TER General Board

True that... my friend (eom)
greatrush 3 Reviews 437 reads


Mutant Scum1291 reads

It's clear that the fantasy/adventure component is a big part of the reason why hobbyists hobby.

But I wonder, are there any times when there's nothing on a gent's mind except pure physical sensation and release?  Yes, i know, the fantasy element can't easily be seperated from the experience of physical pleasure, but I'm wondering if the old, cliched "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" session has gone the way of the dinosaur?

For the gents, what if any, circumstances lead you to desire that type of session?

For the ladies, how do you feel about this type of client?  Pro? Con? Mixed?  Never had one?


...but when I'm traveling I will sometimes just dial up a relatively cheap agency girl just to come over and fuck me. It may end up being more than that but it almost never is. I'm fine with it on occasion but the fact that I have a couple of very hot, very sweet GFE ladies as regulars has everything to do with that!

That's what massage and happy endings are all about. Throw in some custom variations of Tantra and prostate massage and you've really turned up the heat. Some ladies specialize in this. Others call this service their front line and only add the GFE to round out their repotroire.

Depends on where you live. If your in southern cali, TJ is a much cheaper alternative to traditional hobbying here if your into physical release. Those women are generally clean (sanctioned testing -- who knows but at least there was laws passed) It is very cold and almost medical though; the warmth of a GFE is what your missing.

I've used this when I've needed to , mostly in my post E popping days (something about taking that drug -- you don't need providers..)

Massage parlors get rolled too much. I'd never go.

While I think most gents who date women via the internet are looking for more than just an in and out date, there are those who just want to get off and go.

Some have time constraints, some have issues, and for others a 30 minute quickie is all the budget will allow.

So, there's nothing wrong with it.  I think like the guys online, most of the girls here prefer a longer GFE date, but we are also here for YOUR pleasure, so  what you want is usually fine with us!

Have fun, play safe,
TS Jamie :-)

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 12:11:52 AM

Vast majority of CL poster are that type, and mostly don't do a whole lot of screening. They want as many 30 min or less "wham-bam" types as they can get in a day.



You do see a lot of ads like that on CL that promote the 1/2 hour. And I agree with that observation. Some of the reasons I would assume, would be that's what their callers want. As Jamie said, maybe 30 minutes is all they have or a 1/2 hour is all that's in the budget that day. (No slam, it happens)

But from the providers stand point usually the 1/2 hour rate on a pro-rated basis nets them and extra $50-$100 p/hr. Meaning they can make $250 p/day on the same number of appts, if they were all 1/2 hour.

1/2 hours really aren't my bag at all. I would prefer to see a woman that structures her rates where the better value comes with spending more time not less.


Daytime, I see local men during business hours.  Most are one hour dates due to time constraints.  

Evenings are longer dates for those(usually visitors from out of state) needing some time to rewind and relax.  

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 4:39:42 AM

..of an old joke.

Woman walks up to a guy in a bar and seductively says "I'll do any request for $300."

He hands her the money and says, "Go paint my house."


LOL.  So what color did you choose?

I don't think the "Wham Bam, Thank You Ma'am" is dead & buried. There are a lot of providers out there still offering half hour sessions. When I first started, that's exactly what I was looking for. I didn't know any better. I had no idea what GFE really meant, or that it was so readily available. As far as desiring a quick, no connection type meeting, Ummmmm, NO!!!!!! No desire, whatsoever.

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