TER General Board

Since I've found it, I only use TERregular_smile
DC. 51 Reviews 480 reads

but I am in Boston, which has a very large pool of local and visiting providers to choose from.  My current Hobby to do list (Which, Amber, you are definitely on when you visit next) is long enough that I am set for a very long while.  I add to it continuously from the "new reviews" and board posts.

Good luck, and I'm waiting for your Boston reschedule. :-)

I used to use EROS but have stopped since Im big on checking references and it seems that TER members genreally have them readily available. Do you guys still check EROS for visiting ads or go just by TER postings. I for one feel more comfortable seeing a gentelman that is a frequent poster here and has recent reviews here as well as taking a reference from a lady that has recent reviews & posts,etc.
Your opinions please EROS vs TER?

I check Eros to see who is visiting and then the TER NY board to see who else might be available.  After being burned a few times, I now check all the reviews for anyone visiting.

And I'd say if you're getting good return for both, then use them. Unfortunately, EROS is the big catalog in the sky and many of ladies play Mannequins when it's time to get it on...

YOU have a stellar reputation in Chicago for sure and I think the TER guys know who you are and that speaks well for your visits. Do a poll the next time you screen and ask your callers where they saw your ad or what made them make a decision to see you. That's as scientific and you can get...

I check Eros when I am traveling but I look for TER reviews on any lady that I find on Eros. Several recent threads have brought home the point that not every hobbyist knows about TER. As I have mentioned previously, a simple Google search for "escorts in (city)" will yield an Eros hit long before a TER hit.

friends that are visiting Dallas.

More of them know about Eros than TER. Eros is the where they choose someone, then those that know about TER come here to search for reviews.

Also, I do notice a decline in the number of travelers I see when I let my Eros ad expire, even though I used to worry that I'd get lost in the hundreds of other Eros ads here in Dallas.

It is sorta my understanding the EROS is just one step up from CL.. BUT it does drive traffic..

As for myself I do prefer TER Gentlemen as I have found them to be really good men..
I have also started using CityVibe services..
Which has been a blessing...

TER and CityVibe work hand in hand linking together unasked..

IMO I would opt for that combo over EROS

How about television advertising vs. consumer reports? EROS and TER are two entirely different things - we just had this discussion a few threads down. One might go to EROS to browse a large group of escorts available in a certain area, and look at the pretty pictures. Then, if "one" is a SMART "one", would go to TER to search for reviews.

There are many many places on the internet to go to advertise or look for escorts, and also a fair number that are review sites. I visit a lot of those sites, on an almost daily basis, and I bet that most hobbyists check out at least several sites, not one exclusively. TER is the best one I've found by far, it's the only one I pay to use and I've been here for 6 or 7 years.

I think it's a great idea to use TER as a base, but there's no harm in advertising elsewhere as well.

It's like a resturant...look at the menu...but make sure you know what you are ordering.

I will check TER references as well.  What I have found is that for every 10 ladies that catch my eye, only 3 or 4 have reviews here on TER.  I search by phone number rather than name since names sometimes change.

Of course, I will also search TER for reviews in the city I am visiting.  Once in a while, the city is not listed so I have to try "other" with the AC plugged in.

but I am in Boston, which has a very large pool of local and visiting providers to choose from.  My current Hobby to do list (Which, Amber, you are definitely on when you visit next) is long enough that I am set for a very long while.  I add to it continuously from the "new reviews" and board posts.

Good luck, and I'm waiting for your Boston reschedule. :-)

and providers, so if someone found me on EROS and they have no clue what TER is or they have only seen some ladies off non-reputable advertising sites, etc. then Im just waisting both our times. I guess a better way to post my question would be if TER hobbyists also check EROS or if they go by their loval borads posts alone.
I've never heard that EROS is one step above CL, as a matter of fact I got off City Vibe for that same reason, bt each city is different. Most the providers in my circle are high end girls with pages of great reviews and higher rates, etc and they all use EROS and some CityVibe as well. It all depends on where you are I guess, in some cities TER barelly exists as where in others it's the RULEBOOK for hobbying, YMMV
and thanks for all the input

Advantage Eros has is obvious visual (Pics) vs TER. Eros (or CityVibe in cities where it is stronger) serves to generate awareness quickly.  This is important for travelers (ladies touring, and clients visiting new cities).

