TER General Board

Re: Zeel, I largely agree with your post, but . . . .
Zeel 67 Reviews 19 reads

Yes, I am aware Kgirls prices have gone up. They are still a bargain, especially in a place like Los Angeles where you and I reside. Since location matters with prices, remember Ms. Scarlett is in Wausau, WI. Not exactly Los Anegeles. While I am sure she has less competition, she is also in a place that is far less populated. It's pretty far from the bigger cities in Wisconsin too. But hey, I have no idea of her client load. They may be breaking down her door if she is the hottest game in town and her rate is so reasonable. Only she can speak to that element.

As for indies, I'm sure some of them suppress it. I was just pointing out they may have less reasons to do so, and if anyone isn't going to suppress it, it would more likely be someone who doesn't have something planned, like another clinet, soon after. There are other things they may want to do, like your example of going to the gym. I get it. And, TBH, a lot of them simply fake orgasims because the client isn't getting them off but they want the client to feel as though they are.

It has been asserted by someone presenting themselves as an Authority on all things related to Provider/Client relations, that female providers "Actively Suppress" their orgasmic urges when with clients, so that they will not "wear themselves out" for the subsequent clients who see them later.   it has also been asserted that this knowledge and specific tendency is WELL KNOWN among the whole P4P community.   I say this is complete baloney....

I personally see so many holes (no pun intended) in this theory/assertions as to simply call it the "Provider Swiss Cheese Orgasmic Conspiracy", but I will defer to any providers who will share insight into this specific claim.

I can readily believe, know and accept, that providers generally exaggerate and fake Orgasms with clients in general because it is obviously part of the fantasy in their minds.    A typical guy who has paid a woman who, under any other circumstance, would not be in bed with this guy, goes down on said woman...and 5-10 minutes later she is acting like it's the greatest thing that she has ever felt.   Most woman do NOT orgasm in 5-10 minutes, that is absurd.....plus, it is my assertion that FAKING orgasms convincingly is more physically and mentally tiring/taxing than simply going with the flow and allowing them to happen naturally.

You need to keep in mind the source matters. It is a fact that female orgasms, like male ones, release oxytocin and prolactin that causes fatigue. A woman who is low volume and likely to see one, two max, clients in a day is going to be less concerened about this issue. If you book a longer session, it further decreases the chances she will book a second client on the same day. The providers on this board tend to be more low volume providers. Further, there may be escort code not to suggest they do this even if they do. And really, they can speak for themselves, maybe others in their circle, but not for everyone. So, take answers with a grain of salt.

That said, high volumes providers, like kgirls and other lower priced providers, whom the source who told you this sees quite a bit, have much more of a reason to not have orgasims. If they have 5-8 clients in a day, some with only a 30-60 minute break between, having orgasims and being tired could be more of an issue. I can see why they would suppress them. These women are also less likely to be on this board, and less likely to even be in the same friend circles as the ones who are.

Just so we are clear, I am not an authority on this matter. I'm just confirming the fact that orgasims make women tired too and why it wouldn't be a surprise if some do suppress it.

over the past two years, Kgirl prices have increased substantially, both for top-tier gorgeous GFE girls and less-pretty but more open-minded BBFS girls (which I stopped seeing many years ago).  Many girls are now at the same price point as Ms. Scarlett who posts on this board.  The influx of competition over this same period has caused a drop in the number of customers these girls typically average in a 12-hour workday.  5-7 hours of session time resulting in $1500-$2000 NET, including tips, is now considered a full day.  

Most of the top girls are at least mid-30's in age (but most can pass for younger), so they do get tired, and they do suppress their O's for all but their regulars.    With this said, I have known many indies who also suppress their orgasms, because they do not make any more money getting tired, and can still go to the gym later in the day for vigorous exercise to stay in shape.  Indies are much better at faking O's than Kgirls, in my experience, and limited-experience mongers are easy to fool.  

The naysayers should note your number of reviews and accept that your perspective and experience is closer to mine, albeit not so much with Kgirls, than to a guy who has seen two providers and seems to want to ignore the realities of this biz to his own peril.  

