TER General Board

Re: You Can’t Post The PM, But You Can Post The Review (Summary)
cks175 44 Reviews 18 reads

Do you have any updates on what the reviewer decided to do?

And tells the monger to remove it because blah blah if you can't say nothing good about the girl don't say nothing at all...smthng along those lines. This is not done publicly.  

What would you do?

1. Report him to TER?
2. Publicly state his name?
3. All of the above?
4. Ignore?  
5. Tell him to piss off?
6. 3 and 5?  

Obviously I'm leaving out editing/removing the review because that's just phooey and I hope no one with actual balls even considers this option. But I guess you could count it as an option too. Let's call it  

7) be a wussie and remove the negative review

Which one would you go with ?

What complicates matters is that posting contents of a pm is against the ToS here.

You can't edit or remove the review once it's gone live. You can ask to have it removed but I don't think admin would do it without a good reason.

Why is this bothering you so much? Just ignore the idiot.

Well, it wasn't directed at me. Some other monger asked me this. For better or worse, most people know not to fuck with me with negative reviews because they know it will just cause a Streisand effect. Ie, not only will I not remove the review I'll blow it up where everyone hats about it.

As to why I care? I think if we just ignore this behavior and the person isn't reprimanded, it can happen that we lose some potential negative reviews. If he sends it to like ten people and one person - even I reviews cannot be edited - stops writing negative reviews in the future, we lose valuable info...

-- Modified on 6/7/2024 7:30:16 PM

Jesus Christ dude, you have got to get another hobby. This is border line obsessive behavior. Serious.

Scarlet. I have other hobbies, and best believe Im just as persistent in any hobby that entails consumption of products/services.  

But let's be honest here, you don't really care about my hobbies and your post is really just a thinly veiled statement of "go away".

No I don't think I will

He made this up, this never happened. The OP is on a kick about posting honest reviews even if they are negative reviews.

Just like you have zero way of knowing this story is real. Here is a little life hack: If someone tells a story that is pretty outrageous and the poster has giving a very easy out (was not him but a friend of a friend) so he has no way to confirm the story pretty high chance it never happened.

So good to see that you've chosen to take the high road rather than coming across as the pot calling a kettle black.

Oh, wait, that is what you did. And you got called on it.

Is this story "pretty outrageous"? Do a search on any number of the boards here and you're going to find that the issue of someone trying to get a bad review removed or rewritten is hardly unheard of on TER. You even have eastside saying it happened to him. I suppose you'll say he must be lying -- after all I cannot say he isn't, but I also cannot say that never happened to him either.

So rather than making pointless, baseless claims (which seems to be close to what you think rocket does) why not actually address the actual question underlying the post which doesn't actually require the post to be true. It could just be taken as a hypothetcial to illustrate a situation that should be of some concern (but IMO not a major one) to people here.

I think the real moral to rockets story is not just about other people should not be trying to get bad reviews removed but that other people should not assume they know the truth about things they don't have first hand knowledge of. This applies to both good and bad reviews so his argument also goes to all the guys claiming good reviews are fake or shill or whatever. Rather than making claims X is or is not a fact/true we should just be discounting the value of the reported information -- and trying to do a good job of knowing what discount factor we should use (which will not be the same for everyone).

I did not make it up. There are enough of instances of bad behavior here for me to ever make shit up.

RespectfulRobert15 reads

But you have to get TERs permission. I have done this on 2 occasions as there was something I wrote the girls felt could identify them to people in their personal lives and TER was cool enough to let me go back in and edit those words/sentences out.  
I agree about just ignoring the guy.

It’s been years but I have edited a published review. I wrote to admin and told them what I wanted to change and why. They put the review in that limbo mode like it is if you save it to finish later or between submitting and approval. This of course made it not publicly visible. I made the changes and it went back into the queue to get approved all over.  

I think something like that is on a case by case basis, so one would need to lay out a good reason. In my case, I realized I had worded something kinda poorly and it could have been (mis)read by some people who might think I was implying bbfs. I reworked that sentence and sent it back.  

