TER General Board

Think of it this way.
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1162 reads

You go into a place of business and the girl is happy to see you back. Every once in a while she shoots you an email, saying, "we haven't seen you in a while. Come back! We enjoyed your business!"

In the sex industry, it may go down more intimately said, of course. Any (good) business owner wants business. The self pride a business owner gets that people come back, and... The money, of course.

That's not a wicked scene, and it isn't always a lie, either. People in my life are usually surprised that I enjoy my job, and get kinda pissy when I'm not working as much. I get frustrated when no penis is pounding me. All in all, it's a win win, but that doesn't mean I'm going to call someone I met in the business to do it for free. I'll wait and get paid, and get my own somewhere else. Otherwise I'm losing a client. (I promise you, once they get it for free, they don't ever agree to pay again. So it's a dumb financial move to email for a free appointment. Plus, again, it's not hard for a person with a pussy to find free dick. Lol.)

Working at a place where no customers come in can get lonely, even if the clerk is getting paid hourly for that time. But the clerk may look forward to clients coming in, even though it's more work, for the same pay. Because of the people contact. But if she wasn't even getting paid by the place of business, she'd not be there. She would go to a bar and chat for free with people she chooses, sipping on tequila.

There are people I do business with, pay them, etc etc, and sometimes I walk away wondering if I said/did something wrong because they seemed to be upset, or take this or that the wrong way. Due to that awkwardness, I've not gone back. I felt bad and was uncomfortable going back - even if they did an awesome job! But every now and then I get a text or email saying, "hey! I miss doing your nails!! Come back!!" So I then know that person doesn't think I'm "just another annoying customer" and figure something else was bothering them that day. Either way, if I feel welcome, thought of, and somewhat needed by a business, I feel good going back. If I feel like a burden, I move on.

The last thing I want when I'm paying someone is to feel like a burden, or an annoying customer. Not on my watch. I'll go somewhere else on "me" time and enjoy myself. But if they take those extra steps to reach out and say "miss you!" And make me feel special? I'll totally go back if I need the service and they do well.

I have one of the best jobs done on a specific service I used outside of this industry. Took me forever to find the guy. I said something that he totally took wrong, and while being professional, his demeanor changed. For an extra curricular thing, I'll find someone/something else. But if in a few months I get an email/text to come say hi, do business, I'll know the coast is clear and I'll feel good going back.

So the email may mean,
"I'm doing my rounds,  
saying hi to my faves,  
shooting the shit with my bros,
I'm drunk and horny, so I'm sexting,
My boyfriend won't fuck me, and said I'm plain, so I want to hear that I'm wanted, who better than someone who puts there money where their mouth is?"

Or a simple...

" Hey! All is good, I'm still alive, I remember you, thank you, please come again!"

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 7:01:01 PM

How much do the text and e-mail and at times phone calls influence you?
 When your favorites say things, like I miss you, or need to see you again, I want you so much.Do you read between the lines or do you take it with sincerity? I realize many different factors are involved in any relationship even here when you have made a special connection and you are spending a lot of time and resources.
  Do you find yourself more turned on or turned off?  
No flamming please, serious questions

When your fave replies with any/all of that nonsense...send her a reply back that you'd love to see her.

Of course OTC.

You'll find out quickly she's NOT into you.  But maybe you'll be surprised?

Posted By: mconnection
How much do the text and e-mail and at times phone calls influence you?  
  When your favorites say things, like I miss you, or need to see you again, I want you so much.Do you read between the lines or do you take it with sincerity? I realize many different factors are involved in any relationship even here when you have made a special connection and you are spending a lot of time and resources.  
   Do you find yourself more turned on or turned off?  
 No flamming please, serious questions.  

But it does make me think of the lady and if I liked my time with her it may get me book again. Now if we have a friendship of sorts if not a real friendship, communication is always welcome. Actually more I am thinking about it, rarely is the communication unwelcomed. It isn't a turn on though. Well, maybe if there is pictures it can be.

Stickythong974 reads

The answer to your question is neither. I understand what the game is.