Yes, I am aware Kgirls prices have gone up. They are still a bargain, especially in a place like Los Angeles where you and I reside. Since location matters with prices, remember Ms. Scarlett is in Wausau, WI. Not exactly Los Anegeles. While I am sure she has less competition, she is also in a place that is far less populated. It's pretty far from the bigger cities in Wisconsin too. But hey, I have no idea of her client load. They may be breaking down her door if she is the hottest game in town and her rate is so reasonable. Only she can speak to that element.

As for indies, I'm sure some of them suppress it. I was just pointing out they may have less reasons to do so, and if anyone isn't going to suppress it, it would more likely be someone who doesn't have something planned, like another clinet, soon after. There are other things they may want to do, like your example of going to the gym. I get it. And, TBH, a lot of them simply fake orgasims because the client isn't getting them off but they want the client to feel as though they are.

So the amount of peckers they see must be in the 8,10 or 12 range per day or more if she's the flavor of the month. With that kinda flow, that chick ain't coming for every one, every day. no matter how much a regular you are or how much to tip her.

do not do 30-min sessions.  These are generally offered by new girls who are trying to establish themselves in the local Kgirl scene.  Many of the top-tier girls do not see new customers.  If you are not already a regular, you can't even book.  Accordingly, there is no reason for girls who are fully booked with regulars to offer 30-min sessions.  

Nevertheless, you are correct that they generally suppress their O's.  

I thought it was an agency based decision to do 30 min. Although some girls may balk at the notion of doing 30 min same as some balk at going BB. So are the "Top Tier" ladies UTR within the agency? Are they shielded from reviews? Do they have ads up withing the agency?
Kinda curious, if the Top Tier ladies have reviews, who are they? , if you don't mind sharing.
Should be a KGirl Board question but....seeing that I'm here

a number of years are almost all independent.  They lease their own incall, and use multiple bookers to screen and schedule their sessions.  This allows them to net as much for 4-5 hours a day as the girls make doing 7-8 hours using an agency incall.  These girls only pay the booker fee because the premises for the incall is theirs.   One of my regulars has 5 bookers booking for her, and mostly sees repeating customers and very few new ones.   This is why the same girl can appear on multiple booking sites.  At first blush, it seems like a B & S scheme, because a girl can't be in two or more places at once, but all of the sites actually CAN book for her, because she is NOT working at any of THEIR locations.  These Kgirls who have their own incall are often the ones that go UTR once they have enough regulars that they don't need new customers very often.  In this respect, these girls are independently running their own businesses (just like American indies), rather than agency girls, even though they outsource booking and screening.  

Photos are often shown on the agency websites of those agencies that are allowed to book for them.  Most mongers in SoCal DON'T consider girls who have photos somewhere to be UTR.  UTR generally means no ad anywhere, word of mouth only.  

These days, the "agency girls" are the ones here temporarily on the Visa Waiver program (often called "90-day wonders"), or occasionally, on a student visa.  

The original absurd claim that inspired THIS thread, about providers and their nebulous orgasmic tendencies, was NOT focused on K girls.....and thus MY thread was only about the absurdity of the sweeping generalization and scale of the claim, and the fact that it is "WELL KNOWN".   This attempt to narrow and focus it on the K girl niche is not going to work.....

In discussing the female orgasm in general, The fact that I have "ONLY" seen 2 providers in 2 months since returning to the scene 3 months ago is irrelevant (as is the fact that I have seen other women PREVIOSULY in my life, both for pay and as a civilian)...... just as the fact someone else has seen 400+ providers (the VAST majority of which are Korean female unfortunates who are trafficked, or felt they had no choice in life to achieve prosperity except to sell their bodies to the likes of the so-called "expert" who inspired this thread)   is also.....irrelevant.   You can't possibly know exactly what is going on inside a woman's brain, nor are you what you desperately try to make yourself out to be....your vacant claims are horseshit.

The female orgasm is a uniquely individualized phenomenon, and you cannot pigeonhole or standardize any of it, as much as you might want to do so for your agenda......

