TER General Board

The Problem Is
Zeel 67 Reviews 27 reads

I honestly would have no issue leaving a deposit if I had some assurances. With a legit legal business I have very little concern. Typically, I know up front how it works, lose my deposit, maybe conditions where I may lose, or full refunds allowed. If it goes South, which it rarely does, I have grounds to take legal action.

With an escort, I don’t really have grounds to take legal action. I have seen some with good reviews turn to stealing deposits when they were the ones who cancelled. While I understand it’s for their safety, it doesn’t make me feel safe about my money. I wish it wasn’t so, because if I did feel safe with my money I would have no issue.

Knowing this, there are plenty of other ways to confirm and feel safe with clients. And clearly plenty of ladies do it. I would better understand if the deposit was an option if you didn’t meet x, y and z. But if you do, then it’s only fair that we both take some risks. I know that one risk is cancelling or no show. Well you know what, this has happened to me a dozen or so times. Escorts do this too. It’s equal risk.

But yes, like others said. Just choose escorts that don’t require one if you have a problem with it. The ones that do just won’t get your business.

-- Modified on 7/26/2024 8:15:14 AM

Just a little vent here. I see more and more ladies looking for deposits, some with ridiculous requirements, and while I understand the reasoning behind it there's just no way I can or would do it. I don't see why I need to leave an electronic transaction trail for LE or anyone for that matter to follow.  If it's  an outcall I'm more than happy to pay for an uber or a cab both ways. Unfortunately though shit happens, so at the very least I'm going to call the provider as soon as I know to let them know that I need to cancel the appointment and why and if they won't take the risk of seeing me again that's up to I get it. On more than one occasion I've had ladies call to cancel on me, twice it was at the last minute, it happens. I lost time, money and could have made other arrangements had I known. And not to toot my own horn but I was in Vegas had a lady who showed up and I wasn't feeling great (lost a shitload of money just before she came), so we had a drink went up to my room, gave her the agreed upon fee and said goodnight. The bottom line is I know it's a business transaction, but to me having to give a deposit cheapens it.

RespectfulRobert54 reads

Just see ladies who don't ask for deposits. If you feel her requirements are ridiculous or unacceptable, move on to the next girl who doesn't require them. I give them on a case by case basis, only to women who have a lengthy history of not abusing them or from a rock solid reference from another provider or gent that I trust and that knows and can vouch for the lady in question.
As for an "electronic transaction trail for LE", I only use Gift Cards I can buy in cash and can send by proton. I also limit the amount to 25% or so. Those are my rules. I have yet to be shot down by a provider I really wanted to see with my limits and yet had anyone defraud me of  my deposit. It works for me, but I would never tell anyone they should send them, just like nobody should tell me what to do.

Ladies have specific requirements for deposits and many do not take gift cards.

RespectfulRobert25 reads

Most are very flexible with their requirements for deposits as I haven't had a single girl say she wouldn't take a gift card yet.

I kinda figured that out quite a while ago. Apparently you didn't read or comprehend the first sentence. It was a vent, not a request for advice that I don't need.

420Smoka4Eva28 reads

Posted By: slowryde

I don't see why I need to leave an electronic transaction trail for LE or anyone for that matter to follow.  
This is for their safety. It keeps the rapists, murderers and serial killers away. The paper trail scares off the serious scumbags.

That's said about a lot of the screening requirements too. But not that long ago I think a thread about a screen client killing a provider was floating around.  Perhaps that was an exceptional situation as the guy turned himself in I think.

But if the provider is collecting deposits from all clients then just how is that keeping the bad guys away. His transaction will just be one a several. Moverover, the deposit transaction seem often something that occurs days and wekks before the session. Just how is that really pointing a finger at the guilty person? I suppose it's possible that in addition to having the deposit details in the banking system the provider might also keep a record mapping deposits to specific appointment. That would tend to narrow things down but not that great. And that would also put the provider in a much worse legal situation if they get busted.

So maybe some think deposits are providing some protection but I think they are fooling themselves.

420Smoka4Eva37 reads

Nothing in life is fail safe. Condoms are 85% effective but we all still use them. Screening and deposits can occasionally fail but they are still effective tools for removing dangerous clients. Providers can take steps to mitigate risks but that doesn't change the fact that the job has inherent risks and dangers.  

Your statement is just... kind of shortsighted. Law enforcement would take any bit of information used to create a suspect list and then start narrowing it down. If they only had a zelle or cashapp account, they could go through all the transactions and then start eliminating suspects. This is how investigations work, you gather info to get a list of suspects and then start narrowing them down. Law Enforcement would probably also have access to texts, phone records and e-mails, making it easier to connect dots. A person can get a burner phone but they can't get a burner bank account, so most electronic transfers can be traced to a person. These are electronic records, the provider doesn't even have to keep a record. All of these things can be put together to create a basic timeline.  

