TER General Board

To be fair, it's not old, but it probably isn't all that safe either.
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1018 reads

But I blame the lack of safety on me being a terrible driver, not on the truck itself.  

Posted By: scoed
She described nothing unsafe. Power windows fail often after crashes and most new cars have them. I don't see the difference.  Maintenance is the key, not age to a safe car. A window that will not roll up is not a safety issue.

The thread below by the escort dating dude and his experience regarding the gal's reaction to his Mazda 3 got me wondering what other hobbyists' experiences are with regard to their dates and their cars.

I drive a 10+ year old Buick Park Ave.  The car runs very well and I have a Columbo-esque attachment to the car.  I'm going to keep it till one of us croaks, but it certainly isn't the height of automotive fashion, to say the least.  It's a geezer car if ever there was one, and both of us have a bit of rust on the edges despite being basically sound under the skin.

Yet, every gal I have ride in it raves about how they love the car. (They say how they love how I ride too 8o). I have a certain skepticism regarding their claims, but you never know.

On the reverse side, what are your thoughts about the cars that providers drive?  I've noticed a wide variation in their cars, from sporty little models (Mazda Miata), to a couple of old time classics (Caddy and a Jag).  For a while every blessed one was buying SUVs or pick-ups, but thankfully that trend has subsided. One gal even had a Buick same as mine. Yesterday a gal gave me a lift in her new Hyundai.  The ride was a bit stiff, but overall a very nice looking car.

My first ride in a gal's car was way back in the 1970s.  One gal who was super enamored of me had just bought a new Beamer convertible and wanted to take me on a spin through the streets of Boston in it.  Ah, good times.

89Springer1266 reads

a BMW 528i and a BMW 700 series. When I travel to her city, I rent a car, usually a Corolla. She's not impressed.

She DOES think that her 528i is faster than my supercharged Mustang GT, so I may take that to her city next time I go, and race her for two hours of her time. When she sees nothing but my tail lights for a mile or so, she'll probably groan.

doesn't apply every time but, I think old cars give you character. Or maybe I just love those old long boats LOL.

The driver's side window is stuck inside the door and the third row seat has a gnarly stain on it from one of my friends puking up jungle juice freshman year (pro tip: don't let the drunkest dude sit where there's no access to windows), but I love that beat up old hoss. I've never been one to give much of a shit about cars.

But at least you are blonde, which is a good "thang"  

The "thang" you drive is not a car.. Its a poor excuse for one. We should all strive to drive safe cars, because our lives are more valuable, in fact, invaluable compared to the money spent on buying car.  

But if you ever get in trouble, at least you could be lifted.. I mean physically lifted..(Because you are petite)...

Alright, I am ready for some football now. There is one hour before kickoff. Let me go bench press some weights. I think I will start with 40lbs.  

Stay strong... :D

this will be your car in the next life.  Consider car Karma:

..I know a place that can help me with it.. Count's Kustoms..of LV

No seriously, I would never have thought that this girl doesn't like cars... And which girl doesn't like Chocolates and nice cars. I know most guys are into muscle cars and hot rides, well most straight guys, but plenty of girls like nice cars. A certain retired hooker loved luxury SUVs and heavy metal...

The last time I saw him he was wheeling' this

I had to peddle a lot of lip stick for that you know.

I only take it out on special dates.  

And no, it's still not for sale!

She described nothing unsafe. Power windows fail often after crashes and most new cars have them. I don't see the difference.  Maintenance is the key, not age to a safe car. A window that will not roll up is not a safety issue.

But I blame the lack of safety on me being a terrible driver, not on the truck itself.  

Posted By: scoed
She described nothing unsafe. Power windows fail often after crashes and most new cars have them. I don't see the difference.  Maintenance is the key, not age to a safe car. A window that will not roll up is not a safety issue.

"There's mankind for you:  Blaming his shoes for the faults of his feet."

Yes, the biggest safety defect in any car is usually found between the steering wheel and the driver's seat.

the loose nut behind the wheel.

I had stopped by his house and arrived ahead of him and was talking to his daughter about her new car, she wanted a small cute girly car so she was bummed about the car he bought for her. I told her "your Dad loves you very much, he basically bought you a tank, you can drive terribly and be fairly safe in that big old beast". There was an ahh haa moment, and I could see a level of disappointment leave her face when she realized I was right

Just don't flip out over the bumper stickers. :D

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But at least you are blonde, which is a good "thang"    
 The "thang" you drive is not a car.. Its a poor excuse for one. We should all strive to drive safe cars, because our lives are more valuable, in fact, invaluable compared to the money spent on buying car.  
 But if you ever get in trouble, at least you could be lifted.. I mean physically lifted..(Because you are petite)...  
 Alright, I am ready for some football now. There is one hour before kickoff. Let me go bench press some weights. I think I will start with 40lbs.  
 Stay strong... :D

and made to look real hot..