I am sort of curious what admin would do if somebody wrote in and said ya know I thought about it and I was probably too harsh on her, I’d like to edit my review please. But I don’t think we should even try to find out unless whoever wrote the review in question genuinely feels that way of their own accord.  

Anyways to the the OP:
The correct answer is to just ignore it. Which you’ve already failed to do by posting this. But it’s never too late to start ignoring something.

If you read my follow up post, you would see that the message wasn't sent to me but to another fellow monger.

If it were sent to me, I probably wouldn't ask people on here and just air it all out. But I don't want to jeaopardize this monger, his trust and TER rules.

Yeah I had read it and I knew it wasn’t directed at you. That’s why I said “whoever wrote the review in question.”  Doesn’t change anything about what I said.  

I took that into account and my advice was, and is, to ignore it. Some guy apparently PMd you telling you what happened. You could’ve told him to ignore it and you could’ve ignored it yourself by not posting all of this. Thus my reply “Ignore it.” I didn’t think I had to spell all that out for you.  

You’ve now openly stated you believe the right thing to do is to “air it all out.” Does that mean name and shame the guy who sent the original PM here on the boards? You know that doing that would violate the rules no matter who got the original PM. I know you know that. Whatever air it all out means, I’m guessing  you told your friend to do that and he declined.  

I still think the thing to do was ignore the whole thing. If you don’t think so, I’m sure you and I can agree to disagree in a civil way.  

You’re also out for… justice? Wanting this person to be “reprimanded.” Really?

You have your opinion and I respect it.  

I'm not sure what is the right thing. Hence me asking. If it had happened to me, I would probably air them out and possibly eat the ban. I don't know. That's why Im asking.

Well yeah, reprimanded. Why not? Shouldn't we protect the honesty and truthfulness of reviews?

Thanks to both you guys for being on the ball name-wise. I don’t think it was malicious, no ill will.  

I will say I was more worried about the spelling. Felt like he was one or two steps away from calling me Durbin. That wouldn’t make me happy because, well, he’s a Dick! LoL

From either it was her pimp, boyfriend or someone who was deeply infatuated with her....It was a pretty good attack on me. Here's the story and what I did
Young lady, who I had seen on a few occasion, she was a true GEF. She was very passionate but very vanilla
She knew of my DOM tenancies. Our sessions never got too that direction. Then one day, she wants to be the SUB. We explored that fetish. She enjoyed it and a few of our future dates took that turn. It wasn't Fifty Shades Of Grey level but it was intense.
Now I never reviewed her prior to our new found sessions. Then I did our first review, it was of one of our DOM/SUB sessions.
Within a day or two after the review was published this guy came after me about the review. Said I "soiled her reputation", lol.
I told him to go fuck himself. He send one more after that but I ignore it. Then the young lady called and ask if I could get the review removed. It was causing her problems. So I asked TER to remove it. Gave them the reason and that was that.
So I did number 3
Is this a number 7?
What would you do?

-- Modified on 6/7/2024 9:31:21 PM

Thanks for the response.  

I think your case is a bit different.  
Sounds like she was vanilla and then you've reviewed her mentioning her doing very YMMV things such as being a sub to you.

I think the provider had a reasonable request in your case unless being dominated was on her menu.  

Plus it doesn't sound like your review was negative. So in your case I think just removing the parts that referenced the kinky stuff and maybe just putting general things like "we got kinky but it's very ymmv" would be a compromise to keep the review  and also not make her out to be a bdsm queen. Lol.  

I'm talking about people saying review should be removed simply because it's a negative review.  

I'll even clarify further that it was for a kgirl, but I think this scenario is common enough to be asked here instead of the kgirl board.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: I once got a message  
From either it was her pimp, boyfriend or someone who was deeply infatuated with her....It was a pretty good attack on me. Here's the story and what I did  
 Young lady, who I had seen on a few occasion, she was a true GEF. She was a passionate  very but very vanilla  
 She knew of my DOM tenancies. Our sessions never too that direction. Then one day, she wants to be the SUB. We explored that fetish. She enjoyed it and a few of our future dates took that turn. It wasn't Fifty Shades Of Grey level but it was intense.  
 Now I never reviewed her prior to our new found sessions. Then I did our first review, it was of one of our DOM/SUB sessions.  
 Within a day or two after the review was punished this guy came after me about the review. Said I soiled her reputation, lol.  
 I told him to go fuck himself. He send one more after that but I ignore it. Then the young lady called and ask if I could get the review removed. It was causing her problems. So I asked TER to remove it. Gave them the reason and that was that.  
 So I did number 3  
 Is this a number 7?  
 What would you do?

