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some birth control
SinnncerelySHILO See my TER Reviews 246 reads

that is supposed to erase periods can actually cause a "bleed out" or whatever ,I forgot. That was sooo embarrassing!
The guy insists that I "should know that was coming"- but I hadn't had my period in 8 months!!
I think it would be unfair to broadcast and you guys should focus more on STD testing than periods. Anyhow it isn't like we bleed from our mouths.

Besides there is plenty of room for a tampon and the majority of hobbyists anyhow.LOL
Many do have their cycle and you never know.

Chalk it up to the game or ask and investigate at the time and then why don't you ask her next time if all systems are a go.

Having collided with my fair share of periods, I thought it would be helpful to flag it in the profile itself.  It would the help next Gent to know when to call or when to plan a meeting, based on simple math calculations.  Also, there is no preggo info what so ever in the current profile.  That is preggophobic.  Its 2008, people!  We should celebrate providers carry their babies to term, not sweep them under the rug.  

A good database designer could probably combined periods and pregnancy into the same pull down menu, as they are related and an either or situation.  Adding a period calculator is purely optional.

AWomanLikeNoOther1303 reads

Not all women have regular cycles. My periods range from 18 to 35 days. Do the math on that one (yeah, I can't either :(). Also, many women take the pill and skip their periods.

I just dont' work that week and it shows that on my calander. As far as the pregnant thing, I don't get what you mean...do you mean show our ovulation cycle?? Like when we're most or least fertile?? Why, ya wanna be my baby daddy? (joke)

Many women change their haircolor very frequently too.  It can be impossible to track.  And yet there is a Haircolor criteria in the profile, that is rarely accurate.  But we shouldn't let little details like this spoil the fun of quantifying our ladies into neat categories.  Some people like Sudoku.  Some like biological arithmetic projecting one hour relationships.  The important thing is we are all enjoying ourselves!

that comes across more as mean-spirited than light-hearted and funny.

I now eagerly await an appearance by ego_check to call me a WK.

ego_chuck392 reads

how dare you defend a woman's right to Menstruation when we all know that they do it on purpose to fuck with us once a month.

men have the inalienable right to pursue happiness and women have the right to menstruation.
-Thomas Jefferson
(George Jefferson's great great great great uncle)

sometimes rights come into conflict. ;-)

ego_check986 reads

I agree with you, on this topic.
Either his post was meant to be humorous, or it's just plain stupid.  

-- Modified on 2/2/2008 9:14:32 AM

I am an eager beaver.
or maybe I am just eager for beaver.

that is supposed to erase periods can actually cause a "bleed out" or whatever ,I forgot. That was sooo embarrassing!
The guy insists that I "should know that was coming"- but I hadn't had my period in 8 months!!
I think it would be unfair to broadcast and you guys should focus more on STD testing than periods. Anyhow it isn't like we bleed from our mouths.

Besides there is plenty of room for a tampon and the majority of hobbyists anyhow.LOL
Many do have their cycle and you never know.

Chalk it up to the game or ask and investigate at the time and then why don't you ask her next time if all systems are a go.

Who told you that a woman's cycle remains constant over time? We are dealing with nature here my friend not computer programming.  I spent my early 20's with a woman who's cycle came anywhere from every month to every seven or eight weeks-leaving me terrified half the time that she was pregnant! My ATF has a biological "adjustment" in her cycle once or twice a year (I was tracking it for a while so that I could try to schedule my appointments between my business trips and her cycle, it didn't work.

A woman knows her body and most of the time they can feel the visit from "mom" coming.  
I've never met a GFE gal that wanted to be anywhere near clients when she was having her period.

-- Modified on 2/2/2008 10:30:33 AM

As Zisk correctly pointed out, HD is an audience unto himself where humor is concerned.  

Your reaction is paydirt to him.

But sometimes, once I stop laughing my ass off, I just have to say something...

The entertainment value here is priceless....

There are quite a few euphemisms...A visit from mom (mother nature) is one I hear a lot as well as "the red tide" "code red" and "my friend"...I'm sure there are others.

followme826 reads

That (w)hole    er uh .....well I mean entire situation is a question mark to me ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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