TER General Board

Re:Cost of pop failure. Caculate your pop failure ratio.
Sexy4You 3043 reads

Personally I think that is just sad that any provider that is going to do an overnight would  not be on time and be ready to entertain!
I have the issue with pushing the session to the max, having the best time we poss. can! Why the hell not?! It is by choice not force...so enjoy it (that is what I always say...lol)

I for one love to watch my clients saw a log or two as they sleep like babies after a long night of play. I have insomnia so I am normally more than willing to play all night if possible.
I have never had a guy not pop more than once, and I make it my duty to please my partner..that is just the way it is with me. I do not know about other ladies but I have plenty of energy and know how to pace a session if need be.


(No PM's Please)

Pop failure is defined when a client can't get an additional pop due to a physical problem with the client or a provider who does tricks to cut down on the number of pops. Some of those extra tricks include doing a massage for 45 minutes. Other tricks include talking so long between pops in such a way that the client forgets the clock is ticking. Another trick is show up late for an evening or overnight appointment. This can result in a client only getting 2 pops before going to sleep instead of the 3 he was expecting. I get a laugh in the morning when a providers says "Wow you are so hard".

Do you do a pop failure analysis ? Caculate a % of hours for pop failure. A pop should be obtained in 1 hour. If you book a 2 hour appointment you should be able to get at least 2 pops. Sometimes as a bonus if the provider is real hot and horney she can give you 2 pops in 1 hour. I have only had one provider be able to do this. Also in this analysis the cost of failure should be calculated.

Hobbyists should cut back on their average hobby spending until that cost is recovered. Also providers who do the tricks should not be revisited. Make sure that you track these numbers in a spreadsheet.

Sometimes a client can get carried away and not be prepared for a session. Some examples include being out of shape, not getting a good night sleep, seeing too many providers and not getting enough recoperation time between 2 different providers, lack of proper hydration, and not eating properly before an appointment.

I have done some crazy things like seeing 3 different providers in 3 days for 2 hour appointments for each. I was surprised after 4 hours of sleep that I was able to get 2 pops in with the 3rd provider on the third day. It was an indication that the provider really turned me on. She had my cum so hard that my toes where curling with a foot muscle pulled, lol.

Now I understand why so many guys only go for 1 hour. They like to hobby alot and stretch things out. For guys like myself who like long appointments I have cut my hobbying back to an appointment once a month (overnighter) or once every 2 weeks (2-3 hour appointments).

Sexy4You3044 reads

Personally I think that is just sad that any provider that is going to do an overnight would  not be on time and be ready to entertain!
I have the issue with pushing the session to the max, having the best time we poss. can! Why the hell not?! It is by choice not force...so enjoy it (that is what I always say...lol)

I for one love to watch my clients saw a log or two as they sleep like babies after a long night of play. I have insomnia so I am normally more than willing to play all night if possible.
I have never had a guy not pop more than once, and I make it my duty to please my partner..that is just the way it is with me. I do not know about other ladies but I have plenty of energy and know how to pace a session if need be.


(No PM's Please)

Megatha Christie3863 reads

Never?  Sorry, Sexy4You, but I find that difficult to believe.  What about men with impotence issues?  I can't be the only lady here who has had appointments with men who for various reasons (being nervous, physical limitations,etc) couldn't even get to completion never mind have multiple pops.

Maybe you think making men feel inadequate is a marketing tool, but the reality is that there are men out there for whom achieving orgasm even once in a session is like winning the World Cup.

Get over yourself. We real people know that you are spouting real bull shit.

Molly is too sexy for her own shirt. She give whores a bad name because she thinks her shit doesn't stink. Glad that some providers still tell like it is...

Diego Rivera2085 reads

However, her self-reviews are a pleasure to read.

Yeah I know about providers can have insomnia. It is so funny to see them move around when you are trying to sleep. Nice to be able to wake up at 3:00 am and get another pop, cuddle and go back to sleep again.

Such a witty diatribe and you forgot to spell check on isle 69. (gasp)

I may be a bitch, but I am the pick of the litter. I refuse to strangle my clients into squeaking out efficient pops by the hour. I probably did that the first page of reviews, but now, the quality of the pop is so much better than the quantification of said pop. OK: whip out the popcorn, I need some. What's on TV?