-- Modified on 6/7/2024 8:44:39 PM

I can understand a submissive wanting that info to be under the radar.

worried13 reads

I'd #4 and ignore.  Which review?

This is fucking so simple and doesn't need a committee debate. With the exception of 2, do what you think is right.  

Since you're getting this via a PM with the clear difficulty with TER policy might be something of an incentive to report his request to TER.  

Personally I think if 10% or the negative reviews were "disappeared" from TER it would have ZERO impact on anyone. The 9 other bad reviews are plenty. For most that trust review much at all even 1 negative review sends them looking for alternatives. For those that don't get the message with 9, one more is not going to help them (wasn't that part of Zeels what is wrong with theses guys post?)

Why would I ask if I knew what was right?

Why can't I discuss something that is well within the rules here? You're not making sense. And, the more times I can remind folks that negative reviews are important, the better. Seems like you have issues with that.  

In fact, you say except for number 2,and it were to happen to me I'd probably do that.

As far as 10%of negative review being removed, youre wrong. If a provider has one negative review and it is removed, it has a huge impact. Not only on average score but on perception.

The second option on your list is a clear violation of TER policy -- as is your OP if one wants to be binary about interpreting TER policy on private message information.

Where did I say ALL the negative reviews?

But, if a provider has one negative review and a bunch of other good/average reviews that one is an outlier and not really going to change things for most people here I suspect. There is no good, rational basis for assuming just because it's negative that it is either correct or relevant to me and what I enjoy.  All the same veting of the reviewer holds and the collection of reviews hold. Anyone making a decision based on one review from a person they don't know about a provider they have never seen is either naive or wreckless. And what the review is, good or bad, doesn't matter to that. It is simply a data point the quality of which is unknown. So my statements have nothing to do with being against or wanting to remove negative reviews.

I didn't say you cannot discuss. I said you're a drama queen about this shit, and I don't believe for a second that you were really asking for what the correct approach would be given your track record with posts.

Um, right here? "Personally I think if 10% or the negative reviews were "disappeared" from TER it would have ZERO impact on anyone. "

Literally your statement. If I show this statement to literally anyone, are they not supposed to interpret it as 10% of ALL negative reviews?

But, if a provider has one negative review and a bunch of other good/average reviews that one is an outlier and not really going to change things for most people here I suspect.

You are now making assumptions.
If one negative review is unfairly removed, here is what happens:

1. The average score goes up - something that isn't deserved at all and misrepresents the real situation.  

2. Whether or not it is an outlier is for readers to decide, and if you think that having one negative review doesn't influence readers, that is wrong. And even if it doesn't influence "most"
- it does influence some.

You, on the other hand, claimed that it would have ZERO (note your own capitalization) impact. So, youre effectively saying that those that aren't in your "most" group are irrelevant. How nice of you.

Here's what zero impact means, Jensen - it means it does not affect even a single person on here. Which of course would be wrong because I'm also a person on here who reads any of the negative reviews first and foremost. So it would affect me, at the very least. I would venture to say that people do read negative reviews and take those into account.  

"There is no good, rational basis for assuming just because it's negative that it is either correct or relevant to me and what I enjoy. "
No, and I never claimed it was to you. I know what you think of reviews. I've known what you think of reviews for years now, even from my first thread I posted in on this forum.  

But it may for others. You claiming removing 10% of negative reviews having zero impact is simply false.

Negative reviews are a very important parameter, and I hope you agree if people could write truthful negative reviews without things like empathy for consequences, and fear of providers balling at them, there would be more negative reviews written. It's as obvious as that sky is blue.

As far as for being a drama queen, my post was written in fairly neutral manner. You just didn't like that it was me posting it. If it was a random person asking this, you wouldn't ever say this shit to them. It's because you know what I think of negative reviews, and my strong stance against anyone who dares to remove honest negative reviews.  