Posted By: mconnection
How much do the text and e-mail and at times phone calls influence you?  
  When your favorites say things, like I miss you, or need to see you again, I want you so much.Do you read between the lines or do you take it with sincerity? I realize many different factors are involved in any relationship even here when you have made a special connection and you are spending a lot of time and resources.  
   Do you find yourself more turned on or turned off?  
 No flamming please, serious questions.  

browneyes_830 reads

Sincere providers are harmless
Sweet talkers on the phone or email are the one who have some not so good plans for you usually. If you need to know details about that email me here in TER and I will explain what I mean by that.

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 2:57:43 PM

Send out her schedule, or wishing me Happy Holidays is one thing but saying she NEEDS to see you smacks of desperation and I dont think professional escorts go down that road too often? At least I know for sure they dont with me.

MakingMeGrow860 reads

I used to take it with a grain of salt. My last ATF would email me and say I miss you or when do I see you again?  I thought it was cute but didn't pay it any mind because I thought it was part of the game. I would reply in kind but then again, I saw her so often I didn't have to worry about it. I would try to twist her a little by saying some of those things and telling her how I really felt about her. We still say those phrases but I don't question if she means it anymore. All my time is OTC now. She's my Girlfriend.  

As someone just commented, until it's OTC, it's work.

Huh. So let me see if I have this right.

You saw a hooker. A lot. And you and her are now together. Because now she's your girlfriend. And you are still seeing other hookers? Or do you still hang out at TER because you just find amusement in it?  

Am I wrong or do you feel sort of proud saying (anonymously) that you crowned a provider as your princess?  


Posted By: MakingMeGrow
I used to take it with a grain of salt. My last ATF would email me and say I miss you or when do I see you again?  I thought it was cute but didn't pay it any mind because I thought it was part of the game. I would reply in kind but then again, I saw her so often I didn't have to worry about it. I would try to twist her a little by saying some of those things and telling her how I really felt about her. We still say those phrases but I don't question if she means it anymore. All my time is OTC now. She's my Girlfriend.  
 As someone just commented, until it's OTC, it's work.

GaGambler1061 reads

I've dated many hookers, and even while I was involved with a lady and had stopped seeing other women, I still hung around here for "amusement" purposes as you called it. What's wrong with that?

Other guys are married and cheating on their wives by being here and we rarely judge them for it. Why the need to judge a guy who posts here while dating a hooker, or ex hooker, whichever the case may be?

Whose judging? Just curious. Helps to make clear where someone's coming from. I get trolling for amusement purposes. I get that. I don't get  dating someone , regardless of their profession, past or present , and seeing hookers. Married and cheating? sure. Not married and cheating? Ummmm...no. That's just fucked up if you ask me.

traditional monogamous pairings. Don't knock it til ya try it! ;)

Posted By: MrTwister
Whose judging? Just curious. Helps to make clear where someone's coming from. I get trolling for amusement purposes. I get that. I don't get  dating someone , regardless of their profession, past or present , and seeing hookers. Married and cheating? sure. Not married and cheating? Ummmm...no. That's just fucked up if you ask me.

As soon as I posted that I knew that's what the response would be. I am not sure I would be cut out for one. More power to those that try it and are good at it. I am too...human?..maybe too weak...to try it and assume I could handle it.  That would be super hard not to let envy and jealousy and insecurity get in the way.  Sounds awesome though!  

But if it's not open? Staying in a relationship, not a bad marriage, where you don't have to and cheating seems super wrong to me. Not alot of justification for it...not to me anyway.  

To each his own...

All you need to do is separate sex from love. People do that in this world anyways. It is just being honest about it and remembering who you both go home to. The last five years of my marriage has been open but with rules, and I am love and lust after my wife as much as when we were monogamous, perhaps more so. Don't jump to conclusions.

Jumping to a conclusion about myself, how I would handle it.

"Hey honey, I'm headin' out to grab a beer with my buddies, whatchyou doin'?"

"Going over to Joe's and fuck his brains out, see you later tonight!"

I would struggle with that situation. So for all of you guys who date or married providers, kudos to your emotional fortitude.

I'm with you Mr Twister. To each their own, I couldn't date an active provider.

