TER General Board

There's not really any rules or conventions about any of this...
zinaval 7 Reviews 3380 reads

I've heard it quoted by a well respected provider (Sedona, now retired)  that, on average, a provider only stays in the business three years.  I guess she's a veteran, then, if she surpasses that average. Three years is about when you'd consider a soldier a veteran, BTW.

Volume might mean something.  If a woman only has one session a month, or one a week, that doesn't count for a lot of experience.  

Above that, I'd say 5 sessions a week, with some weeks lower, would be considered the line between low and middling.  High volume would begin above that, because on average, she either would have to see more than one client a day, or she would have to work some of her "weekends" i.e. the normal two days off.  

But, then there are the women who are low volume in their home city, but high volume when they travel. Or, something like a seasonal provider.  A woman who's a teacher in her civvy life, has no sessions when school is in session, but has high volume in the summer.    

Does this mean a provider has many reviews?
Or a provider has well rated, or has been around years?
Though I might have had to posted on the Newbies,,.

However, it usually means that she has many reviews.

How many years of experience should be considered as a veteran provider?
Or it`s not a length of experience, maybe volume wise? High volume or Low volume?
Is the provider who has a client a day called low volume?

I've heard it quoted by a well respected provider (Sedona, now retired)  that, on average, a provider only stays in the business three years.  I guess she's a veteran, then, if she surpasses that average. Three years is about when you'd consider a soldier a veteran, BTW.

Volume might mean something.  If a woman only has one session a month, or one a week, that doesn't count for a lot of experience.  

Above that, I'd say 5 sessions a week, with some weeks lower, would be considered the line between low and middling.  High volume would begin above that, because on average, she either would have to see more than one client a day, or she would have to work some of her "weekends" i.e. the normal two days off.  

But, then there are the women who are low volume in their home city, but high volume when they travel. Or, something like a seasonal provider.  A woman who's a teacher in her civvy life, has no sessions when school is in session, but has high volume in the summer.    

ellobo692865 reads

To me it means she has many good reviews.

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