Female providers who do 1 hour or even 2 hour sessions with men who have no bearing or relationship to them other than transactional sex, where the sole purpose and focus in that 1-2 hours is on the MALE Client's Pleasure (remember, YOUR own words).....these women are NOT going to have an orgasm, suppressed or otherwise, except in very rare or specific unique circumstances.   It's preposterous to believe otherwise......the usual exaggerated female moans and screams of orgasmic delight after 5-10 minutes of inept and rushed male fumbling and fondling that most of you hear during your sessions are in fact bogus....the woman is performing for you, which is FINE, it's part of the experience....but it is NOT an orgasm.      Genuine Female orgasms, for the most part, take sustained time, effort and require at kleast a SMALL genuine feelings, attraction or connection with the man (or woman) in the moment;  it's not like a man who can cum for the sake of cumming.   And I'm not talking about masturbation, where the woman/provider is by herself and can take her "brain" exactly where it needs to go....even that often takes time .

If we could get candid honest answers from the vast number of female providers who lurk here I would bet all 4 wheels Im sitting on that my version of reality is more accurate than the version and claim being pedaled by others.   But I am guessing that, over the years, most female providers chose to stop engaging on this forum due to the stress and hassle and harassment directed at them from a handful of male posters.   Too bad for everyone.....

I was just checking to see if CDL is who I thought he is.
And he is..😉

No one, save a few trusted hobby bro's, know who CDL is.  Since you are not a trusted hobby bro of mine, you are full of shit.  I wish I had a dollar for every Sherlock Holmes wannabe who has posted this on TER over the years.  There is nothing in my response to your request for information that provides the slightest clue.  

I leave this with.....I've always felt that you're not one of "us". You've known that.

this is pure speculation based on how you "felt?"   That's an acceptable walk-back from you prior claim that I was someone you knew.  

Years ago, I offered to get you approved at Kgirl agencies because you said they kicked you out, and you declined the offer, so from that, I questioned whether YOU were one of us, too, but I never told you who I was, so that's why I reacted when you said you knew me.  You don't have a clue.  

You can easily know what is going on in a woman's brain if you know the physical manifestations that go with what is in her head.  From arousal to orgasm, there are a series of changes that goes through a woman's body.  If you know how to spot these, you know whether you are heading to a real O, or a fake.  I have called out fake O's in some of my reviews.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's more science than it is emotion.  QB has already posted that your "sustained time" postulation is bullshit.   She can reach an O in 2 minutes.  I also gave an example of a woman I dated for a long time (not a provider) who could cum in 2-3 minutes and then continue for several more orgasms after that.  There are many providers I have seen that could reach a real orgasm quickly.  

With that said, with each or your posts, you reconfirm that you are looking for a real-life girlfriend among the ranks of professional providers.  You don't have enough experience to know when you are being hustled.  Genuine feelings are not required for a woman to have an O, just the kind of stimulation that her body prefers and responds to.  I'm sure that when you see providers, for a $50 upsell, they will tell you that they love you and that their feelings are genuine, . . . . .at least until the next time you pay them.  Lol

Thank you for actually taking two seconds to think through the actual absurdity of this assertation. And thank you for actually asking humans that have a vagina for the correct answer rather than relying on "experts" that in fact do not own a vagina. There is no way to suppress a female orgasm. It is either on the path to victory or it is dead in the water and not going to happen.  I do very much enjoy sex with my gentlemen callers that follow directions as to do exactly what they need to do to make me climax. It does take a lot of communication in the same language for all the stars to line up and for it to happen. Someone who does not take direction well or is more just focused on what they want is very unlikely to make their female partner climax. Unfortunately in those situations the gentleman may then feel the need to make excuses for their short comings, i.e. that providers "suppress" their orgasms, which we have already determined is complete hog wash.  
Shout out to my gentleman caller from the east coast who does post on these boards and yes, does follow directions very, very well.  :)  

I was about to ask if there was really a way to suppress a female orgasm, cuz I never heard of this before.  

Obviously (to us men) there is no way to suppress a male orgasm after point of no return. I suspected it's the same way for women. Otherwise edging probably wouldn't be a thing.

-- Modified on 7/18/2024 3:03:52 PM

to work the clock.  If they can get you to continue DATY while they put off their O, the session is less work for them before the clock runs out.  Why do so many guys here not understand how the providers "work" us?  Lol

I think you're confusing delaying an orgasm with suppressing it...  