As far as stickers go, they come off...don't they !! :D

"I'm ready for Hillary?"

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Just don't flip out over the bumper stickers. :D  
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But at least you are blonde, which is a good "thang"    
  The "thang" you drive is not a car.. Its a poor excuse for one. We should all strive to drive safe cars, because our lives are more valuable, in fact, invaluable compared to the money spent on buying car.    
  But if you ever get in trouble, at least you could be lifted.. I mean physically lifted..(Because you are petite)...  
  Alright, I am ready for some football now. There is one hour before kickoff. Let me go bench press some weights. I think I will start with 40lbs.    
  Stay strong... :D

Hahaha I've had like 3 HillDawg stickers on there for a while.  

Posted By: USGrantlover
"I'm ready for Hillary?"  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Just don't flip out over the bumper stickers. :D  
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But at least you are blonde, which is a good "thang"      
   The "thang" you drive is not a car.. Its a poor excuse for one. We should all strive to drive safe cars, because our lives are more valuable, in fact, invaluable compared to the money spent on buying car.    
   But if you ever get in trouble, at least you could be lifted.. I mean physically lifted..(Because you are petite)...    
   Alright, I am ready for some football now. There is one hour before kickoff. Let me go bench press some weights. I think I will start with 40lbs.    
   Stay strong... :D

There's always Canada.  


Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
R.I.P Curly 1981-2016

Better get yourself a pre-plan at your local embalmery.  She's a lock.  Eight years of O, followed by eight years of Hillary.  Republicans will be moving to Canada, Mexico, etc.

Posted By: inicky46
Better get yourself a pre-plan at your local embalmery.  She's a lock.  Eight years of O, followed by eight years of Hillary.  Republicans will be moving to Canada, Mexico, etc.

Belize. Already working on  it..............She's a lock. All the people on gubmint payroll surely won't risk losing the gravy train......

Posted By: inicky46
Better get yourself a pre-plan at your local embalmery.  She's a lock.  Eight years of O, followed by eight years of Hillary.  Republicans will be moving to Canada, Mexico, etc.

Knew it. Sigh. Um, I think I'll rent a Tahoe that gets 10mpg to squire you about.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Hahaha I've had like 3 HillDawg stickers on there for a while.  
Posted By: USGrantlover
"I'm ready for Hillary?"  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Just don't flip out over the bumper stickers. :D    
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But at least you are blonde, which is a good "thang"      
    The "thang" you drive is not a car.. Its a poor excuse for one. We should all strive to drive safe cars, because our lives are more valuable, in fact, invaluable compared to the money spent on buying car.      
    But if you ever get in trouble, at least you could be lifted.. I mean physically lifted..(Because you are petite)...    
    Alright, I am ready for some football now. There is one hour before kickoff. Let me go bench press some weights. I think I will start with 40lbs.      
    Stay strong... :D

all you'd have to do is pull the hem of your skirt up a little and I'd be completely oblivious to what you were driving. I'm easy, huh?

My favorites include:
I *heart* animals. They are delicious.
How's my driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT
and, on the back of an old Mini Cooper
All of the parts falling off this car are of the finest English manufacture

The more I learn about you, the more interesting you become.

Because I usually go to them.  I'm attached to my car, too, but it ain't no freakin' Buick.
I've only seen a few gals' cars.  One was a C-Class Mercedes she complained was always breaking down.  The other was a BMW 750.  And, no, she didn't buy it with her hooking funds.
I also rode in another gal's car and it was also a BMW 750.
Then there was the gal with a little Nissan and another with an older BMW 3 Series.  It's all coming back to me now.  No SUVs.

The Buick is the most popular car in China.  That fact is one reason why GM kept the marquee when others like Olds, Pontiac, Saturn, and Hummer all bit the dust.

The Chinese are coming, and it's no good thinking they're not.  If they see you driving a Buick, you'll automatically get a pass from them and be left alone while the rest are put to work gutting fish for them.

Think long and hard about this.

GaGambler912 reads

is that we won't put you to work gutting fish when we take over, we'll put you to work doing "fake lawyer" shit. lol  Although you might consider changing your handle to something without the word "fish" in it, just in case I am wrong. Keep in mind I am only half Chinese, so the "Mother Country" doesn't always tell me all the details of their plans.