Posted By: MrTwister
Jumping to a conclusion about myself, how I would handle it.  
 "Hey honey, I'm headin' out to grab a beer with my buddies, whatchyou doin'?"  
 "Going over to Joe's and fuck his brains out, see you later tonight!"  
 I would struggle with that situation. So for all of you guys who date or married providers, kudos to your emotional fortitude.  

browneyes_1004 reads

I tell you what is going on with open relationships or being married with a hooker: with clients she has sex with the husband she makes love.  
If the husband realizes that she loves him and not her clients then he shouldn't be jealous on her. He should know her clients don't give a rat ass about her . They just looking for a sexual service. You know what I mean? Hookers needs to be loved to like ay human beings.  
So when guys/clients disrespect hookers (and they do that a lot) those hookers will notice and deny them dates.  
So please keep this hobby respectful and lets treat hookers like human beings!

MakingMeGrow972 reads

For what it is worth to you, I haven't hobbied since we have been together. I didn't post my response to brag. It was posted to show the OP that it can happen. His providers words can be true and heartfelt. Just don't take it too seriously. I appreciate and respect all the choices and lifestyles people choose. I don't need to judge and neither should you.  

BTW, I love "trolling" these boards. I try to contribute once in awhile but yes this is amusing. I love reading comments like yours.

GaGambler792 reads

and then proceed to do the exact opposite.

Hookers and Johns, Johns especially, all claim to be so open minded and wonder why society doesn't "get them" and then they turn around and judge everyone else by their own moral standards. Ironic, isn't it?

Assume you mean me. And yes, you're right...I would pass judgment on  a cheater.  So, guilty of judging...while saying I'm not. My bad.

I don't claim to be open minded. I just think "cheating' has it's place, if it's possible to draw a distinction around a moral dilemma. Probably not. It's probably hypocritical to defend it on one basis but not another. For me , cheating on a girlfriend is different than cheating in a bad marriage, regardless of why it's bad. I am willing to argue that distinction. I think everyone has some version of a moral compass, and I accept not everyone's is the same

No problem. I'm a troll too. Only judging you if you're cheating. That's a judge-able offense. Sounds like you're not. So, you're ok in my book. Not that you give a shit.

GaGambler699 reads

and for the record, I am another non cheating whore monger, not that I give a shit what you think about me either.

As for what I think about you.....Naw, I am sure you don't give a shit either. lol

Then why make the distinction that you're not a cheater? if it's so laughable? Lest you be judged? it matters in life, not on an internet forum. That much I agree with you.

I agree, also that whatever you say, no matter the topic, on this forum, or practically any other anonymous outlet....doesn't matter. Everything on here that doesn't pertain to information sharing but merely spewing opinion...is pretty useless in the scheme of things. My blather included.

And I don't care. Correct.


Posted By: GaGambler
and for the record, I am another non cheating whore monger, not that I give a shit what you think about me either.  

As for what I think about you.....Naw, I am sure you don't give a shit either. lol

MakingMeGrow1121 reads

The question is why jump in on a post and start making assumptions and judgements before even asking the question?  I'm sure you know what happens when you make ASSumptions.  

Posted By: MrTwister
Then why make the distinction that you're not a cheater? if it's so laughable? Lest you be judged? it matters in life, not on an internet forum. That much I agree with you.  
 I agree, also that whatever you say, no matter the topic, on this forum, or practically any other anonymous outlet....doesn't matter. Everything on here that doesn't pertain to information sharing but merely spewing opinion...is pretty useless in the scheme of things. My blather included.  
 And I don't care. Correct.  
Posted By: GaGambler
and for the record, I am another non cheating whore monger, not that I give a shit what you think about me either.  
 As for what I think about you.....Naw, I am sure you don't give a shit either. lol

I didn't. I asked you a couple of questions. Go back and look..."let's see if I have this correct"... THEN I was going to judge you if you said you're seeing other women after declaring your ATF is now your girlfriend. You said you weren't....pretty much end of story. Unless you keep this up. I'm just a troll , remember? I can respond all day

MakingMeGrow907 reads

Dude, just because you end a sentence with a question mark does not make it a question. Your post started with "huh so let me see if I have this right. You saw a hooker. A lot. And now you and her are together. Because she is you girlfriend. And your still seeing other hookers?"
That is an ASSumption. Nowhere did I say I am seeing other providers. A question would have been - "are you still seeing hookers?"  Do you see how this works? (That's a question). Apparently you have an issue with reading comprehension (that's an ASSumption - although reasonably deduced or arguably a statement of fact).  