Edging, for example, delays an orgasm (sometimes indefinitely) but doesn't suppress it.

It's the same thing when a client feels he might be close to cumming from bj and stops the provider from him blowing his wad too soon. It's not a suprression technique, it's us delaying pleasure of orgasm a bit more.

Not to be a pedantic asshole (too late I guess haha) but suppressing something means that something already exists. Once an orgasm starts you can't really suppress it (for males, and I trust Scarlet on this matter for females)

"put off their orgasm".  I did mean suppressing it, although that should be clear from the context.  It wouldn't make any sense that they would only delay it when my whole point was that may avoid orgasms.  

If DATY is performed correctly an orgasm will occur. Rubbing the internal G spot gently with your middle finger while performing DATY will also enhance the orgasm quality. Sometimes I like to shake things up and use my vibrator on my clitoris while my G spot is being massaged. Hope this helps!!! If you need any more tips on how to make your lady friend climax let me know. I am always here to help those who need some pointers!!

That whole finger on the G spot doesn't work for me. My nipples being tweaked and a muuth on my clit... yep! That'll do it.

can be uncomfortable reaching for the nips if the girl is 6 ft +.   Of course, if her tits are saggy, it makes it easier.   Lol

Not sure who you're referring to but speaking for myself, I find directions and guidance to be very welcome. Every woman is different and what works for one may not work for another.

I think you know who the person is, but you also know I tell stories but never name names.....


Simantics may be at play here. Some may consider faking an orgasm suppressing it. This is certainly open for debate, so not suggesting what I may think is the correct answer. But for the record, I don't think they are the same, but can see how there is overlap in what they can mean.

Furthermore, if during sex you purposely think of things to turn yourself off, I imagine this may decrease your chances of having an orgasm. I can speak for myself and my penis and say I can turn myself off to the point where I cannot orgasm. Unfortunately, this has an impact on me that women don't need to be as worried about, old junior goes soft and can no longer perform. Are you saying you cannot turn yourself off to the point orgasming is less likely? If you are, and other women agree, I will trust it to be true. I don't have your parts so what the heck do I know. I just assumed if I can do it, women can too. And, I also assumed that your lady part can still allow a penis to penetrate and doesn't close up and kick it out because you are not turned on.

Infact, I'm work! 😂 but I'd much rather get off as it's like a huge stress relief for me. If i dont get off in a day, I could end up with a migraine. I just need a little time to recover and I'm off to the races again! I suck at faking it anyway 🤷‍♀️🤣 I agree (for myself atleast) it takes more energy and effort to fake an orgasm than it does to just to let it flow 💦 I sleep better too.

Well we are all searching for a  Big O, see...a big Big "O", buried inside our woman's psyche/brain;   our jobs  

Well, we've heard from two of the more mature and wise and knowledgeable WOMEN on the board, hopefully a few more will show up if the men will simply stay out of their way....much like in the bedroom.   When it comes to getting women Off orally and/or with our hands (and sometimes with our words of stimulating erotic brain fuel) , we do best to simply ASK the our lady what exactly she wants and NEEDS, and then to follow her directions to the "T" and maybe "Y" as well......

No matter what any of us want to believe or want to tell ourselves (and others),  we do NOT know more than the woman with us about HER needs and HER preferences.

Carry on ladies......oh, and THANK YOU TONI & Scarlett!   (plus one other awesomely intelligent and beautiful  provider who was kind enough to  reply to me privately....)   EVERY WOMAN is different, there is no blanket "One-Size-Fits-All" collective oral/manual approach to the female Orgasm.   Which actually makes for better, more interesting and fun sex in the long run for both the man and woman partner.

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This article gives me the impression that a man doing it right is not always going to be enough to get a woman to orgasm.  


Now, this is more about real pyschological issues which isn't really the same as intentionally stopping them. That said, one of the common themes I noticed in articles is that not feeling relaxed (stress) can make having an orgasm difficult for women. So this suggests a high strung escort might not orasm as easily as one who is more chill. But again, wtf do I know. I don't have a V. But I give some level of trust to research by doctors and scientists that involves women.

