TER General Board

Re:So long...
BILL18356 1952 reads

Zin, sorry you're leaving I may not agree with you on screening but overall I always thought highly of you .

Take one thing at a time, I'm sure you'll get it all worked out and I'll look forward to your return.

To all,

I will have to leave this board for now. I'm afraid I have too many crises to attend to, family, financial and personal... there's a fire everywhere I look.

I hope to recover my life and come back someday.  Meanwhile, it has been an educational and fun 16 months of discussion here.  Life would have been dreary without you.  I thank all of you for such a marvelous, enlightening time.

I know some won't miss me, but to everyone,
Stength, Health & Pleasure

You have been a bright spot on this board and your posts will be missed. It seems lately that the board has fallen into "Bitchy Hands". Life has dealt a few of us some tribulations.Just remember, It's not the circumstances in our lives that make us who we are, It's how we choose to deal with them. Viao con Dios...

-- Modified on 8/12/2005 7:33:46 PM

Best of luck.
You will be missed.

PM if you ever need to talk.

Just my opinion...

We here will miss you and your wonderful post.

Drop in now and then and post an update so we know your ok.

I think I might be right behind you, bro...

Between a) the provider who snapped pictures of me with her cell phone while I slept and b) the nosey spouse, I'm a deadman walking. I'm done.

DC guys, it was great meeting you tonight. Have fun and keep in touch.

Ave atque vale,

Lex Luethor

sweetnsoft3086 reads

I can't imagine why someone would do such a horrid thing. Were you able to confront her and remedy the situation?

Obviously, that is not sane, professional behavior. I hope you do not let that incident scare you away. Your posts are always intelligent, witty, and level-headed. I can only guess that you carry these attributes with you when meeting girls  in person. It would be a shame if you disappeared.

Take care and take heart...

Bizzaro Superdude1926 reads

I hope that you are ok.  Odd, never met in person, but did feel that we would be friends (unless of course you are the dude who married my ex!)

Hope we don't lose you Lex...you are a bright spot.  Do what you must; recognize that you'll be missed...

sweetnsoft1993 reads

That's all it's about in the end. Hope you find all four in the best forms for your life...without even one more bump in the road than is necessary to get you there!

zinaval, I'm soory to hear you have some much negative stuff going on in your life at the moment.  I wish you well and hope everything works out well for you.  It might be hard work but you can get there if you try :)

hugs....Carrie xxx

BILL183561953 reads

Zin, sorry you're leaving I may not agree with you on screening but overall I always thought highly of you .

Take one thing at a time, I'm sure you'll get it all worked out and I'll look forward to your return.

Bizzaro Superdude2109 reads

As you work on other aspects of your life.  and let us, your friends here in TER Know of your progress.  We have all been there! Much respect goes with you.

I too am wondering whether this board is right for me. I think many of us out there are having a miserable 2005, which certainly doesn't help the vibe, or for that matter, the dysfunction factor. So, I think I know where you're at with all of this.

At the same time, it's hard to leave, and stay away. Good conversation with fellow perverts like us is hard to find. Good luck in whatever you do.

I'll miss your lucid and poignant contributions to these forums. I hope you can get the home front secured with a minimum of stress and loss.

  Good luck


WebTerrorist2045 reads

Mr Zin,

I do wish you the best, and hope that you are able to get through all of the difficulties you are facing right now.
I will miss your posts, and the occassion to see you in chat, but your focus is required elsewhere, and that has to be your priority.

Again, best of luck, and I do hope to see you online again someday.

As usual, she says things better than I can.  Be well, fly low, and hurry back if you can.  Hope you can return soon.

 made a lot of sense Zin, and I for one shall miss you. Obviously, many others feel the same way.

 Good Luck, and be well!

Laffer3018 reads

OMG, another defector who will be back in a month or less. Good luck Zin with handling your family problems, but you'll be lurking again soon... perhaps under another name, you are one addicted m/f

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