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AllTheTimeBaby 10 reads

On this topic, you may find the link below to be interesting. Starting at 1:23:06, the conversation turn to dating a sex worker.

I am curious 🤨 those who hobby and have loved ones maybe a daughter, niece, or your granddaughter, your sister, or auntie… If they told you directly to your face that they’re a high end escort how would that make you feel?

Proud 🥹 would be ideal, but I am sure it’s far & few that are actually supportive. My Daddy died years ago, but when I started over 20 years ago he was #1 fan. He was also my erotic photographer for so many years. RIP Papi 💋 Gone, but never forgotten.

I would have no problem with it, if she was my wife or loved one, as long as the money was being used to pay off a house, invested or paying off a college loan debt.  Tax free money adds up fast.
If the money is being used for a bad habit or shoes or bags. I would have a problem.  

Better yet to support your families ongoing medical issues.  Now, that’s truly respectable.

Is it really tax free? I pay taxes. Every year. Did you know being an adult entertainer is a real job? I am honest and do pay taxes it’s true entrepreneurship.  

-- Modified on 9/8/2024 9:19:36 AM

I am often perplexed by comments like this. Why does everyone assume we don't pay taxes? I am a sole proprietor of my business. I keep track of my expenses and income just like any other small business and yes, I pay in taxes quarterly. I also have my own heath insurance that I pay for, I am not on a Medicaid plan or food stamps. Sure, there are going to be those individuals that are in this industry that work on the fringe just to get by, but they are very unlikely to be running a profitable business and are just going from one BJ to the next to pay rent.  
I paid off the mortgage on my primary residence this spring, my condo I paid in cash, my two trucks I paid in cash, and I did have a loan on my 38' 5th wheel camper but it is also paid off now. I previously paid off my school loans for my associate's degree and bachelor's degree and I am going back to school right now for another degree in Substance Use Disorder Counseling. I did not apply for any financial aid and you guessed it, I am using my whore money to pay for school!!  
It is rather impossible in this day and age to exist and get a loan or a credit card or even open a checking account or rent an apartment without a paper trail so yes, anyone who has been in this business for more than a hot minute is going to pay in taxes.  
*Please note, as to the OP I am *NOT* a high end escort and yes, my family and friends know what I do for a living and I have not had anymore say they were embarrassed by what I do. The embarrassment came solely from my days as a hot mess alcoholic, which I am thankfully no longer!

Frankly if someone gets away with not paying taxes more power to them. However I agree the reality of life is that to excel economically you need to be in the system, with banking, home ownership, investments, etc. if you can't show income most of that is closed off to you. And you can lose what you have if they show you are living beyond your means with no identifiable income.

You can write off shoes as a business expense...

AllTheTimeBaby11 reads

On this topic, you may find the link below to be interesting. Starting at 1:23:06, the conversation turn to dating a sex worker.

There are two kinds of "loved ones."  One is a blood relative, as you have described, and the other is a SO, i.e., wife, partner, girlfriend, lover, etc.  

I have no opinion about what my relatives do for a living.  I did not have a choice in them becoming relatives, it's an accident of birth, so I would not be judgmental of whatever career path they chose.

As a man who has dated providers in real life and it's not an embarrassment for me, BECAUSE I know what I'm getting from the beginning of the relationship.  If my SO told me on our third anniversary that she has been an escort since before we got together and never told me before, I would know she can't be trusted to be open and honest.  I would have the same reaction if she told me after three years she was a rodeo cowgirl, a roller derby jammer or a stunt woman and never told me.  It's a job, that's all, but nothing to be ashamed of if you are one of the best, as the ones I have dated have been.  

TBH no.  Not because of sex.  Because it's not the safest way to make money and it can come back to bite you in a lot of ways.  Socially, looking for work in other fields, and generally not a career that does well as you get older.  So if a family member or friend was doing it I would something different for them  

I would not be in a serious LTR with someone who is having sex with anyone else.  At that point I don't want to share

But it is OK for YOU to be in a serious LTR while you are seeing providers??? Come on now......

I don't.  Everytime I've had a serious relationship we have discussed it.  I've dated some women who like hearing about me with other women.  So she was consenting and knew ahead of time who I'd be with.  Others have said not a chance so I respected that.

This answer has nothing to do with the previous statement you gave that MissScarlett responded to.  What does you dating women who want to know about your other women you've been with have to do with your relatives not making enough money in their later years or the stigma of trying to find a job after being a Provider?  And by the way, as pointed out to you in another thread, many Providers do very well in the later years.  

Posted By: netnoy
Re: No
I don't.  Everytime I've had a serious relationship we have discussed it.  I've dated some women who like hearing about me with other women.  So she was consenting and knew ahead of time who I'd be with.  Others have said not a chance so I respected that.