Well, I suspect most providers are MUCH more interested in not having to report a violent crime to police (many don't for obvious reasons even though they probably should) and I am certain that NONE want to have the police opening an investigation on their behalf once they are dead. The deposit provides no protection nor does it really provide much of an incentive against the violent person booking.

That was the point. The paper trail is not something that points anyone to the culpert when every customer is paying a deposit. Any police investigation is going to look at lots of things, incluing the burning phone (unless people are really careful how they use it) moving around from cell towers to get some location data. And I suspect most people don't turn their real like phone off so it's going to be highly corrolated with the buring phone. And if you've got a new car that has over the air updates or other communications that starts corrolating too. Information that corrolates closely with the time of the crime is that is best.  That financial paper trail is not the one that is going to point it's finger at the bad actor. So this whole deposits are protecting the provider from such events is wishful thinking.  It might be supporting evidence but hardley something that is going to stop a person with anger management issues from booking.

Nowhere did I say don't do screening or that if its not perfect just don't do it. And just to be clear, I'm not making some argument that providers should not ask for deposits. That's 100% their business. I'm just saying they should not fool themself into thinking its going to offer any reduction in the risk they are facing other than perhaps financial risk from cancels/no-show.

I honestly would have no issue leaving a deposit if I had some assurances. With a legit legal business I have very little concern. Typically, I know up front how it works, lose my deposit, maybe conditions where I may lose, or full refunds allowed. If it goes South, which it rarely does, I have grounds to take legal action.

With an escort, I don’t really have grounds to take legal action. I have seen some with good reviews turn to stealing deposits when they were the ones who cancelled. While I understand it’s for their safety, it doesn’t make me feel safe about my money. I wish it wasn’t so, because if I did feel safe with my money I would have no issue.

Knowing this, there are plenty of other ways to confirm and feel safe with clients. And clearly plenty of ladies do it. I would better understand if the deposit was an option if you didn’t meet x, y and z. But if you do, then it’s only fair that we both take some risks. I know that one risk is cancelling or no show. Well you know what, this has happened to me a dozen or so times. Escorts do this too. It’s equal risk.

But yes, like others said. Just choose escorts that don’t require one if you have a problem with it. The ones that do just won’t get your business.

-- Modified on 7/26/2024 8:15:14 AM

I've never heard a lady claim it's a safety issue, only a financial one - to avoid losing money due to cancellations.

Agree completely.  I see many ads now which require a 50% deposit.  That’s absurd.  I just move on when I see that.  

Rafl34 reads

The ones I see don’t require them. Works for me.

As a reputable provider who has required a 50% deposit to book, since 2010 when I created my tribe I disagree. I have integrity. Yes, this is a business, and like all respectable businesses mine requires a deposit to reserve my time. As a single mom I have to reserve dog boarding & childcare. I only want to share my time with those distinguished gentleman who appreciate me.  

I was in a car accident last week. I have a concussion. 🤕 Unfortunately, I was unable to make my DC trip that I planned way in advance. I refunded my dates. My FMTY rescheduled. Shit happens it’s life, but how you react is what makes you a good person. I have empathy & sympathy because I am Mother and a pet parent. My dog has health issues, and I care for my baby. If you’re a disrespectful person we can not be friends.

No need to talk stank about respectable providers who require deposits just move on to an entertainer who fits your needs. We are all very different. I seek a true connection.  It is what it is. Deposits are not going to stop. Just stop giving deposits to people who don deserve it because they’re not official. Verify.  Do what’s best for your lifestyle. Happy Friday TER friends!

a lingering question for me:  'Why would a provider who is competitive at $500/hr be charging $800 and then have to post on this board everyday scrounging for customers?"  Now I get it.  It's the cost of the childcare and dog boarding, which you are passing along to the unsuspecting customers.  Brilliant!!!  You are a little smarter than I thought.  A "little" smarter.   Lol

I get your reasoning, and don't fault you for it. It may be why I wouldn't book you, but that's the decisions we make. You have your reasons for protecting your interests, as do clients. But clients too can be burned. And, it's not just scams. I once booked a hotel to see a lady, was in the hotel room already checked in, and she cancelled on me. She didn't require a deposit, so that wasn't an issue. And, I have no reason to believe her canceling was with mal intent. But I was stuck with the hotel bill nevertheless. After this, I vowed to not book a hotel souly to see an escort.

In the end, providers want deposits for the same reasons clients don't want to pay them. No one wants to be burned. Only if the government could get their head out of their asses and legalize the business, than there could be better regulations to protect us all.

Sorry to hear about your accident and concussion. I've known two people that have had them QueenBia and know they're not fun to deal with. Hope you have a speedy recovery.  
I've been involved in the hobby for a very long time and have even  had personal friends involved in your world. So deposits are a relatively new thing for me. I respect the policy, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. I've met some very nice ladies who don't require it. My comment was not meant as an insult to any provider. Like I said "Just venting".

