd have them do to me.

For everyone who is sending me hateful and hurtful emails. Please stop and move on with your day.


-- Modified on 8/15/2005 2:07:52 AM

THFKAM3477 reads

I don't want to return to or reargue the lengthy thread below.  I just want to let JM know that there are others in recovery on this board.  We are sometimes visible, sometimes not, sometimes in agreement, sometimes not, but always here with compassion and love for a fellow alcoholic struggling to say sober one day at a time.

Has been trying to help her all day and to throw him under the bus because he did so is in very poor taste. So, if this is more about financing boobs and trying to stay sober, why the call for financial help?

try to think of a message in the positive before the negative, it helps sometimes

i think her point was that she does not know BOB ad did not ASK him to post here for her, she probably is recieving LOTS of emails from people scoffing at her for having someone post on this board on her behalf
i think her point is that she did not do that

they are immediately beat down?

What does this say about the relationship between the two groups?

BTW, if you are sending Jill Morgan hate e-mail, stop it.  That's just wrong.

I made it quite clear in my initial post that we had never met, but that we had some correspondance and were planning a meeting before a medical issue on my part caused a cancellation. I also made it clear that that message was copied from another board.
I knew Jill had been on TER and thought that since it was posted on another site, it should be here also, for those here that knew her to read.

I have apologized to her for bringing this on her.
I feel really bad about it.
I expected to get some flack, but not the vitriolic bile that some of you people spewed.
Again, I say,...
to those of you who sought to help Jill out or gave her moral support...Thank you
to those who could do nothing but bitch, complain, chastise, and smother her with venomous and hateful emails...shame on you.
When, and if, the time ever comes that you need help, you can bet that some of us here will be the first to jump in.

I hope you remember.

Just my opinion...

Megatha Christie2718 reads

I read by members of my community.  If you can't/won't send a donation that is fine, but wouldn't it be nice if more people could send some pleasant thoughts her way?  

I can't even imagine how scared she must be: cancer and no insurance and probably not a savings account if she is online asking for donations.  Regardless of whether she is a lousy business woman who made a huge error in not getting health insurance and saving for the future, it was cruel and heartless to chastise her when she is at such a low point in her life.  

For what it's worth, Jill, I am very saddened to hear about your situation and you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

There are many kinds of cancer. One of the worst forms is that cancer of the soul nourished by hatefulness and believing that being 'right' is better than being decent to one another.

I wish Jill a speedy and graceful recovery from the physical form of the disease. For those with the metaphorical form?

You will reap what you sow. Good luck with that.

-- Modified on 8/15/2005 10:54:19 AM

Every so often, someone leaves a post here that causes me to think.  If you read my posts, you know that I'm generally a smartass (and reasonably proud of that), but it's only one part of my complex being.

Whether Jill is astute at financial planning or not, she has a medical condition.  I'm not a doctor, so I don't know if it's serious, or taken care of by a 20-minute office visit.  I wish her well, and will try to spend at least the rest of today looking for the good in everyone I meet.  Thanks for causing me to stop and ponder.  Now back to our regularly scheduled sex talk...

If it were possible to get a group of honest (this is key) providers / hobbyists to collect and diperse funds on a case by case basis it would be great.  It shouldn't be a problem for many hobbyists that are retired and have the time.  It would require several people who are unrelated and unknown to each other to approve requests.  If everyone donated just $1 it would go a long way.  I know most providers do not have any insurance.  It would be great.  OK you can knock me down now.

I have not read all the threads below relating to Jill's condition nor do I have care to since it will most likely irritate me even more than the summary I have read on the subject matters.

I have known Jill for quite some time and known about her situation for about a month.  She has kept me in the loop regarding her situation.  I have found her to be a truely honest and very caring lady working in this hobby.  She has never tried to take advantage of anyone and never asks for anything.

I classify her as one of the classiest and top ladies I have ever seen and look forward to many more sessions with her.

It is sad that this community feels the need to blast her for asking for help based upon her current situation. Should she have exhausted all options...yes. but that is water under the bridge now.

Our best wishes should go out to her in her time of need and if you do not feel the need to assist then move on....

I am posting my post from below thread under yours again up here because it jives with what you had to say and I want it to get read , thanks for posting on what kind of person Jill is for those of us that don't know her.  My post was:

I don't know Emma or Jill or the others, but after reading this whole thread, yep, I did and it is 3:19 in the morning- the bottom line that I see is that none of us have walked a mile in Jill's moccasins, there are too many variables in her own life that we do NOT know about to make judgements, even if they are such "smart" and well informed ones, yeah, I'm impressed, right. It seems to me that some people are going to great lengths to defend their arguments at the expense of Jill when they truly do not know the whole picture, that to win the debate at any cost is more important, hows them priorities? Think about it..you either have compassion or you don't. Jill did not post here anyway for help, Bob did for her. Another bottom line is maybe she is scared even if it is a level "0", she was asking for support from us and if you are any sort of human being you overlook the partial details you think you may have and you just bite it and reach out your hand. Whether someone deserves it or not, if you give from your heart financially or emotionally- it will come back to you someday when you may need it, oh, I forgot, some of you won't ever need it, you've got it all figured out-again, yeah, right.  To Jill, I don't know you , don't have much to give, but I will reach out and write you with what I have, please try not to worry and hang in there- if you ever need someone to lean on- its easy to reach me, take care and you are in my prayers. J.

PS- Have any of your thought about becoming insurance salesman? :)

As a kid I was taught to treat others like you would want to be treated.  To kick a lady when she is down is just plain cruel.  As others have said, find the positive before you want to throw stones.

Yes, I've been fortunate to spend some quality time with Jill Morgan during the past 3 years.  She is as caring and nice a lady as you will meet.  I too look forward to spending time with her in the future.  

BTW, she has a very positive spirit and is determined to WIN THIS BATTLE with cancer. I've exchanged several e-mails with her in the past few days and can attest to her POSITIVE spirit.

If you don't have something nice to say, then just shut the f#@k up.

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