Met girls taking me for a spin on Lexus, Mercedes,  hummer, bimmers,  Infiniti,   Another was a jeep...  I think I liked the Jeep the most. Can't say I care what the girl drives tho cuz most cars don't impress me much unless it looks like a space ship to be honest.

I own three cars in my name. One is a electric car for computing to work.  Gets really good mileage and has much better technology than any car I've seen lately. It's like a space ship inside it.  The other is a luxury car for my girl. My 3rd is a weekend car,  just sits there mostly, since it's a collectors item and don't want any scratches on it.

I also had a bunch of equipment in the back that - well - if something went wrong with that wheel, we were both dead. He didn't start to notice until I started getting scared.

He kept telling me to dump the car in a river. I think I made him scream once or twice - he screams like a girl and I couldn't stop laughing lmao!

I got the wheel fixed, as well as a few other things, and he said he wanted to buy it off of me because it was a great car. lol. Then the ac broke. Ugh. Now I have a mobile sauna.

In college I had a Chrysler made car that I drove to the ground,  it had paint chipping off,  broken into dozens of times,  screwdriver marks on door lock,  check engine light on,  hahaha....  

Ac ran out of freon too and I didn't feel like spending money fixing that. I didn't give a shit about that car cuz I knew I'd get a better one once I graduate.  good times though.  

Made out with many girls in that beat up piece of shit,  I guess cuz I was better looking and in great shape back then.  

Sometimes girls blew me while on the highway going at 90-110mph.,
That car had my jizz all over cuz the girls I was seeing always got me off whole driving on I95 at night.  Nothing else to do but bj  hand job when you're on the road for an hour or two going to the city. I kinda feel bad for whoever owns it now cuz my gf called it the jizz car.  

I never get attached to old cars for some reason,  I like mine newer, faster, and high tech. Preferably bleeding edge.

It is old but it has been rebuilt several times and is in better then new condition. I love this truck. I started my business in it, It got me my wife. I think my son was likely conceived in the truck. My truck was part of every good thing in my life. It is my baby and as long as it can be kept running it will be my main ride. I have plenty of money to keep her going. I hope to give it to my son one day.  

As for how the ladies sees my ride, well a few over the years have been really appreciative of it. One made fun of it. She had a "smart" car, so her judgement is obviously impaired.

I don't think I've ever driven anything past 160k.  

450k is amazing.  Sounds like it's a goodluck charm for you tho.

It was a steal. Nothing too fancy. Nice clean ride for a clean cut guy... :D

Typically the care tells you how she is managing her money. If a girl isn't driving a nice car or a car in bad condition that usually indicates bad money management. Girls with nice car demonstrate there preference to have nice things and have them for themselves.  

Posted By: mrfisher
The thread below by the escort dating dude and his experience regarding the gal's reaction to his Mazda 3 got me wondering what other hobbyists' experiences are with regard to their dates and their cars.

I drive a 10+ year old Buick Park Ave.  The car runs very well and I have a Columbo-esque attachment to the car.  I'm going to keep it till one of us croaks, but it certainly isn't the height of automotive fashion, to say the least.  It's a geezer car if ever there was one, and both of us have a bit of rust on the edges despite being basically sound under the skin.

Yet, every gal I have ride in it raves about how they love the car. (They say how they love how I ride too 8o). I have a certain skepticism regarding their claims, but you never know.

On the reverse side, what are your thoughts about the cars that providers drive?  I've noticed a wide variation in their cars, from sporty little models (Mazda Miata), to a couple of old time classics (Caddy and a Jag).  For a while every blessed one was buying SUVs or pick-ups, but thankfully that trend has subsided. One gal even had a Buick same as mine. Yesterday a gal gave me a lift in her new Hyundai.  The ride was a bit stiff, but overall a very nice looking car.

My first ride in a gal's car was way back in the 1970s.  One gal who was super enamored of me had just bought a new Beamer convertible and wanted to take me on a spin through the streets of Boston in it.  Ah, good times.

is to reconstruct either Cadillac DeVille and/or Gran Torino.

My brothers and I would have deadly battles over NOT being stuck with my mom's '71 Torino.  We'd rather opt for the '66 vomit Comet or the '69 Cougar, which was no great shakes but could at least go like a bat out of hell if you didn't mind having to lift the hood and manually set the choke every time you wanted to start it.

My highlight of the Torino was when I hit the hammer and the dashboard fell into my lap.

They don't make 'em like they used to, thank God.

I fell in love with the car.  Then I had a chance to drive on of my friend's dad's car.  It rode just fine. Now I want it... :D

89Springer1036 reads

Took me over 2,000 hours over a four year period. Took it down to the last nut and bolt and built it back up again. Shot the paint, rebuilt the motor, welded floors and quarter panels and rockers...it was a lifetime achievement. Still have a lot of trophies

I had a British Racing Green Match Box XKE when I was a little girl and told everyone I'd have one when I grew up.