AllTheTimeBaby23 reads

Bummer about the concussion. Not fun at all, and I hope you recover soon.

Please tell me you didn't bang-up your vintage Chevy SS!  


no deposits here either .. sorry i have one rule .. never monday upfront ..  i have done in the past and 90% of the time either that was last i heard or the girl said .. oh that was just a gift, not part of the required donation.      so sorry there is just a very poor history even with established ladies and even ones i have seen before.    

if i required a deposit every time before someone wanted to even meet me ... i could afford porn stars!  LOL

There needs to be a search criteria for providers requiring "Deposits". For me, this would make search much simpler removing the ladies that I would not see. I do understand why ladies require deposits, but many mongers are not able to make etransfers due to personal inconveniences.  

Some ladies do offer other screening options and many well established companions have traditional methods that I do plan to reachout to. I think deposits are more widely practiced among new providers.

Adding a "Deposit" field to the Profiles has come up on S&P:  
(Probably should include some qualifiers and not a just a simple [  ] Required [  ] Not Required.)
Many think it's a good idea.

Posted By: UOnlyLive2x
Re: A slearch box for Deposits  
There needs to be a search criteria for providers requiring "Deposits". For me, this would make search much simpler removing the ladies that I would not see. I do understand why ladies require deposits, but many mongers are not able to make etransfers due to personal inconveniences.  
 Some ladies do offer other screening options and many well established companions have traditional methods that I do plan to reachout to. I think deposits are more widely practiced among new providers.

AllTheTimeBaby38 reads

I'm "slearching" for women who don't require deposits!

Let us know when you flind them!

Posted By: AllTheTimeBaby
Re: A slearch box for Deposits  
I'm "slearching" for women who don't require deposits!

I do not require a deposit. KweenBossi at your service. Licensed massage therapist. Escort for MANY years. Small BBW, white, blonde hair (short), big tits and ass. In call is at my home. Contact me anytime.

RespectfulRobert26 reads

The whole process takes only a few minutes if you purchase the card in cash. Not trying to talk anyone into sending a deposit as IDC what others do, but I fail to see the inconvenience argument, unless I am missing what you are saying.

You absolutely must be a woman to have such a self-absorbed answer like that about "inconvenience".

How about your spouse finding out, paper trail, digital trail, losing your money to a scammer!

I’m absolutely against deposits and agree with the concerns you list. But he’s not wrong. Those are not about convenience. If convenience was the only concern I would call BS because it’s not hard to do. But there are other reasons, like the ones you list, why not to pay a deposit.

RespectfulRobert28 reads

Everything you mention would/could be life altering events. I was clearly stating that the mere act of sending a deposit is not inconvenient. You are talking about the negative affects of getting caught sending one which are two totally different issues. Obviously.

You’re missing the point. If you use gift cards purchased with cash, there’s no paper trail. The risk of seeing a deposit provider versus a non-deposit provider is the same under those circumstances.

OjackieO34 reads

That's the reason I do not require it. However, I don't book via text, or VOIP Calls. I also use my judgement, aka 6th sense, on who to book & that's why I do the voicemail thing. It's not to gather info on you, I don't want your info. I just want to feel good about who I am booking. I've had quite a few clients get scammed with the deposits, so I get it. The reason I won't book VOIP is... I block people that have played any type of "game" with my time, & they usually wait a while & try to get back in when their balls grow back. That's why I encourage people not to book if they're scared. You chicken out & do not have the decency to at least call & let me know, I HOPE to avoid booking them again. I know people can get a new number, but it's a lot of trouble for most. I've had the same number for 3 forevers. My website was built to discourage these people. i have REAL MEN wanting those appt times. Sooo many losers & that is why these girls to this.

you look wonderful .. and i wish i was in your home state .. but i think AI could have summarized your website to three sentences  :)     good luck to you and nice that the hobby has upright honorable women like yourself.

Regarding deposits, is simply this:

There are excellent arguments and points on BOTH sides of this issue, in favor and against the use of deposits by providers to book a date.

A lot can depend on the methodology and specifics of collecting the deposits....not all deposits and methods are the same!  Some deposit requests are very reasonable, some are not.....a provider should keep in mind, the more complex a deposit request, the more chance a problem can develop (many of which have nothing to do with the customer/client)....now that's a ugly scenario.

If significant deposits are provided well in advance of the actual date, what happens when the unexpected happens and a person finds they cannot make their actual date but has left a heft deposit.....will the provider keep and honor the deposit and original commitment?    

I'm glad I don't have to regularly deal with the potential headaches this can cause

based on ANY personal experience with providers asking for deposits, or have you just watched a movie where a hooker character asked for a deposit?  If you have been there and done that, who was the provider?  