Kinda like Scarlet. I think I blew her mind when I told her I think there's no reason to fake the funk no matter whether you're reviewing your family business or a random person's business.  
She now seems to think I'm not human and eat kittens and babies for dinner. I guess she thinks its OK to lie to people when it benefits you and people close to yourself. So now she's going at me like every post of mine. When I never said anything mean to her. Cool.


This is all just the same BS you trot out all the time.

Reviews are reviews and the qualit has nothing to do with what score is given. Nor is it the case that even honestly written reviews regardless of the scoring, other than true rip-off reviews,  are necessarily useful for any random monger.  

So yes, I do make the assumption that the overwhelming nomber of those on TER using reviews for decision making will do so rationally and not view some preconceived, biased frame that you keep pushing here. But please, keep endearing yourself to everyone here by constantly showing how stupid and helpless you think they all are.

Huh? So you failed to address my point and now attribute shit I didn't say anywhere in this thread?

I never said what you wrote in caps. And while you're yelling I'm somehow the drama queen. Riiiight.  

One more time, the only reason you called me a drama queen is that because I made the topic and not someone else.  

What I did say (and not even in this thread) is that we have less negative reviews than we should, due to lack of incentive to write those. Positive reviews give people vip days, positive reviews don't get attention, while negative reviews may hurt providers feelings (somehow no one cares about customers feelings), make them blacklist you, and cause a lot of unwanted issues.

Negative reviews also have higher probability of being more detailed,since usually they attempt to explain why theyre negative reviews in the first place.  

This isn't bs. It's truth and logic. We have people who openly said that they had bad sessions and yet they never write reviews for those on purpose. While they surely write positive reviews for good sessions. We already have this shortage. Why do we need people who actively try to silence those with negative opinions?  


I also know (since you mentioned it before) what you consider a good review system, -which is the equivalent of a goldstar participation trophy. I don't know about your times, but when I was growing up goldstar stopped being used after kindergarten or elementary. After that point, people being graded (which is what a review is) somehow knew how to accept accountability.  

For you and many others it seems that reviews are just a formality on top of some fucking spiritual bond because it's pussy and not something else. Well no, I come to this site to read reviews, graded and evaluated datapoints.  

I want people who write reviews to not be bullied in removing negative reviews. You know who doesn't get bullied tho? Positive reviews.  

Where am I being a drama queen?  

"constantly showing how stupid and helpless you think they all are"  

Another nonsense bit from you. How did you get here from me saying we lack negative reviews and shouldn't allow bullying of taking down real negative reviews, is baffling to me.  

Please show me the logical chain here.  

Nor is it the case that even honestly written reviews regardless of the scoring, other than true rip-off reviews,  are necessarily useful for any random monger. "  

See here you go again. You're trying to make it out to be like it's a fucking sandbox and reviews are just some formal bs and we just all smile laugh and fuck. Reviews are a cornerstone of this site. Both negative reviews and positive reviews should be represened and made without fears for reception of such reviews.  

I can't speak for others, but to me negative reviews are extremely helpful. They helped me many times  

And I know my negative reviews have helped others, because people literally told me that. Have people told you this about your negative public reviews? Oh wait... that's right.

Second that.
Any functioning adult would ignore the PM and get back to the business of getting laid. Total calories spent:  maybe 2.

and I politely told them to fuck off.

They weren't at the session with me, so they don't know what actually happened. These type of simps need to go away.

Hey now Scarlet probably will tell you you made it up as well! Lol

Thanks for the input.

If this story is true, put your money where your mouth is and post the review so we know what provider should be avoided.

Wouldn't me posting the review immediately disclose who the reviewer is?

Yes. But you don’t have to say you received this info via PM. The info could have gotten to you via another site or offline. Just post the review so we can figure out why someone wanted it deleted.

If you don’t want to provide the review (on a review site, I might add), you could provide a general summary of why the person wants the review removed.  Low numerical score? Did the reviewer include details of a service that the  KGirl normally doesn’t offer? Did the reviewer estimate age as too old? Your initial story is a little light on details.