I do not see providers or anyone else while in a committed and serious relationship.  I am not married.  I do not cheat.  If her and I make the leap to monogamy I am a good boy.

Huh?  Geez man, you are all over the place.  Please pay attention!  lol    You said you don't want a family member partaking in the Hobby as a Provider.  Miss Scarlett commented that you were displaying a double standard.  It is okay for you to pay for sex but not okay for a family member to receive money for sex.  How do you square that?

Not really and no reason to be an asshole about it.

There is a big difference between being in the hobby every so often and doing this for a living.  I don't have photos of me on websites.  I'm not listed in reviews, even if by alias.  I'm not paying bills with income from a taboo/illegal job.  So no, it is not a double standard to not want someone I know in this industry.  There are risks I would not want them taking.

If you have an issue with my point of view lovely, go fuck right off with it.  

I wasn't trying to be a d*ck.  I just wanted you to answer the question.  You just gave a straightforward reply. Thank you!  Unfortunately, we had to go around the block a couple of times to get it.

I'm not sure why you think it's cool to call people out like that on a board.  But you're coming across as a complete asshole and it's not the first time either.  Also not sure why your life has to exist around an answer I give on an anonymous board.

She made a dumb assumption that he thought it's OK for him to be in a ltr and whore around. And based on that baseless assumption she called him a hypocrite.  This is very problematic. Scarlet thinks she knows everything and makes one bad assumption after another  (she calls them deductions but really they are just bad stereotypical generalizations based on her limited worldview that are often wrong).  

But he - like some others - doesn't cheat. So her whole assumption is wrong.  

I personally also have never really cheated. When I'm in ltr I'm in those relationship for a reason. And that reason isn't sex.  

I am a sex fiend though so if I really need a release and I'm in a ltr I'll bite the bullet and jack off ten times a day if needed.  

I'm not judging anyone here who does cheat - - and who knows maybe when I'm married I will have a different outlook  -- but some people take cheating more seriously than others.

"This is very problematic."  

Jesus Christ Q. You sound like one of those bad actors on a cheesy government video explaining why drunk driving is bad.  

You are a high maintenance drama queen though so checks out.  

Any who, as always, thanks for the laughs while I am having my morning coffee!!!

I would have no problem with it at all........just hope they can keep themselves out of harms way....screen carefully...get paid....stay out of jail if at all possible.....not get into drugs....taking......selling.....holding.....in other words.....just don't expose yourself to unnecessary risks !  There are enough risks involved in being a provider!

No, we as clients, mongers shouldn't judge, but human nature is complicated.  I think I would want what's best, safety wise, career wise and just leave it at that.  On another note, your dad was your erotic photographer? That's a bit much.

My father took tasteful photos of me fully clothed usually on his choppers, or luxury vehicles. Papa was a rolling stone. He married a woman 1 year older, than me. He was an amazing man.

No seriously. If she can introduce me to some folks then I can make some good business connections.  

America runs on Dunkin'.  America also runs on networking.  

High end is good.. Skank sharing a run down motel with another ho.. not so much..

Hey, high end escort, ask me that very question. And asked, would I be embarrassed by the neighbors.   ..I said no,  I would just say to a local guy,  "sorry that nobody would pay to sleep with YOUR wife. LOL .........  and also nobody ever complimented a woman by saying she "looked like a wife"

If you are a member of an organized religion that has views on it, you'd either have to stick by your religion or stick by your partner.  You really can't split the baby on that one.  
There are probably similar examples in other ideologies where it would be unseemly.  For instance back in the day Eliot Spitzer was prosecuting prostitutes and also sleeping with them.  
Now just because I would have no trouble befriending a prostitute, doesn't mean I'd go around rubbing everyone's face in it.  People are entitled to their opinions and it is not my personality to confront everyone on the face of the earth who might have different values.
Now if you ask me if I would be ashamed to have a loved one who worked at the IRS, yeah, I would be.  :-)

First, loved one could be a distant or semi distant relative or it could be a SO.

If it was the latter I'd probably be more upset if this fact was hidden from me.

Embarrassed is also an interesting concept. It has to be before someone. So a lot of it implies societal conventions.

Would I be upset or bothered by a relative or close family who decides it's something they want to do, and it isn't out of desperation? Absolutely not. People bodies are theirs to do what they choose with them.  

Would I feel comfortable to say "she's an escort" if my boss asks what does this relative do for a living? Also no. But it's because it's uncomfortable societal conventions, not because I think what the person does is shameful or wrong or unethical.

Since I have done it since I was eighteen and a half, then no I wouldn't. Especially, since times call for desperate measure.

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