As far as am I proud to have "crowned a provider as my princess?"  Not a provider per se. I am ecstatic that I found a beautiful woman who is intelligent, sexy, funny, driven ( I could go on and on) and loves me?  Absolutely!  I'm not crazy about the profession but if it wasn't for that we probably don't meet.  It wasn't the reason for my response to the OP. His question was clearly answered.  

So I am sorry that you have issues with cheaters and I feel bad for you that you were probably cheated on (assumption) or it broke up your mommy and daddy (another assumption) but I would imagine you are smart enough to figure it out.  

Good luck!

Since you're lawyering me...you conveniently left off the very next sentence where I asked if you are on TER for amusement purposes, rather than because you actively are seeking and seeing providers. The two questions went together.  

You posted something, I was curious about the background upon which you posted what you said. To form a judgment in the event you said 'yes, still seeing hookers', which you did not. You stated you were only here for amusement purposes. Cool by me.  

Who has the reading comprehension issue? I posted exactly what you suggested I should have. Admit you just didn't appreciate the tone which you believed was included in the post. Fair enough.

As for your girlfriend. I'm glad you found someone you love. Good for you. That you chose to include that fact in the post and then mention OTC and non-OTC struck me as disrespectful to this woman you have such strong feelings for. On a fuckboard, I guess who cares. That's me ASSuming a little braggadocio...perhaps misinterpreted, but I doubt it. I don't get the whole "I'm dating a hooker' crowing as if you achieved some special status so few males can claim...but, having never dated one, maybe I am just missing out on how awesome it is. A really intelligent, sexy, funny, driven (I could go on)  woman is just that, hooker/ ex-hooker or not.  

And finally, alias poster, you're right about cheaters. I feel bad for the cheated on, yes. If you aren't in a relationship with all of the complexities and baggage known as marriage, then cheating in a relationship where getting out is simply a matter of leaving...I don't see how a person justifies it. That just makes you an asshole, or a coward, or a leech...etc. Is it my business? Nope. Is my judging someone right? Wrong? Going to make a difference? Nope. Just one person's opinion on  fuckboard in a sea of opinions...posted for what purpose? Good question. Not much. Same as all of the other trolls who post.  

Good luck to you too! I wish you the best with your girlfriend. She sounds awesome.

Posted By: MrTwister
That would be super hard not to let envy and jealousy and insecurity get in the way.  Sounds awesome though!
That's honest. Yes, that's most people's issue with open relationships. But consider this: a love that contains envy, jealousy, and insecurity is not truly love. It's a type of ownership. True love is unconditional. When you have true, unconditional love, I don't think open relationships are very difficult at all.

I don't know whether I should be relieved or insulted :-)

I think I'll go with "One time with me is all they can handle." Yeah, that must be it.

I'm sure one time with you is never enough!



browneyes_1071 reads

Email me here and I will reply with instructions so you can learn how in advance notice/ahead of time session planning you got to do to help me become available to meet you during your preferred day off. time off etc.  
Right the way meeting is impossible because I am not local.  
Nobody is really available now but they might lie to you saying they will show up in 15 minutes but the driving distance between your city and city where provider lives always interfere with that right now arrival.  
So Don't believe everything you hear.

Go ahead and play along if it floats your boat. Personally, I find it really annoying if I get that unsolicited message and I know she's just fishing for business (but I like it from ladies with whom I have a true rapport).

RokkKrinn638 reads

Not trying to troll here at all.  I sometimes have the same issue.  e.g:

I see a new (to me) provider.  The date doesn't live up to my expectations.  She texts/emails/etc for awhile, hoping to get me to schedule another appointment.  I don't feel any rapport or connection, so I'm vaguely annoyed--but then the messages stop (fortunately haven't encountered any truly stalker BSC-types yet).