Several comments on the thread are consistent with this. Using both is probably your best investment - but you could always choose to give preference in screening to those with TER reviews/posts. I suppose you could even put that in your ad if Eros/CityVibe would let you.

I always start with TER when I travel and I always try to cross reference ladies that I see on other sites to TER reviews.  That being said, I have used Eros, Cityvibe, Back pages, ASPD, Craigs List, The Other Board (Denver) and a few other mall type sites that I can't remember to ind ladies over the years.  
I agree with your point that guys who know about TER tend to have more of a clue about how things work. Still, there are idiots everywhere and on every board. Good screening is essential.  

-- Modified on 2/25/2008 8:09:40 AM

When I first discovered TER, I used it to select ladies by using the search engine in the review section  - looks 8 or above... performance 8 or above... breast size... cup, etc... what activities are permitted.... etc...

however, then I found eros...   and the pretty pictures took over.  Now I use a combo of both... but I usually look on EROs to see who is visiting, then do a quick search on TER to determine their reliability - then...

But I have to say, I've seen some ladies who are not listed on TER - and had a reasonable time... to a GREAT time.  BUT - the downside when a lady is not listed on TER is HUGH!!!!  so  I do not often TOFTT....   Just far too risky.

Is when the lady's review page has eros listed as her website.


I look on the other sites like EROS, Date-Check, P411, etc. Most of them have direct links to the lady's TER reviews. If not, then I can use the TER plug in with her phone number. If there are no reviews here, then I move on.

Eros is a convenient way to see who is visiting or to check on new girls.  TER has some ads on the local board and I do check, but TER is not really set up for ads and it is not as easy to check as Eros.
Of course I always check the reviews once I find someone on either TER or Eros.


but I have never visited a lady that I found on there, before I saw her here, or on a local site I belong to.  I have seen some ladies' ads on EROS, and/or the other escort malls, that look interesting, but if they don't have the requisite reviews here, I look at the pictures, but don't touch the merchandise.

I haven't as of yet had to go looking while traveling, because I rarely travel (retirement).  But when I do, I will probably go looking for pictures first either on other sites, ladies' websites, and then check them out for reviews.  No reviews, same rule as above will apply.


dickus205 reads

but I use TER and another national board for my research.  I can't wait to meet you in person, Amber.

this was about Eros.  I shop at Eros, but do my research at TER.  If there is no info on TER either for the lady in question or the agency she works for, then I usually avoid.

I usually get some hit either with a phone number on Google or agency search on local boards on TER.  I seldom find nothing, but when I do, I go with TER above all others.

because not all TER-reviewed ladies post their travel plans on TER.  But, I do pay more attention to the posts on TER just because it is much easier to check the reviews.

I havnt used Eros (yet) because so many providers there are "phone number only". I am much more comfortable with email for initial communication.

Also, as a relatively new hobbyist, I have found the good advice here on the TER boards impossible to ignore, and from it have decided I will not risk a bad experience by seeing a provider who has no TER reviews. I leave that to the "veterans"!

This has not been an easy doctrine to stick to however. There IS a provider currently on Eros who's pictures really tempt me, but she has no website, no email contact info, and has no TER reviews!

An ad in EROS will crest my curiosity.  But it is always followed up checking TER for reviews and perhaps even PMing a fellow hobbyist for any helpful info to assist in a go/no go decision.
I never make a decision just on the basis of an EROS ad but and EROS ad can certainly be a good first step to get me looking at reviews in TER.  

-- Modified on 2/25/2008 6:16:29 PM

I search on Eros occasionally but if I find someone I like, I come back here to check them out. At this point, I know most of the regulars here but I've found a few diamonds on Eros who weren't here. It's always a crap shoot and Eros seems to be less concerned with the authenticity of the ads. I guess they'll take anyone's money, bogus or not. Still, it's fun looking at all the naked women, LOL!

I use Eros but won't call unless I find the provider on TER.

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