TER General Board

Re:Hi Mr chachos...
chachos2757 reads

I'm single and way to busy to consider a relationship at the point, but still desirous of feminine comforts. I stumbled upon the idea of using the services of escorts. My delima is that I don't know much about the escort thing. I mean...... the do's and don't, the etiquette and what's expected of both parties.

I'm looking for full service GFE with beautifull ladies. How safe are escorts from a health risk & legal standpoint(generally speaking). Also, I would like to know if most escorts are ok with sex, if the price is right and how to weed out the ones that aren't?

Your help will be greatly appreciated, as I have never in my life hired an escort and I leaning more and more towads this adventure.


Click on "FAQ for Newbies".
Spend some time reading there, you will have many of your questions addressed and then some.


WebTerrorist2086 reads

Go with what Miss Sola said and read the FAQ for Newbies boards...I would link you to the definitions of the acronyms, but you seem to doing fine with that.  :)

For knowing nothing about escorts I'm impressed you got the "full service GFE" down, most newbies first question is usually, "what's a GFE?" or any of the other acronyms or terms...you're already ahead of the game for newbie then.  :)

Bizzaro Superdude2895 reads

You will get out of this hobby EXACTLY what you put into it.  That is, if you don't shave, don't bathe and in general act like a nasty dude... well, the ladies will take your money, but you will NOT have The Experience of a Lifetime.  For the most part, in my adventures here, I have met some ladies that, gulp, yes, I would take home to mommie...  They actually are moms, daughters, sisters, students - people with advanced degrees, people with no degrees, people with problems just like you and me.  So, if you become a problem of theirs, they have the option of not providing for you, as you may be perceived as threatening their safety.  Remember, they sit there - and open up a most intimate act with a stranger that they don't know - Kinda scary!  Just like my ex!

A word - please allow and work with the ladies to screen you for the first appt.  no biggie - and it does relax them!  I am constantly amazed at the trusting nature of our lady friends - but I am also constantly rewarded by cooperating with them- rather than challenging them.

WRT rates.  Their rates are their rates.  Negotiating on a first date is kinda a no - no.  If they wish to offer you a discount as a regular, well, we can all recognize a bargin when we see it...  But keep in mind - if the rate for a particular lady is too much for you, then select someone else - there are plenty to choose from.

I usually bring a chilled bottle of wine with me to appointments - I have  a glass while we "get acquainted"  it helps take the edge off.

Most of the quality providers are genuinely "people" people - and you will enjoy your time with them.  Yes you will get the "odd duck" or two who do not like what they do, you or the hobby in general, but for the most part if you read the reviews you will, in general, be able to select ladies who you will like...  And in general, I have found that just by being a nice guy and a gentleman - I have been rewarded with sessions that are - for the most part - above my expectations.

Other things in this hobby:
Falling in "luv" - extensively covered on this board - hey, it happens.
ATFs and what they bring to the party - if you like consistency - then go for it - me, I do like variety....
Cost of the hobby - again extensively discussed in here.
Interference with your civie relationships - this is NOT so extensively covered in here, with the exception of your SO finding evidence of your activities.   I would put another spin on it - what if you get caught -- in general - you may wish to think this out, and design around it.

there are others.  And Hiring an escort can be fun - I must say, that the single most exciting sex afternoon / night I have had in over 50 years of life - was with an escort!  And I was married for over 10 years!

Good luck - and good hobbying.

Even old dogs can learn new tricks...

 -- D 'silly rabbit' Heat

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