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SULLY 24 Reviews 6250 reads

I actually have never hobbied in Amsterdam.  Still my ATF!

Does anyone like a rushed session?  NO!

Best to avoid- regroup and attack at leisure Oops mixed up my notes on Commando warfare- close enough

I have a 2-1/2 hour layover in London in June. Arriving in Heathrow and departing Gatwick.

Anybody know if there would be a time problem in making this connection and what facilities are available?

Dude- this could be a major problem. They are definately NOT in the same place- might want to talk to a BA rep in England about that.  If you were flying out of a different terminal at Heathrow 2.5 hours might not be enough!

It could work-  but you need some guidance from someone who is doing that more often-


Agree with Sully.
You may need up to 1.5 to 2 hrs just to clear customs at Heathrow, then an hour trip to Gatwick.
You are cutting it VERY tight.

Been there done that....


ringworld3033 reads

been a while for me.  
Flying into Gatwick and then a train to Victoria normally is 45 min-1 hr.  Does your baggage transfer if so good b/c then its the Tube to Heathrow.  Otherwise you get the fun priveldge of lugging that stuff through the underground -- not a fun thing.  ETA Victoria to Heathrow is like 45 mins.  You're pushing it.  Give yourself at least 4 hrs.

If I remember Gatwick is at least 1&1/2 hours by car from Heathrow and London traffic is bad. You also have customs and immigration to think about. I think that there is a train transfor between the airports. You should make arrangements for the transfer through your airlines or travel agent. Of course if you don't make the connection there is always Carrie. If it was me I'd probably stay over a day and spend it with Carrie. Just a thought. Good luck.

Computer Girl5001 reads

If you're not pressed for money, find out if there's any charter helicopters from airport to airport, i'm sure the rich and famous don't sit 1.5hrs in traffic.


Between London Gatwick and London Heathrow Heathrow Airport lies due west of London, while Gatwick Airport is due south of the city, approximately 45 miles by road from Heathrow.

Getting from Heathrow to Gatwick

By Coach

If you are connecting via Gatwick, you must follow signs to "Baggage Reclaim", collect your baggage if necessary, and take a bus to Gatwick. Jetlink coaches depart from the front of each terminal to take you to Gatwick, the journey times average 70 minutes, but could be longer depending on traffic. Cost: £12 adult single. Coaches run from 04:40 to 22:10 seven days a week, usually every half an hour.
Jetlink coaches 0870 574 7777.

By Taxi

The journey is also possible by taxi but will be considerably more expensive, approximately £45. Taxi desks at Heathrow:
Terminal 1 Arrivals: + 44 (0)20 8745 7487
Terminal 2 Arrivals: + 44 (0)20 8745 5408
Terminal 3 Arrivals: + 44 (0)20 8745 4655
Terminal 4 Arrivals: + 44 (0)20 8745 7302

And if you're a foody-  DONT EAT ANYTHING! It's England.

Seriously-  good post-

I haven't used Gatwick in a decade, but I do remember it as being pretty much in another direction...

Weird to get changed from one to the other.  They are so different.

Thanks to all who answered.  From the information received, it was beginning to sound a little weird so I went to the source (BA) and contrary to what the flight booker told me on the phone, it departs Heathrow and NOT Gatwick.  So the problem is really solved. But now I am faced with another dilemma.  Is there now time in that 2-1/2 hours to clear customs and immigration, get into London and spend a session with the beautiful Carrie and still get back to catch my flight to Madrid?  (Always wanted to "go back to my Scottish roots.") Or maybe... after Carrie... would I even care?  Life has such problems!

No freakin' way!  London is about 30-60 minutes away via train or car.  Traffic is epic.   London is also NOT a toen to be in a rush in.

Dirk Bogard1749 reads

I may be able to hook you up with one of those Virgin Pacific baggage handlers...say the magic word and they will handle more than your baggage...say the magic word to the wrong person and you'll wind up on the wrong end of a bobby stick.OUCH!


I'm sure you have the best of intentions and are only looking out for my interests, but I think I'd want a little more information on those baggage handlers before making any committment Dick old chap.  Lol

If you want a quickie you can take the Piccadilly in to Leicester Square and go down to the walk-ups on Peter St in SOHO.  If I remember right it's about a 30 minute ride each way, but I'd double check that.  Several sources, including cops, have confirmed for me that these gals are NOT traffic'd against their will (though there are many in London who are).

Make sure to get on the train to Heathrow on your way back instead of Uxbridge!

Unrushed session?  I think not.   Next time do a weekend in London or at least a night.  Much more enjoyable.

I love the city- it is my 2nd favourite in the world.  Nothing beats Amsterdam.

Oh my friend.  You really need to visit the FKK's in Germany (assuming you're rating Amsterdam for hobby, not it's other cultural attractions which are indeed great.)

BTW, with 2.5hrs I fear a rushed session is all he can hope for.

-- Modified on 5/5/2004 12:26:48 PM

I'll have five weeks in Granada do I'm hoping something will develop there.

I actually have never hobbied in Amsterdam.  Still my ATF!

Does anyone like a rushed session?  NO!

Best to avoid- regroup and attack at leisure Oops mixed up my notes on Commando warfare- close enough

Carrie of London2849 reads

I'm a bit late contributing but I just noticed this thread.  For future reference, you can get to Paddington station in Central London in just 15 minutes by taking the Heathrow Express which is an overground train, not tube.  There's no quicker or more reliable way to get into town.

Have fun in Granada (I'm jealous!).

Yeah-  but then you got to get to your place!  Another 15-30 minutes stuck in Londres traffic!  And have your 5 quid to drive or taxi in Central Zone.

BTW if one does want to see Carrie- the ATMs are awesome- give good rates- and really are everywhere.  I think the limit is 300 Sterling/day

Next time go Schipol!

this is not a problem in my expereice. there are buses leaving every 30 min.  Will be a little tight if you have checked bags but doable.

Shiro3230 reads

Hello Sailer,

transferring from Heathrow to Gatwick is a b***h. If you take the tube then you end up lugging your stuff down several escalators at one end and up several more at the other. The train ride takes a while but is much faster and more reliable than any type of surface transportation. I've taken the helicopter shuttle a couple of times and found it quick, reliable and fun - but I'm not sure what the price tag on that shuttle is. Can you still change tickets to avoid the xfer? Or better yet, spend a night in London - it's a great city.


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