TER General Board

Re:Caught in the act
bigblind 2 Reviews 2647 reads

LOL... that's too funny, kadi.  I can't believe that with all the stories you've told me, you missed that one.  How did you not get caught?  Wasn't your car in the driveway?

I am in Vegas at a dinner date with a provider. After the meal we are leaving
for the room. On the way I suddenly meet a colleague with his wife in the
casino. My situation is so obvious, that there is no way to get out of this
situation. Imagine my girl is looking very sexy, she has very big boobs (plain
huge) and she is holding my arm. Imagine also that I am from Europe, so the
possibility to meet somebody in Vegas is low. A nightmare. I could tell
that she got lost and I help her to the exit (not very intelligent), or that
she is a wife of a good friend of mine (come on..) or? Anyway if there is
no way out, lets make fun of it. So what would be a funny answer, which would
make laugh everybody and could break the ice? What would you say. And did
this happen to you? I know TER has some very good comedians here.

WebTerrorist2389 reads

The best thing to say in that situation, would be to tell the truth and then laugh.

Amazing thing about people, there are certain things they never expect someone to tell the truth about. In those situations if you tell the truth, even if it is exactly what they were thinking, all of a sudden they think you're kidding...because of course, you'd never come right out and admit it.
They will generally in that case, say, "no really, what/who are you really _____?", at which point you keep assuring them of the fact that you are telling the truth.

Then just for fun, add that you were just on the way up to the room, and that have already bought the hedge clippers, the 10 feet of rubber tubing, the sugar cubes, the hedgehog and the gallon jug of Wesson Oil.

Edited: because I forgot the Wesson Oil...how could I forget the Wesson Oil?

-- Modified on 9/13/2005 3:31:18 PM

I had something similar happen once when I first started. I went to see a gentleman at his home and his wife came home! I had to crawl out of the window butt naked. Needless to say I don't see gentleman at their homes anymore.


LOL... that's too funny, kadi.  I can't believe that with all the stories you've told me, you missed that one.  How did you not get caught?  Wasn't your car in the driveway?

I would lke you to meet my uroligist from Sweden,and we are on the way to the pokher lounge.

Say "I know you what you are thinking, but let me explain that I am holding her for the police."

"I'm just joking, of course, this is my sister-in-law [Sarah?].  I hadn't seen her really since [Elaine?] and I got married.  I told her I'd be visiting Vegas, and she suggested that we get together for a drink.    

"You could imagine my surprise when I found out that she actually works here as a hooker!"

Continue along that vein.  Possibly hinting just subtly that [Elaine] will be distressed to hear what her sister does.  Say that you'd like to stay and chat, but [Sarah] doesn't have long before she meets her client, and you'd like to talk to her about family things before that... good evening!  

It's easy to contrive that typing on a keyboard.  Coming up with that under pressure is another thing entirely.    


skisandboots3867 reads

...and if you're not married then I'd have proudly "showed her off".

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