OTOH, there are those providers with whom I quickly feel a rapport.  We both know there's going to be a "next time"--or even multiple "next times".  So when she texts me and says "So when am I going to see you again?", I'm not annoyed (although I try not to focus too much on the fact that these sorts of texts seem to come more frequently when she's trying to save up for another vacation in Hawaii or Thailand).

So I guess a feeling of rapport is a subjective matter.

In general, I do like the friendly/flirty texts/emails--if the provider and I have a real ongoing "thing" of some kind.  It works for me as part of the fantasy.

Even if you can see through it, it would be flattering on some level.

If you couldn't see it the way it should be seen? I suppose it would inspire you to find a way to see her again. So, in that sense...it's pretty effective advertising/marketing. But risky too, therefore, not entirely professional.  

If someone I saw texted me and said that and I knew she wasn't a total flake, etc...I would be flattered..as hell. Even knowing there was a catch. She's thinking about you...even as ATM....she is thinking about you. Who's not a sucker for that basic human aspect?

It could feel creepy too though....not sure. Probably feels creepy for them if we text or email them afterwards, so I guess it would work both ways

A.Pismo.Clam1077 reads

Could this be a pot=kettle=black sitiashun?

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 4:44:52 PM

My pussy up quite nicely :D  
Does it make you feel good to be a dick? I love dick but on a different level than you I HOPE ;)
Hugs and kisses

Um my phone?  Wtf are you talking about?  I meant he beat my PUSSY up quite nicely and isn't that what I said chunky?

how we wish to interpret "between meeting" communications.  

I try to take them all sincerely. You can build connections and relationships (no matter how limited) here as well as anywhere else in your life. If we have "favorite providers" as clients, why would we assume that a woman would not have "favorite clients"? In my own business, I certainly have clients I prefer personally and stay in touch with... is that insincere?  

I think that keeping it in perspective is key. Don't desperately assume "romance" or cynically assume "ATM". In my opinion, assuming an extreme is rarely accurate.  

There are a very, very few women with whom I keep in touch somewhat regularly between "dates". The conversation is usually nothing more than friendly chat and flirt, without presumption of anything else. And yes, I enjoy a friendly chat and flirt... in some cases it can be a turn-on.

89Springer821 reads

it can make me feel flattered. Even though she's fishing for money, I assume she feels that even at my age, it's worth it for the money. For all I know, she sends out those texts en masse, and hundreds of guys are getting them.

Now the photos that show her naked, and show her face? I don't know how many guys she'd send those to, and I don't know how many she'd send them to unsolicited. I hope not many. I've never asked for a photo, and it makes me feel a little special to get one

With one or two exceptions, ladies don't text or email me unsolicited. It's not professional. I don't appreciate it and on occasion I've stopped seeing ladies due to it. They should have a life as I do. I understand though that's not always the case.  

Maybe you need to look at a different 'pool' of gals without my having looked at who you've seen. Also perhaps you need to rethink your interpretation of what this is. It's not The Dating Game or 'Find a friend.'  

The very few who text me unsolicited I consider good friends and I enjoy hearing from them. And vice versa. I think , lol.

I still enjoy it.  It's nice that someone appreciates me, even just as a customer, enough to try to make my day.   And it does.  

I take it for what it is - just a pleasant thought and move on with my day, a little lighter in my step and in a better mood.

Thanks Girls - keep up the good work!

But I'm single so getting texts or emails doesn't increase risk of significant other imploding.

Love it when, out of the blue, an email with a picture arrives.  Even if she's not scheduled to be in my area, that usually primes me to seek out more info.  But then again, I really like the women I meet and genuinely enjoy their company as more than just sexual partners.  Having her contact me reinforces that feeling, not that I think she's smitten but instead wants to rekindle that connection as well.  Financials may be part of her motivation, but that's a factor in so many parts of life that it's immaterial to me.

So yeah, it's a turn on when it's not just an advertisement.

Epsilon_Eridani848 reads

... I will text you when I am ready to see you.

texting me out of the blue is unnecessary and unprofessional.  

if the lady is that desperate for business, she needs to find other methods of generating income, but texting clients unsolicited is not the way to do it.  