Idk where you get your statistics, but these woman can’t be SW. I play with my favorite toy & can climax in less, than 2 minutes. I know women because I a woman who loves to love women!  You guys only know pillow talk. I don’t fuck with females who pillow talk.

5-10 minutes are these married women?

CuriousGeorge115222 reads

Doesn't the time of month make a difference?  Around half way thru their cycle is generally more horney?  Curious minds want to know ;-)

a few years ago that could reach orgasm in 2-3 minutes through DATY, FIV, Intercourse, or battery-powered bot.  It didn't matter.  However, it was a burden for me because, like a lot of women, when they cum while fucking, they freeze until their own orgasm subsides.  Because it takes me a lot longer to ejaculate, I was delayed that much longer than usual while she had several O's in succession, stopping the action each time while she recovered, while simultaneously sending me back to the starting blocks.  Lol

Queen Bia.....that's awesome how easily you can climax.....were you ALWAYS like that or did you learn to please yourself over time and experience?

And I definitely respect your opinion and experience as a woman, and the fact you have friends who are women who don't "pillow talk".....yes, as a guy, I know "pillow talk".... what are you then, telling me I should do with this pillow talk?  just tell the woman with me doing the pillow talk "Sorry, I don't believe you when you tell me it takes you 15...or 18...or 23....or ? to cum?"

I'm pretty certain I qualified my remarks with the usual caveats:  EVERY WOMAN IS DIFFERENT and UNIQUE.    But there are a few general characteristics and stats that apply to female orgasms in general, according to various medical and psychological journals and research.    That is what I base many of my comments on, but I'm really trying to generate discussion.....you certainly contributed your two cents so I thank you Bia.....you don't need to pound the two pennies into the table though with your trusty "Female Hammer of Independence and Power" lol

I'm linking an article from Psychology Today.   if anyone else want to bother, you can look online and find a plethora of sources that discuss female orgasms and time to climax as a huge variable that is more often on the HIGH side of time, if at all.   In fact the article attached states many females NEVER orgasm.  I found that to be very interesting, and supportive of what I've been saying all along....the majority of provider "Climaxes" during sessions are simply part of the fantasy.    

But you will find a lot of different "time to climax" depending on which articles you read.....15 minutes or around there is a popular number/guesstimate.    Also, time to climax differs greatly when the woman is self-servicing versus having someone service her.

-- Modified on 7/22/2024 11:13:52 AM

Rafl22 reads

My partner easily has Os from intercourse,oral,digits,toys. I’m pretty it’s not that I’m so good lol.

Whether it's a provider or not. I'm not sure who your Authority is, but I think he's way off.

I've asked a few of my provider friends about this and all said they never do this or have even heard about this.

Orgasms are awesome! Why would anyone want to suppress that?

You have 36 reviews spread over 5 years on TER, which is less than 8 per year.  I would imagine you are starved for orgasms, so the fact that you would never suppress one makes absolute sense.  However, many providers that see more than one customer a day DO suppress orgasms in order to keep their energy up for the later customer.  Low volume providers have no need to do this and that's probably why you have never heard of it.  

Because you are assuming that because she has only 36 reviews over 5 years that's an accurate total of all the guys she's fucked. And, of course, you have no way of actually knowing that. So here's the question: is there an average of how many men a girl has seen based on her actual number of reviews? IOW, is it 5 dates for every review? Ten?  How many?????

And a few people chimed in, even some ladies. And it came that for every review there were about 17-19 guys that didn’t review. But that was when TER was close to its peak. Now the way it is now., I’d say it’s more like … 7???🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

one out of 8 -10 for reviews.  I did not assume that 8 a year is all she sees.  Even if you multiply it by 20, it still amounts to about 3 sessions per week, which is low-volume providing by almost any standard.  If it's one in ten as prior threads seem to indicate,  then it's 1.5 per week, which is even lower volume.  Some of the girls with very high review-counts, like Jenny in the Valley, say it's one in ten.  My context was that providers seeing more than one customer a day are prone to suppress some of their O's to conserve energy.  I wasn't surprised that low-volume mongers don't want to face this or even hear about it.  It is what it is.    

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