I've had 4 XJ6s and now a XJ8! WHERE have you been all my life, lol?



89Springer935 reads

I just didn't realize I'd have to build it myself. ;)

I wanted an E-Type ever since they hit the US in 1961. In 1980, in a poll of automobile designers, they voted the Jaguar E-Type ("XKE") as the most beautiful car ever made.

My first car was a 1976 Ford LTD.  That thing was bigger than an aircraft carrier - and only two doors.  I'd love to get one now for nostalgia.  However, not being very automotive literate, I'd probably be stranded within two days of driving it !!

I'd cram like 8 of us in there since I was the only one of my friends to have job/car. Those days were so much fun! :)

Posted By: JakePlissken
My first car was a 1976 Ford LTD.  That thing was bigger than an aircraft carrier - and only two doors.  I'd love to get one now for nostalgia.  However, not being very automotive literate, I'd probably be stranded within two days of driving it !!

And it stopped being fun when I realized that, on average, it was costing me about $300 (in assorted, rare, way f'ing expensive parts) every time I drove it

I had an appointment with a doll in the West.  She was a worldwide Top 100 at the time, but has since dropped off due to the grade inflation phenomenon -- anyway, 9.5 looks scores.  She wanted to come in the side door of the hotel, so she called me from the parking lot and I went to the side door and called her back.  There's a Ford F-250 that is obviously a work truck sitting in the lot, and as I hang up, a 5'4" ultra-hottie in a short body-hugging LBD in 4" CFMPs climbs down out of the cab.  It was fun watching her crawl out, and even more fun 90 minutes later when I insisted on walking her back to her truck so I could watch her climb back in.

GordianKnot1066 reads

I like my new car, but I treat her like I drive her. Hard and Fast!

I've known a few with Mercedes, so I've been kind of embarrassed in my yellow submarine with no AC. (getting it fixed soon hopefully. It's hard to give her up for a couple days)

It's super cute, hatch back, and a great city car. It maneuvers really nice and looks somewhat unique. I thought I'd be gigging so I bought something that could easily carry music equipment. All it holds is laundry and travel bags, I'm afraid.

Love four door cars, and if I had to buy another car, it would be an SUV. I want an equinox, used for at least 2 years. Why buy something new when the value decreases so much?

Anyway, guys think it's cute, but they don't think I'm badass in the car --- until I start parallel parking. Great for that.

and that's saying a lot.

It had no power, the ride was poor, most of the knobs had fallen off of it, it handled like a pig, and even the seat was uncomfortable for long rides. She was the type of gal who insisted that the man do the driving when we went anywhere.  Since I often flew to go see her, I couldn't use my car.

Maybe when new it was half decent, but it had 100,000 miles on her and it showed.

In her defense, she had not bought it.  Instead if was a "gift" from some other client of hers.  I told her she needs a better client base who doesn't send her his headaches and call them gifts.

I recall another gal with a Benz, nice looking number, I think a 230E, but she cracked it up within weeks of me knowing her, so never got to check it out closely.

May as well drive a vehicle that is purpose built for the North American domestic market

OK, to be honest I'd like to watch you do quite a few things. yummy.

I wouldn't waste your money getting your AC fixed now, Chicago land will be in a deep freeze in no time and you won't be needing AC, you'll be cranking that heater up.

I have been contemplating getting one of those one ton diesel pick-up trucks, that sound like a 777 taking off.

Then I can get an air brushed mural upon the tailgate of a sexy-lady smoking a cigar along with the caption blow-my-smoke!

White people know what I'm talking about.

where the speed limit is 70 and people go 80-85. It's an 8 cylinder and in sport mode it MOVES like a sports car!!! As you now know it's a beauty and just hit 54k.

As for your Buick...I'm guessing since when it was new, it was Buick's luxury car, top of the line, it's still a great ride and you've kept it up. You can't compare a car like that to Mazda3!!! I'm sure it a smooth ride, kinda like YOU!



I got to drive a gent's Mercedes once. He took me out to eat/drink. He really liked his drink and asked if I'd be okay to drive if he wanted a few more. Hell yeah, I'll drive your Mercedes! Drink up, baby! I don't know what kind of Mercedes it was, but if you didn't shut your door all the way, the car magically sucked the door closed. All those dash controls made it look like a cockpit.