Posted By: mconnection
How much do the text and e-mail and at times phone calls influence you?  
  When your favorites say things, like I miss you, or need to see you again, I want you so much.Do you read between the lines or do you take it with sincerity? I realize many different factors are involved in any relationship even here when you have made a special connection and you are spending a lot of time and resources.  
   Do you find yourself more turned on or turned off?  
 No flamming please, serious questions.  

You go into a place of business and the girl is happy to see you back. Every once in a while she shoots you an email, saying, "we haven't seen you in a while. Come back! We enjoyed your business!"

In the sex industry, it may go down more intimately said, of course. Any (good) business owner wants business. The self pride a business owner gets that people come back, and... The money, of course.

That's not a wicked scene, and it isn't always a lie, either. People in my life are usually surprised that I enjoy my job, and get kinda pissy when I'm not working as much. I get frustrated when no penis is pounding me. All in all, it's a win win, but that doesn't mean I'm going to call someone I met in the business to do it for free. I'll wait and get paid, and get my own somewhere else. Otherwise I'm losing a client. (I promise you, once they get it for free, they don't ever agree to pay again. So it's a dumb financial move to email for a free appointment. Plus, again, it's not hard for a person with a pussy to find free dick. Lol.)

Working at a place where no customers come in can get lonely, even if the clerk is getting paid hourly for that time. But the clerk may look forward to clients coming in, even though it's more work, for the same pay. Because of the people contact. But if she wasn't even getting paid by the place of business, she'd not be there. She would go to a bar and chat for free with people she chooses, sipping on tequila.

There are people I do business with, pay them, etc etc, and sometimes I walk away wondering if I said/did something wrong because they seemed to be upset, or take this or that the wrong way. Due to that awkwardness, I've not gone back. I felt bad and was uncomfortable going back - even if they did an awesome job! But every now and then I get a text or email saying, "hey! I miss doing your nails!! Come back!!" So I then know that person doesn't think I'm "just another annoying customer" and figure something else was bothering them that day. Either way, if I feel welcome, thought of, and somewhat needed by a business, I feel good going back. If I feel like a burden, I move on.

The last thing I want when I'm paying someone is to feel like a burden, or an annoying customer. Not on my watch. I'll go somewhere else on "me" time and enjoy myself. But if they take those extra steps to reach out and say "miss you!" And make me feel special? I'll totally go back if I need the service and they do well.

I have one of the best jobs done on a specific service I used outside of this industry. Took me forever to find the guy. I said something that he totally took wrong, and while being professional, his demeanor changed. For an extra curricular thing, I'll find someone/something else. But if in a few months I get an email/text to come say hi, do business, I'll know the coast is clear and I'll feel good going back.

So the email may mean,
"I'm doing my rounds,  
saying hi to my faves,  
shooting the shit with my bros,
I'm drunk and horny, so I'm sexting,
My boyfriend won't fuck me, and said I'm plain, so I want to hear that I'm wanted, who better than someone who puts there money where their mouth is?"

Or a simple...

" Hey! All is good, I'm still alive, I remember you, thank you, please come again!"

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 7:01:01 PM

Dear Ms. Ova:
You did say that if you give the customer a freebie that he would never pay for it again. How ever for your favorite regulars, would you give them certain discounts if they helped you meet certain financial goals that you needed to acheive? Also for you most frequent visitor if they visit so many times within say an eight week period would you give them a certain break financially to keep them returning? Maybe you can do certain things on an incentive basis the way a Public Television Station does when they are trying to raise money.  You can even send certain reminder where you might be scantily clad so that they would know where they stand with their visits and how many points they accumulated over that period of time and what they reward would be if they spend so much over the threshold that you would set.

But yes, I don't really 'cold call' regular clients unless they ask me to. I do send email updates to some of my faves, and say hi every now and then. Still trying to figure out the balance. I'll get guys emailing me 3-4 times per day randomly, but if I send a random email to say hi, sometimes they think I'm trying to beg for a date. I quickly correct them, and remove them from my email list to avoid future annoyances.

Can't be perfect 100% of the time.

We're all just a bunch of humans trying to figure each other out, I say.

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 6:33:48 PM

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
(I promise you, once they get it for free, they don't ever agree to pay again. So it's a dumb financial move to email for a free appointment.)


