TER General Board

Re:Pretty serious problem...
HarryLime 10 Reviews 3099 reads

There are providers in Calif (elegantGFEelise???) who may know people in LE that can help you.  Another approach is to talk to your own lawyer or to legal aid.   If you are feeling particularly brave, contact IA department of your local police.

Hopefully, the PD in your area will come down on this rogue like a ton of bricks.  This is rape & it needs to be stopped.

happy/pants5189 reads

Was coming back to my apt. complex last Thursday and was pulled over due to a registation prob on my car (which was fixed but not yet showing up) At any rate, I moved to Calif. over a year ago and have not yet switched to this state's DL. The officer didn't give me a ticket but did warn me to get it taken care of. Asked me some ?'s (including my phone #, which I found odd but didn't question)He than started to leave while I was getting out of my car on the way to my apt..While he was leaving he asked out of his window if I had anymore ID in the apt. and smiled. I continued into my apt. and a couple of min. later the  buzzer rang and I beeped it assusmed that it was my sister of whom I was expecting. Door opened & it was the officer. Confused, suprised, and quite frankly scared... I asked what he he needed.. he only asked who else was home.. I said no one...he then w/one hand put his hand on his gun & w/ the other unzipped his pants... won't go into detail but in a few min. he left. I had no idea what to do ...w/myself being a provider,I wasn't sure who to call w/o bringing speculation to me. The following day he came back..in uniform... didn't buzz him in... asked what he wanted .. he said to "thank " me for the previous day. I said that I had company and to please leave, he said "that's fine, you're on my daily patrol route" and he'd be back soon....
I'm a single mother and scared shitless.....WTF do I do? Any advice would be appreciated.

elle_woods3669 reads

Wow. That's terrible. I'm so sorry.

I'm not sure what to tell you to do. Maybe you should call a confidential rape hotline and ask them what to do?

It's really hard to advise without knowing the paticulars of the situation.

I would try not buzzing him in the next few times he arrives, and see if he gets the message. If not, perhaps next time he comes over you can buzz him in and start crying, saying what you did last week was wrong, and you are a sinner, you are so sorry, you love Jesus, etc. Tell him he's a sinner too, but God will forgive him if he goes away and never comes back. Tell him you spoke with your pastor, who said you should apologize to the policeman, and make sure it never happens again, and that if he comes back you will go down to the police station and report him, and you don't care what will happen because God is with you.

You might also install surveillance cameras, and let him know they are installed.

If you're willing to be a hero on the matter, I'd call a lawyer and ask him what to do. If the policeman is doing this to you, it's likely that he's doing it to other girls as well. He shouldn't be on duty, and is obviously not fit to be a pistol packing protector of the public peace.

Whatever you do, I don't think you should do it again. You'll just feel scared all the time and bad about yourself. You should do something...

Don't be scared to get help. There are lots of confidential hotlines you can call for advice and support. I'm very sorry this happened to you, you obviously didn't deserve it at all.

ellobo692289 reads

Make a record, dates, comments, etc. - video/audio tape might help to give to the station captain.

There are providers in Calif (elegantGFEelise???) who may know people in LE that can help you.  Another approach is to talk to your own lawyer or to legal aid.   If you are feeling particularly brave, contact IA department of your local police.

Hopefully, the PD in your area will come down on this rogue like a ton of bricks.  This is rape & it needs to be stopped.

You have been raped.  Call your local LE, call your own atty, call the DA in your county.  A man with a gun came to your apt and pulled his cock out and...whatever....  That is rape.  This man needs to be in jail.  For your own safety, do it now.  MA

MA is right.  You being a provider and him being LE doesn't matter. Get this guy put away.

This is definatly rape and or sexual assult depending apon what happened it has nothing to do with your job though the cops may find out your job when you report I would pull down what I can and go under the radar big time but also I would report this. Frankly for me I have to be grateful that I have Joker for he will not let strangers into my home period. If there is any physical evidence you need to preserve it and turn it in call your lawyer first as a precaution and frankly say you did so because of the complaint you filing being against a police officer and you fear reprisal. Also you may just want to consider setting up surveylance with sound that you can turn on should he show up again then you have him big time your lawyer can advise you on that. If this is allowed to pass he will continue to harrass and assult you it will not get better it will not go away. Also think of the other women he has done this to he is using his possition to intimidate and has likely done this to other women and it has nothing to do with your job for chances are he has no idea what your job is just that you will fear reprisal should you report it is what he is banking on.

happy/pants3209 reads

made ananonymus call to FBI & told them everything w/o personal details. The man that I spoke to said that he was sorry, but if I reported it, it would come down to my word against his, of which, I would obviously loose. The only thing I can do is get it on tape.....meaning that I have to have it happen again? I'm fucked either way.....