Before I became a provider, I had a 92 Accord station wagon. No one could sit behind the driver seat because I had to use a baseball bat wedged between to keep the seat from reclining all the way. It had duct tape everywhere inside lol. My XH was pretty good with cars so it ran pretty well till he left then Murphy's Law. I have a new little hatchback now, newest car I've ever had. It's so cute and good on gas, and it has air conditioning! I bought a 4x4 for my mom a few months ago too, and that was great for our camping trip.

the other being WD40.

The duck tape is for things that need to stay put and won't; and the WD40 for things that need to move, but won't.

Hahaha isn't that the Redneck Law for fixing everything? :D

Posted By: mrfisher
the other being WD40.

The duck tape is for things that need to stay put and won't; and the WD40 for things that need to move, but won't.

Also funny is "duct tape" should not be on air ducts ever as it is a fire hazard. There is fire safe tapes for ducks but "duct tape" isn't it. It was called "duck tape" because of its water proof nature, but people started to call it "duct tape" as people used it on duck work before much safer options came in existence in the 1970's. It was never safe for such uses but better options was not available at the time. It was not meant for duct work but as a way to quick fix military equipment in the field. You know as a soldiers handy mans secret weapon to rig broken crap when time and/or resources prevented proper repair. In fact fixing your car is more inline with its intended use that duct work ever could be. "Duck tape" is still one of the proper names of the product even if it isn't "duck" brand. Trust this reformed trailer trash on this.

Water proof duct tape was referred to as Marine tape... Something I heard while serving in the Navy.

Sooo...YouWanna1152 reads

Mostly kidding ;-)

Seriously though, I can't remember ever caring what kind of car a guy drives. Material possessions have just never been my thing.  

Mine is the first car I ever had, and will be driven into the ground before I buy another one. It's one of those things that you're only ever going to spend more money on once you get it, so reliability and low cost in the future are my main concerns.  

Not that there's anything wrong with those who value other things, of course.

Except for the part about the car.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
Mostly kidding ;-)  
 Seriously though, I can't remember ever caring what kind of car a guy drives. Material possessions have just never been my thing.  
 Mine is the first car I ever had, and will be driven into the ground before I buy another one. It's one of those things that you're only ever going to spend more money on once you get it, so reliability and low cost in the future are my main concerns.  
 Not that there's anything wrong with those who value other things, of course.

oryx32924 reads

One prosperous escort in my town has a thing for fast and slick cars. One is a recent vintage BMW convertible and she bought a Lexus SUV for her mother and a little red sporty thing for her boy friend.
 Others I know drive Hondas, Hyundai and another little red convertible. Me, I drive a Toyota pickup

They're the reason for a lot of cancellations.

It took a lot to get my Mazda 3 to look like an exact replica - but it was worth it, as you can see.

-- Modified on 9/7/2014 3:12:50 PM

..I had a 16 year old Corolla and the only reason I got a new car was because it was stolen. Best car I ever had. 40 mpg on the highway, 34 local at 16 years. For real. Now I have a Hyundai Elantra. In those 16 years the advances they have made in even basic amenities make this car a luxury vehicle compared to my old car. My last car had no clock let alone variable speed wipers and electric windows.

but I drive a modest (good mileage) car. I haven't had a car payment since 1991. I could afford a lot more vehicle than what I drive, but a car to me is a necessary evil.  

A coworker just bought a new Challenger, cool looking car, I loved the 70's Challengers.  

But honestly, a car gets me from point A to point B, and to do my small part to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, I drive a car that gets very good mileage.  

I haven't visited a auto mechanic since I don't know when, the only auto maintenance I have to have done is oil changes. The very few times I've visited an auto parts store has been to pick up windshield wiper fluid.  

There are those that will say I lose about 4K every time I buy a new car and drive it off the lot, this is true. However, no time or expense spent on maintenance (other than oil changes), no new tires, no interest charges. And best of all, now since there are internet sites that tell you how much people are paying for the car you want, and how much your trade is worth, I have very little to say to the pond scum that are car salesmen. I research the car I want (color and accessories) , walk onto the lot, tell the piece of crap car salesman which car I want how much I'll pay, hand the keys to my trade to him, pay cash for the difference and I'm out of there in less than an hour.

If a provider were to judge me on what I drive, I wouldn't see her again. It has absolutely no impact on her life, liberty or happiness if I drive a K car or a Lincoln. There are so many other important things in life than someone's choice of vehicles.

There is Internet series starring Jerry Seinfeld. Its called "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"

Its sports some pretty nice rides, and some of the big names in the world of laughs. Just google the whole term in quotes...

if you think that show is funny. I heard the show got three ratings.  Still, that is more  than the rest of the entire NBC network line-up combined for the entire day.

Chris Rock and Ricky Gervais are the best.

It rolls down one hill and can hardly make it up the next.

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