I hate to disagree with you because I truly love your posts, and your point of view. So let's just say there are always exceptions. I have an atf from whom I received a free session. The free one was our third session. It wasn't a buy two, get one free special either. It was pure. She cooked dinner too, but that's neither here nor there. After that, there were no more free offers. Since then, I've seen her fifty-six more times, and continue to see her. Session sixty is set for next week. :)  The funny thing is, not only have I continued to see her, but after each session, I tip her. The tips would have paid for ten more sessions. This might sound really strange, but that free session made me feel so much more special than your average 'I miss you'. The tips are my way of thanking her for making me feel like more than just a client. To me, the free session was the great business move. You can bet the house she'll get tipped on session sixty too.  




-- Modified on 2/11/2015 5:30:16 PM

Well, remember. I'm not an expert. I've only been at this two years. The balance is really hard, because every single human being is different, and you have to learn quickly how each person works. Some people are very good at it, others have to go by strict protocol based on very limited samples.

But that's a nice story to hear. That's probably how most ladies want those "free sessions" to go. I'm sure they do feel genuine...

I came into this hobby so guarded, but have met some very "real" ladies that have changed my perspective on things.  When you go into these dates with an open mind, relaxed and willing to connect a little with a lady if she is an open person too, that can indeed happen, and you can both walk away with fond memories.  While it's important to be a realist with one's head on straight, being overly-cynical can make us miss out on some of the nice little things in life, like mutual acknowledgment of a fun shared time.

Actually, if it's someone who I "clicked" with previously, then I am flattered.  Therefore, I am probably more likely to try to arrange another date.  As I prefer long-term friendships with fewer ladies, I am likely planning another date anyway if she's someone who I enjoyed previously.  Do I think that she wants me RIGHT NOW?  No, but it's still nice to pretend.  ;)  This happened to me recently, in fact, and I am now planning our next visit together.

What I find interesting is the number of guys here who seem offended by such emails and texts. Frankly, we ALL should have a separate email address and phone number (preferably another phone, not merely the Google app on our regular smart phone) that are password protected, encrypted, erased, and properly locked-up safely when not in use.  What's the big deal, really?  (I get a LOT more unwanted robo-calls and junk mail daily from businesses I have no knowledge of, so what's the big deal if I get similar junk mail from a lady who I have been with?)  If I see an email, text, or unwanted newsletter I am free to ignore and/or delete it.  

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 9:41:40 AM

browneyes_925 reads

Every man needs a straight forward sincere lady in his life in order to have a successful relationship either is romantic, professional, business relationship etc. And that works for business relationships between two men for example.  
Imagine If they lie to each other very single minute at work completion of their duties as a team goes to the trash. Be sure of that.

I speak out of honesty. I do not tell others that I miss them or they were on my mind because I'm looking for a pay day. I mean every word that comes out of my mouth so, please do not be sensitive. You will get the straight truth with me

Some of the ladies I see would never say those things in a million years. With other ladies you absolutely know it's a line. But it's a sweet line, so it's cool. I'd rather have a sweet line than nothing. Plus, the sweet line keeps her in your mind, so it's a great business maneuver. But then the ones with whom you are the closest, even though this is strictly a business, you know there's a hint of truth to what they're saying. Of course it could never be 100% true, but it's those hints of truth that keep me coming back much more often.

I even enjoyed the maintenance  comment from a less than mature, let's just person.

Posted By: mconnection
How much do the text and e-mail and at times phone calls influence you?  
  When your favorites say things, like I miss you, or need to see you again, I want you so much.Do you read between the lines or do you take it with sincerity? I realize many different factors are involved in any relationship even here when you have made a special connection and you are spending a lot of time and resources.  
   Do you find yourself more turned on or turned off?  
 No flamming please, serious questions.  

Skyfyre769 reads

Maybe it's a bit slow and she wants to drum up some biz? Maybe she does feel a bit nostalgic and miss a good client she hasn't seen for a while? Regardless, ultimately it's nothing more than just a business call.  

One one hand I understand it's marketing. OTH it does give her a slight advantage over the competition who stays quiet. It is because it at least gives me a sense that this lady does remember me and does care even if it's a tiny little bit if not for me then at least my patronage. So yes a little message does impress me a little.  

