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Re:As Bush worlds Burn
dewAC226 3073 reads

Honey, how would you do it differently - give everyone 100 $20 bills? As for the fraud, misuse and theft, there are always some people who take advantage of any situation. IMO, they are lower than pond scum. All should not be punished for the sins of the few. I am not a Bush fan, I think he is one of, if not the worst, president we have had.
My opinion.

WASHINGTON - The federal government plans to begin doling out debit cards worth $2,000 each to adult victims of Hurricane Katrina, The Associated Press has learned. They are handing them out now at the AstroDome as I type.

Wonder how many people will flock the Astrodome that weren't victims ? Wonder how many people will steal each others 2 grand debit cards ?

How will they use them ? No names on the cards ? Where will they use them is an interesting question as well.

Interesting question

Stay tuned for more drama than CBS on As Bush's World Burns

This is the word of Ciara

Email is [email protected]
do not message me thru here !

-- Modified on 9/7/2005 3:47:40 PM

Ben Dover2476 reads

-- Modified on 9/7/2005 3:46:03 PM

This sounds like just another well thought out plan from the brain trust running our country.  I wish Bush & Co. were as good at doing the right thing as they are at spinning their awful results.

The State government fails and everybody blames Bush.  So the Administration tries to help, and everybody blames Bush.

Make up your minds.  Bush can't be blamed for everything that goes wrong in your lives and in the country.

The top man is responsible then the shit slides down from there. He is responable.He is the leader of this country!!!!!!

according to bush "the buck stops THERE"   has he ever taken the blame for anything? in a perfect world only those that voted for him would suffer

Mr. Info3887 reads

The AstroDome is NOT the Superdome.  It is very
well organized according to various reports on
TV.  No one NEW is getting into the Astrodome.

A debit card is a debit card.  The ones being
handed out by the government aren't any more or
less secure than other debit cards.

People are free to find new jobs, housing, etc.
They are not restricted to the Astrodome.  After
the shell shock wears off, people will venture
out and find new lives.  This will help them.

There's tons of things about this response that
can be criticized.  This is not one of them.

Ok well... so they had a list of names and all their names are on the debit cards ? Where will they use them ?

You didnt answer my question(s) Mr info.

Email is [email protected]
do not message me thru here !

-- Modified on 9/7/2005 3:47:12 PM

It's really time to move all this bullshit to the political board. I would really like to have seen how different things would have been with Al or John. Jesus Crist already, give it a rest.

Man, I'm sorry but I do not agree.  Bush has used up the latent respect of The Presidency.  Not only used, but very much abused.  He's wrong. He was wrong, he is wrong, and he will be wrong.  I know that sounds radical but here is why I sy that:  he does not give a shit about anything outside 'his world'.  I wanna like him, God knows I've tried, and tried. You cannot fake caring and it is abundantly clear now that our President does not care.

Of course we could leave jokes of the day on the humor board as well..

Matter of fact.Escorting is political as well. Politically  incorrect anyhow. Lets ALL go the politic board  :)

I have rights ! I am an American !

I swear it seems like we all are chicken sh*t scared to say or do anything.  What the hell happened to us?  We stood up to cops, guns, the establishment, everyone and we won!  Now we cower in the shadows, afraid to say boo, it's pathetic. All I'm saying is, do what your heart knows is right. do the right thing, because inside thats what you feel.  Not because somebody beat you down or made you afraid. You don't need to conform, you need to listen to your inner voice. Wake up my brothers and sisters!  OK I'm gonna shut up now.

skisandboots3379 reads

...is afraid to speak or spring into action.  No one I know is cowering or conforming.  Are you sure that you live in the U.S.?

Your statement is what I'm talkin about.  I state an opinion that doesn't conform to what you think is right so you slam it.  You see around you what you want to see, in your case what you are told to see.  All I'm sayin is think by yourself, shut out the bs and then you really have an opinion.

skisandboots4282 reads

...pertain to some people (few, I suspect), but again, not to anyone I know.  Believe me, I wish I saw only what I want to see.  BTW, you're contradicting yourself.  First, you praise someone for "speaking out", saying we need more of that.  Then when I "question" you (NOT slam you), you state that that is the problem?  I'm a smart man, but your statements are contradictory and you didn't answer any of my questions.

I think the wording and tone of your retort was more of a slam, but I don’t know you.  Maybe that’s how you speak.    Anyway I think the exchange of viewpoints, debates, discussions and light hearted banter is healthy.  We just need to keep it civil.  I get carried away too; I guess we all do at times.   I see us (America) going through a rather dark period right now.  I know not everybody shares my viewpoint, that would be terrible.  How do you see where we are?   BTW what question did you want answered?  Where I live?  Look at my screen name!

skisandboots2456 reads

I agree, I see us going through a dark time for lots of reasons.  Our country is so divided right now.  Everybody wants to point fingers and no one will accept blame.  We cling to political ideas that made sense two hundred years ago, but now do not.  Where you live was the question that I wanted (I suspected D.C., but wasn't sure).  I'm coming up there later this fall, so maybe I'll see firsthand "what you're talking about".

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 6:39:22 AM

1) Astrodome is closed to further refugees.

2) I'm hoping that our government is smart enough to have those people to enter a pin.  If so, I'm also thinking that we're going to have a lot of people forget their pins.

3) Unlike the Superdome, the Astrodome is better policed, with a with a competent police force.

why don't we give them the debit card and deport them to iraq, bush loves iraq more than new orleans

dewAC2263074 reads

Honey, how would you do it differently - give everyone 100 $20 bills? As for the fraud, misuse and theft, there are always some people who take advantage of any situation. IMO, they are lower than pond scum. All should not be punished for the sins of the few. I am not a Bush fan, I think he is one of, if not the worst, president we have had.
My opinion.

Like Clinton did during mississippi..

And I would have stolen it from the social security fund just like George.

Then, and only then, Id go in the Oral office and give a blow job or three ;)

overclocked2179 reads

it's not their money to give away.  People that want to help can donate money to the red cross or salvation army (and many already did).

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