--written to "Maggie's Farm" live version, Bob Dylan, gifted by a man I could not get to pop, but oh, did we have fun. Thank you.

...unless you meant 'isle' versus 'aisle'. Either way, your point was noted. I'd trade one sheet-ripping, eyeball-rolling, epileptic-seizure-like pop for ten weak pops anyday.

when I space out providers, I expect not only from the provider, but from myself, 2 pops in the hour appt.

However, I, too, have been guilty of greed and scheduled too many providers in too short a time, therefore not allowing for sufficient recuperation.  This results either in limp dick for a 2nd pop (in the hour), or as some quite talented providers have been able to achieve, a cumless orgasm.  

Now, these are all of my doing.  Its tough enough to deal w/ our own inability, but when providers play the "waste time" game, its just like, well, pulling out of a woman's pussy just as she is about to cum.  Just not right.

Having said all of this, spacing providers out can lead to a nice, very satisfying, 1st pop - a "quality" pop.  But that isn't always the case.

The pop failure analysis really only comes into question when guys are trying to see how many ladies they can do in a short period of time.  At least for me, this is one game that leads to a higher probability of disappointment.

Ultimately, instead of doing a pop failure analysis, I find that being a "regular" w/  established ladies has allowed me to balance frequency w/ quality.  This way both of us can appreciate the 2 pop session, as well as the occasional "quality" 1 pop session.

Just my .02

I'd conservatively say there's been at least 25 vivid Nettie fantasies where her mist like body came through the wall and bit my nippies and did that wiggle thing on my chest with her ass in my face.

Hell, I woke up just this morning with her tossing my salad.

That's either a great value for my pop ratio or I owe my Nettie a zillion bucks.

Insatiable Prov2377 reads

Have done three pops in an hour....  Though it's true that quality is more impt than quantity -- these have all been fab.  Personally, prefer longer dates, time to get to know one another, build up, then as many pops and fun as possible!

...and I'd still judge every meeting as a complete success. It's not always about pops.

OK Lex
I admit I've idolized your humor, self-effacing attitude, thought you are  funny,  etc.  But for an old fart like me (56), this is a pretty impt. topic.  BUT I actually agee with you: old age brings with it the wonderful ability to delay, giving pleasure to her to the the utmost, the less-than-urgent need to come... My lady friend providers say I am a very good lover: little do they realize I am just much slower (if ever) on the trigger than when I was younger, more lusty/horny

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 9:28:58 PM

exodike1682 reads

Imagine a provider/hooker telling you that you were a very good lover. I bet they say your dick is bigger than average also.  

The pop secret is to breathe when you fuck and not think to much about who's doing what and who's doing who.. : ) Second pops for me are routine if the provider excites me. I have seen multiple providers in a day only once and the I didn't get cheated but since the last pop was after 1AM, I didn't enjoy it much, in fact I was working real hard to get it out and she was complainig that I was long-dicking her... well that's what you do when time and money are on the line right? I have had pop failures at the most inoportune times. Once, I had a B&S going and the girl was too young for my tastes, but getting my money back was not an option since I'd already given it to the Madame. I was able to get her to help me rub it out, but at great distress to my cock. The best multiple pop session I had was with a Tantric specialist and she is truly gifted in raising the dead.

Hope2Get It3244 reads

1st it was can the provider cahnge their donation so that it is divisible by $20.00 because his ATM doesn't gives $10.00 bills now it is calculating pop failures.

MP I feel you may have too much time on your hands trying to solve all the world problems.  

What's next formulating the probabilities that the number of hobbyists versus that of providers equals  pie times 69

Does quantification rule?  Or is ignorance bliss?

This type of thinking is going to force me back to masturbation or outright celebicy.

At 56, and I'm almost there myself, multiple pops might be an unreakistic expectation for every single date.

Concentrate on enjoying what you do accomplish.  Perhaps this type of thinking is contributing to  your pop failure instances?

Nothing wrong with masturbation. That is an excellent way to train yourself "Dr Ruth". Great for the hand muscles, lol.

Excellent point.  In addition to being a guilt-ridden Catholic I'm also worried about the possibility of repetatice stree injury.

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