If everything else being COMPARABLE (price, service, personality etc...) to me the squeaky wheel gets the grease -my grease, LOL

VOO-doo828 reads

damned if you do, damned if you don't.  

If you don't contact a guy in between appointments, then you're all about the $$. If you do contact him, even just to say 'hey, guess what book I read the other day?', then you're doing it for $$.  

This even works if the guy ASKS you to keep in touch. Last year, I had a guy complain to me about having 'radio silence' between appointments. He told me he liked to feel 'chased'. So about a month later (I'd been busy with other things), I emailed him to say 'hey'. He asked me pointedly if business was slow. Never saw him again.

And even though she was a notch below my ATFs, she was still hot and fun.  So I went with the flow of things (lots of friendly emails back and forth) and we did have a second date - about 6 months after the first (she was a visitor).  She said our first date (with OTC time) felt more like a real blind date to her (hey, I am a decent-looking single guy with a touch of innocent boyish charm, so why not?).  So sure, some nice flirtation does have an impact on me.  Then again, I'm not a stooge, and it has to have some basis in reality and a connection from a date in order to be credible.  If a more mechanical lady started trying to flirt, I wouldn't buy it, and would take it as a bit of an insult to my intelligence (actually, I'd find it more amusing than anything, and would toss it up as just another funny little hobby side-bar)

purchases (car dealer, Best Buy, etc.) emailing me to tell me about the newest and greatest model and they want my trade-in (car dealer) or newest electronic gadget that I should be the first to own (Best Buy).

I like being the one pursued, and I know that's almost an oxymoron here. But I'm just old-fashioned that way- and that's probably the only way I'm old-fashioned. I like them to come to me. I like to know that when someone emails me, that s/he wants to see me- not just the last chick who emailed them. Sure- I am probably "lower-volume" as a result, but it suits me and the people I see are perfectly wonderful.

I love keeping in touch with my friends, though, too. So I will usually email back and forth as long as they do and as long as I have the time to respond in a timely basis. If someone emails me but I can't get back to them within a few days, I will let it go so as not to send something out of the blue. I've felt bad about dropping the ball on a conversation in that way, but I know they will pick it up again if they wish to. It's a really delicate balance. On the other hand, I am always very pleased to get correspondence from anyone I've had the pleasure of knowing.

To me, sending something out of the blue is akin to my going outside on the freeway and flagging someone down while wearing a negligee. It just feels crass and inappropriate. I have made exceptions on occasion for holidays, but still- it feels awkward even doing that. How do I know they haven't reignited the passion in their relationship? Or that they haven't become born-again Christians? Or that their email hasn't been hacked by their techie SO? In each case, my email would cause more problems for them. It just seems wiser to let the conversation come to me.

Every once in a while my fave will email me....just to keep in touch. Living a few hundred miles apart she knows I'll never be in a position to request an immediate appt.

Sometimes she'll include a few pics.
Some are sensual in nature.
Others are her totally civi.....like maybe a candid pic of her at a Redskins game or out with a few friends.

Never pressure. never a desperate appeal for a session because she has some financial crisis.

Very smart lady. Very....smart.

Because it works.  
I find myself thinking about her and plotting ways I can slip back to my old playground and spend a few hours with her.

I guess I'm saying if done correctly I have no probs.

Just beware when they know you so much and then they are asking for money
They want your wallet more than your cock

Baby let's just get a bunch of this group together n have a Lil orgy lol APPARENTLY some on here just need to fuck or get fucked lol you can text or email me anytime you wish n I know whom I can n can't contact  at any time or not.  It's all in the connection n how each person feels and that person's situation.  What makes one feel good inside could in the end put a person in an uncomfortable situation (referring to one's SO) I really don't think there is a right or wrong answer on this. All depends on the individual  and that person's situation;)  

...are the messages I get from women with whom I had sort of mediocre sessions. Obviously, messages from women who I'm craving to see again excite me to maybe schedual an appointment right away. And it's happened that I got a message from a provider I hadn't seen in a long, long time and that was very exciting and only a little bit strange.

But yes, unless the message looks like a form letter to her list of past clients (and providers who keep those lists make me slightly nervous) I take them seriously. And usually respond with sincerity.

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