Being a paranoid type of guy---I'd assume that the thug knows your lifestyle  (and therefore the local L E is also aware). He might figure he has you "trapped" and this his his form of blackmail to get what he wants. Did he say anything like--"I know what you do"   ?
The first thing you should do is seek out a criminal lawyer--interview a couple (a consultation is usually no charge). Be totally honest---divulge your lifestyle. You need to get the full picture of your position--relative to your lifestyle and your desire to continue same.
The best advice might end up being to just get out of town--even out of state. I know that doesn't sound fair and certainly isn't "right"--but it might be the most intelligent option to avoid publicity.
This thug won't stop----and of course, he needs to be dealt with
but in your position--you might not be the "best" person to do it. Pay for a GOOD attorney--in this case it sounds worth any extra $
Good luck and keep us all posted.

... it isn't easy to accuse a cop of rape.  If he is charged, things will get nasty for you.  I, for one, hope you will do it because you will ultimately be hurt if you put up with this.  

Don't take the law into your own hands and get a gun or something or get some guy to protect you.  It can make the situation worse for you and your child.  Find an appropriate cop or somebody who has position authority to help.  Another source might be the National Organization for Woman.

U neek1994 reads

OMG....WTF is wrong with you people. This is called psycological paralysis. HE KNOWS THIS. All you have to do is call and ask to see a supervisor. Its the uniform your scared of NOT the piece of shit inside it. If you don't report it, this will continue. Who knows how many other people he is doing this too. I can almost guarentee that he has other issues in his record.

If this were me, I would tell him that if it doesn't stop, your going to file a hostile action report against him. If he is still stuck on stupid, then report him and get a restraining order against him. This will get the attention of the DA right away.

How do I know all of this? I was being stalked by a sheriff. IT WORKED

For Chrissake, don't call NOW or any of those battered-women groups; they don't know anything.  This is a nasty situation, and you can't go to your local police force.  CALL YOUR LOCAL D.A.'s OFFICE.  If you're in L.A. County, ask for either (1) the sex crimes division  ((213) 974-6841), or (2) the public integrity division ((213) 974-6501)).  This latter group investigates crimes by officials.  If you are in another county, they will certainly have a sex crimes division.  TELL THEM WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS, AND BE SPECIFIC.  WHen they suggest that you call your local police force, tell them that the rapist is member of that force.  The cop in question brandished a weapon in the course of coercing you to have sex.  YOU WILL BE TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY.

You might also want to move, simply as a practical measure.  Once you become a witness against this guy, the local PD will make things unpleasant for you.

E-mail me if you have questions.  I have some legal experience.

Since you expect him to return, spend the $ or rent a small audio and hidden vieo recorder-have it all set up, then next time he returns, turn it on and capture everything-gives you evidence-otherswise its his word against yours.  This is the age of hidden video so use it.

Here comes da judge1575 reads

without them being involved if you record voice it may be thrown out and you might be charged. Video is okay to record but if you work with IA they will be able to get this fixed.

I agree with the lawyer advice. If there is a rape crisis center[ sometimes called a sexual assault trauma center] contact them. They are usually an excellent, supportive, free source of assistance in all aspect of the situation. Don't go it alone. Good luck.

Anonymous V.1655 reads

Find out which 'department / precinct' he works out of, get his badge number and call the Internal Affairs division, and tell them the whole series of events from the first traffic stop.  If it does not get you anywhere, I doubt it won't, you would be on the record and have spoken out against a policeman.  Police are here to serve and protect and not to be serviced and protect.  
As another poster have said, it is likely you are not alone in this.  There are very likely other women involved too.  

Hire or retain a lawyer and go after the policeman and if more publicity is needed, give KFI640am radio a call.  

You took the first step and reported this incident to us on the board, now take the next step and call his superiors / lawyers / radfio..... etc. etc. etc.

A V.

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