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That's me when my Porn won't load quickly enough...(eom)regular_smile
notsofast 20 Reviews 1274 reads


Call me sick and twisted, but I've played this 5 times and fell over laughing during every one!

I see a little of myself in that, especially when my computer freezes up at work.

Is there a term for the syndrome?  cyber rage?

Anyone else?

I started to feel that way after three months of computer problems and more than $1,000 in repair bills and finally a new computer. Urgh!  :)

Poor Kids game didnt load and he went insane. His family must have set him up for that and released it on the web as punishment ? Sad.

Mister Spock2800 reads

they learn from experience.  That kid needs to experience a father.

Anybody smart enough to dick around on the net is smart enough to control their emotions - given the right incentives.

A shrink talking to the twit even daily is nothing more than facilitating excuses.  Meds is nothing more than parking a person in a pharmaceutical orbit. That little fucker needs close and continuing supervision and feedback.  That's the only way he's gonna learn to act like a human.

Mister Spock1225 reads

that it all depends on who you go to.  A psychologist will ask you how you feel, and a psychiatrist will prescribe drugs.

That's the way it works.   Talking once a week to a person who has no real life experience does no 12 year old any good.   Medication suppresses the behavior as long as they are using the drugs.

Yeah, people can be helped by therapy.  People can fly to the moon, too.  It's all a question of how often it happens.

Bizzaro Superdude737 reads

take away or restrict the excesses that the affluence affords - in other words, no computer for a couple of months.  Second, the kid looks to be heading towards the "husky size."  There is nothing like a little physical exercise to calm a kid down.  Both of my kids are in as many sports as my ex and I can get them to... guess what - the outbursts, the tantrums etc are at a minimum... Why? little or no energy to expend.

I also have engaged in a very active program with my kids to provide manners and culture.  They are not just "jocks."  And while my daughter is the better jock, my son wins national championships - but that is his doing - I do not push...  

With respect to pharmaceutics - they have their place but - seems to me - that  you try diet, exercise and limit the exposure to electrons - see where that goes for a bit...

I sincerely hope that this was a joke - and not serious... if serious, I would suggest that someone put tabs on this kid....

Mister Spock1168 reads

I agree that the kid has more resources than he's been taught to handle; and that there's plenty of ways to teach them to grow up.

Life is too complex to say this is the result of "bad parents" or any single cause, from simply looking at a video - but far too many kids are too close to feral simply because adults pay no attention to them - and for my money, shrinks do as much damage facilitating that, ie making excuses, as any good they may accidentally do.

I agree with the first part of your post-that the kid will learn from experience and a good father would go a long way.
I don't agree that controlling emotions is a function of smart, however.  

A couple of decades ago i ran into this problem twice.  In each case the solution was fairly simple.  I had a lady friend who had a son who was large for is age and had no frustration tolerance.  He would start tearing his room up (trhowing book cases, lamps, glasses).  The first (and last) time he did this with me there I simply grabbed him and restrained him so that he could not hurt me, himself, property, or others.  I kept his mother and sisters in the room.  He had a hell of a tantrum.  Screamed, then calmed down and said let go.  Nope. Then screamed more. Finally after about two hours that kid had the deepest, sobbing, cry I have ever heard.  I believe what I told him was that the sun would rise and the sun would set, but we would not let him hurt himself or anyone else.  That he was safe from his own destructiveness.  By then he was like the 8 year old he really was and all cried out.  When I finally released him we said ok.  Now pick up your room.  Which he did (and a good job, too).  He never had a tantrum like that again, anywhere, including school.
  I occassionally had to do the same thing with other kids at the psychiatric day treatment center I had started and it always had the same effect.  I am not as sure it carried over into the rest of their lives however, because many of these kids came from very dysfunctional families.

But yes, just talking in a room and throwing meds at someone isn't an optimal approach

Mister Spock1171 reads

but I think it takes close observation and reaction to whatever the kid is doing.

Watching that kid, he's obviously smart enough to use a computer and its programs.  I seriously doubt that he has major issues like autism.

But he clearly has trouble dealing with information effectively, and doesn't begin to understand the effort people put into that computer system.

His problems aren't going to be solved quickly.  Took a long time to get him there, and it's likely to take a long time to teach him different.   But the usual psychotherapeutic BS is just a waste of money.  My bet is he's not going to be talked or medicated out of anything.

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