You know what's great about smarmy posts like this one by CDL?  it completely undercuts and delegitimizes any argument he or the others make about ME being some sort of anti social troll or arrogant pissant......what a absurd post.

If you were sincerely asking for me to elaborate or qualify MY OPINION, you could have just said "What is the personal basis for your forming this opinion?"      You could have left out the pointlessly hostile and snotty superior arrogant "...just watched a movie with blah blah blah.....hooker character...blah blah"     You just completely delegitimized any argument and moral integrity any of you people have that want me to be gone, or kicked out......well done.


For anyone else besides CDL, yes I do have experience with Providers and deposits....all two of them.   But the opinion I formed and that I shared is NOT dependent on me having extensive personal experience....anyone can form an opinion based on anything, that's why it's an opinion....in this case I learned from the experiences of others that are shared and exposed over time.  

-- Modified on 7/29/2024 2:19:25 PM

surrender that you have no substantive answer to my question.  It's okay if the opinion you formed is based on only TWO experiences, so let's hear about those so we can relate your opinion to your experience.  Who were they and how did the session go after paying the deposit.  Otherwise, your opinion can only be viewed as sheer speculation and that falls under the "posting false and/or stupid shit" category, and others are allowed to call you out on it.   Hearsay, as you later claim it was, is always viewed with skepticism.  Personal experience is best.  

I already said you should be here if you want to be, but you should be mature enough to accept the blowback when you make a fool of yourself, which you have done repeatedly.  You have become this board's "pinata."  This is not a compliment, especially since you are a pinata containing not a single "treat" to look forward to.  Lol

I have never and will never charge a deposit for someone to come see me. Now if you want me to come to you, I will ask that you Uber to you and home. You’re going to open the door if you pay for the ride right… My insurance that I will get paid.  
I am from Los Angeles and have traveled the USA, and have never heard of deposits til I came to Houston, Texas. My opinion is the girls asking for deposits do not really want to work. They want that little deposit and a bad reputation. I am an old school provider with a huge client list, and I have never heard one good story about a client paying a deposit.  
Boys, you have to stop paying these deposits if you want these lazy providers to stop thinking they can charge them. JUST STOP PAYING THE DEPOSITS, AND THE LAZY PROVIDERS WILL STOP CHARGING THEM.  


I am new here, but I’ve been around a very long time, and this is my motto “treat others the way you want to be treated” it has worked out well for me. These men who come see us want to feel safe, comfortable and taken care of… as they should, we are providers- get it - we provide safety, comfortable in call locations, clean sheets, a ottle of water, a shower and towels, a satisfying experience… it’s simple and it’s beneficial to the provider and client. These men pay for my life, because I am full time in this life. Be nice to them.

You're painting with a broad brush, appearing to call any lady who asks for a deposit a scammer.  

That's not true. I've only paid deposits a couple of times and in those cases the ladies had stellar reputations. I wouldn't risk it with someone new or  relatively unknown.

I concur, yet will also label them as suckers. I have lost enough money from deposits from providers with plenty of reviews. Personally I just move on if I see deposits required. I don’t prepay for any other services so why should I bother to prepay for “hobbying”. This is a worn out topic so I will move on and just stick to my guns.

If a provider is seeing a client for the very first time, even with references, it might be ok to ask a deposit with the up front acknowledgement by the provider that if their first meeting goes well, future meetings will not require any upfront payment.  This is a business practice that makes some sense....again, in my opinion.

electronic. Some of us are ok with gift cards that you go to the store and buy with cash and the send a photo, But they are absolutely here to stay. I work in a salon and we require them for every appointment. You can't get a reservation without a cc. In one week I had 3  last minute cancellations and was set to earn 3600, but instead only got 600 in deposits. When we take an appointment that time is blocked out for you and we do get other inquiries we turn down. When someone cancels last minute or no shows-which is becoming very common-it's a big loss and especially when someone pays for a hotel or is on tour. The uptick in fantasy bookers is why this is becoming common practice. We aren't respected as a business so we have to do what we have to do to secure our own livelihood.

This all makes sense, and it would be so much easier if this was a legal business. With the salon it's traceable. I know where it's located. And, I can easily take action if the salon tries to cancel on me and keep my money. With a provider,  
however, I have to navigate through a field of dishonesty. There are many fake ads and scams. There are legit providers even who for one reason or another turn to scamming. I don't know where to find them - since there is no address where their business lives. And, even if I did, what am I going to do, fight them for my money? I can't go the law route. I'm just SOL and my money is gone.

So yes, it is fair to want some payment for a last minute cancelation. But it's not fair when a provider takes a clients money without the client having a chance to even see them. As long as this business is unregulated and there are scammers out there, you can understand why clients may not feel comfortable giving a deposit.

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