TER General Board

We are generally lacking in numbers, quality ladies 45+ on the east coast in general ,in my opinion
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 34 reads

I think you would do well  as a quality provider. Some nice suburbs around Philly, DC etc, no matter  where  you choose to land , I think the key is occasional  small tours within the four /five State area  would bring you many new friends and success.  

Do a tour of the east coast so as to test the waters - Cum make some new  friends  .  Count me in as a fan if you ever decide.

Why are there 4x more 45+ providers (and almost 2x more providers in general) listed in the Twin Cities than Philadelphia, which has 2 million more people in that metro area??

Is it because people in Philadelphia would rather travel to NYC to get the high priced ladies? Or that there are more well-paid jobs there that ladies can choose instead of ... ?

I can't figure it out!  

(I'm in Minneapolis and thinking of relocating to the eastcoast and looking for a place to land, is why I'm asking)

RespectfulRobert50 reads

Philadelphia is a town where we lose many of our providers to NYC, DC, and other warmer climates like Florida and Vegas. It is not a popular stop for touring ladies as they tend to do Boston, NYC and DC and skip Philly. In addition, very few top end providers in Philly use TER. They gravitate to another review site I cant mention here. It's not that we don't have great women, its just that they see much better possibilities for sex work elsewhere.

Maybe Minnesotans are more easy to please and not as fussy? Older client base in Minnesota maybe, they tend to prefer older women?  
Maybe east coast women prefer Mortons while Midwest women would settle on White Castle. although I do like Manny's in the Twin Cities (is that what they call Minneapolis) is a good joint
I would think the demand/expectations  for Philadelphia would be different then the Twin Cities
That's my guess.

-- Modified on 4/15/2024 4:50:44 PM

I'm sure you have thought of this, but you should spend time touring in any of the locations you're considering to get a feel for the area as well as to try to judge how business will be.

A friend of mine in the business was considering moving to KoP in PA since she does very well there when she visits from NY, but I did remind her that if she's there all the time things might be a little less lucrative, so you have to consider that as well.

I ain't as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was… 😂😂
I’m not  the best for touring😂 I’m just not seeing the demand🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😢😢😢

Demand for YOU? Maybe I'm missing something.

I saw a couple of awesome ladies when I played in Philadelphia, many a year ago. But in truth, the pickings were slim.  
I spent one night in Sydney and saw one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen.
After just a month in LA I'd already racked up a series of 8s and 9s.
Maybe the hot chicks in Philadelphia just migrate quickly. It wouldn't surprise me, given Philadelphia's blue collar, rust belt image

While Philly as a whole is a large city, much of it is more suburbs. Center City is the closest part to being what one might call The City part, and it's a bit small. The surrounding parts of Philly that have the best access to Center City are not great areas, outside of University City which is mostly students or those who work at UPenn or Drexel.

The money trail is in the suburbs within Philly. It's more of a hassle for them to drive into Center City. If a provider choose to live in any of the more affluent suburbs access from the other suburbs becomes the issue, and there just might not be enough clients.

When I visited Minny a few times, the big city part seemed larger than Center City in Philly and more accessable. And, they seemed more affluent in that area. I would think this means better business.

All this said, I'm reading tea leaves here. While I have lived in Philly and visited Minny 3 times, I've never been an escort living in one of these cities. They would know best.

RespectfulRobert33 reads

Many of the ones you mention take a train from the suburbs into Center City every day so they are already within blocks of where most touring ladies stay. It is very easy for them to do a lunchtime date or go right from work at 5 or 6 pm. They don't have to fight the traffic as they are already in the city so something else is clearly at play.  
I know many Philly ladies that have left for warmer climates and much more lucrative and fertile SW play grounds. Philly has never been a great provider town for all these reasons and yet it is the 4th largest market in the U.S.  
Some of it also goes back to a time when Philly was known as a very high NCNS and last minute cancellation rate. Numerous touring providers would complain bitterly after their tour end badly. There were many rumors at the time that a religious group was doing this intentionally to keep SWs from touring here and thus deliberately trying to give it a bad name. I cant say whether or not there was any truth to all of it, but Philly was labeled by many as a tour stop to miss.

Many is going into the City relative. Part of my point is that Center City is on the small side. This will impact how many jobs there are. The climate and leaving for warmer climents can't be it, because we are comparing to Minny and NYC. Not only are those bigger and more populated cities, they also have people doing exactly what you said about Philly, commuting in for jobs in larger areas with more jobs.  

Center City has just under 300k jobs. Minny has about the same. However, the living population in Center City is just under 70k. Whereas, Minny has almost 450k who live there. Add to this, Minny is a more car friendly area. Those taking trains or buses into Center City are a bit more restricted in where they can go to get some action.

I toured Philly twice some yrs ago but I was in the Plymouth Meeting area both times.  
When I advertised for other areas it was alot of nonsense emails.
I never went back. I said I  would give it one more time in the future. For me personally the only city I go to in PA is Harrisburg

Similar experience for me when I tried to tour Philly a few times within the last year.  A lot of vulgar and rude inquires, plus a TON of haggling.  I only visit by request only.  Philly is a great place and a fun city to visit, but not so good to work in. The consensus is similar with some providers with Philly as their home base, maybe that's why they tour a lot.

RespectfulRobert36 reads

Philly has a bad rep and not just with you. I can't tell you how many times I asked national touring girls to come here and their universal response is "I have heard too many bad things re: last minute cancellations and 'u avail?' time waster ones." Numerous local girls have moved to warmer climates and more SW friendly cities to get away from the nonsense you mention. It is sad since our city is very nice but it is what it is. It is why I see NYC/NJ girls almost exclusively.

I think you would do well  as a quality provider. Some nice suburbs around Philly, DC etc, no matter  where  you choose to land , I think the key is occasional  small tours within the four /five State area  would bring you many new friends and success.  

Do a tour of the east coast so as to test the waters - Cum make some new  friends  .  Count me in as a fan if you ever decide.

I'm a very low volume provider, I'm happy with seeing three or four clients a week,  so maybe I'd be okay with the amount of customers and plus, it seems like I would be a big fish in a small pond since there's not that many older providers.

 I don't know but yes, I need to go there and spend a couple of weeks to see if I like the downtown part because I do like living in a city so City Center sounds good.

RespectfulRobert35 reads

But it’s “Center City” and not the other way around (all the out of towners botch that so no worries lol) and if someone says the word “wooder” to you, they are referring to good old H2O, believe it or not. We will get to “whiz wit” another time. It’s how we order our cheesesteaks lol.

I have never compared but Charlette NC brings in a lot of NY type super hot ladies.  Also several beaches and city's with in a few hours drive.    

All Providers who are 45 & Up in age are still work as Providers because it's the easiest way to make  $$$$$ and tax free.

TPP10 reads

I live in Center City, sign me up!

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