Do you have any updates on what the reviewer decided to do?

But you can ask if that's okay and ideally even ask the person who says this happened come onto the board and post it. He doesn't have much to hide, unless he actually thinks the person who sent the PM has a point. That would certainly be giving other here access the relevant information in terms of how they would respond including in general how they would respond and if in this case their response would be different due to any particulars in this specific case.

But I have another challenge for you related to the whole one review getting removed is a big deal. Go pick what you think is a representative profile to post - perhaps in a new thread. Then we (meaning all you guys with VIP) can remove the worst review and see what happens to the averaged. We can also then talk about just how far that moves people needle regarding interest in seeing the girl or how their expectations might change even if they were not interested in seeing her.

-- Modified on 6/9/2024 10:26:42 PM

Ill gladly accept it but you have to do my challenge first. The one I issued years ago? Remember, the one where you said you were having bad sessions and I asked you to name some names publicly. Since we are on the, oh I don't know, a fucking review site?  

How can you say shit about negative reviews when you haven't ever written one?  
But positive reviews, you have tons of (your old profile for anyone else who might be confused)  
By golly, isnt that an interesting coincidence?  

You haven't ever proven you can publicly write a negative evaluation. How can you have anything to say about negative reviews helping when you never fucking wrote one?

I have a 6/7 review which is clearly not a good review for K-girls and one that generally results in a shortend stay in this area.  

I quit writting reviews, what, 4 years ago? I'm not going to start writing reviews just for you. Feel free to post whatever old reviews of mine you want. For any who care, my old handel was jensen36363 and you can look for yourself.

If you don't want to try defending your claims here about the value of any one review, and in your claim, specifically a bad/negative review fine by me. I'll just chalk it up to your usual make some strong claim then avoiding engaging on verifiable evedence others can see and evaluate for themselves. After all, it's not like anyone with VIP that has any interest in the question cannot do some searches and run through the mental experiment any time they want.

I asked you to name an active and actual provider you've had a bad session with, publicly. Back then I even offered to stop a arguing with you, at the time you've claimed I was doing the forum a disservice. Not even that could entice you to name names publicly. Pre covid you claimed you never had a bad experience and then you claimed there was some bad quality. So I asked, who? You kept mum for whatever reasons.  

I want to defend my claims, but it's not gonna be through no challenge. I dont get how you have the nerve to issue a challenge when you never were able to do mine not at least explain why you can't name names publicly.

I've never met a person irl who refused to name names publicly of products or services they considered bad. Literally never. People dislike bad products and services and tell others about them.

What is so different about this industry you're protecting names you should be sharing? Remember you going in on customers who give money to bad actors? Why are you protecting someone who gave a bad session? For the love of God, I'll never understand that.

Hate to tell you this rocket but in the past two years I cannot say I have had a bad session. I've had sessions with girls that pretty much everyone else seems to like a lot that were just okay for me. If I go back farther into the pandemic era when pickings were slim and I went "slumming" on bedpage I had some sessiosn that were exacrly what I expected -- and if I was reviewing would have been 5/6 sessions. But that is the type of session I would expect from such a source from providers without any reviews. But going to a low expectation session and getting what was expected is hardly a bad session either.  

Or do you need me to repeat what I've said about the C-agency that has been bringing in all the J-girls (and a few C-girls). I had one sessions that was good (not as good as most of my K-girl sessions) and 3 o4 four that were very mediocre. I wasn't reviewing then but said on multiple occations I didn't get why anyone was giving their money to the agency or saying the girls were so great. The were (and are) big on "options" and most that had positive things to say seemed to be interested in the options. If what they were getting is what they think is good or great that's for them to say. But I am and was happy to say I didn't share their opinion. You can check on of the other sites, or search here for the names -- start with MP/Moo Palace and follow it's spin-offs/rebrandings. As for the girls names, I have no clue at this point as I have no interest in remembers them.  

So do you want me to start telling lies in the first case? Have just ignored the second case, or think the it is not sharing my view about quality and protecting the parties involved?

You could've named the names when you had 5/6 session. Back then. Could've named the mp girls too.  
But you didn't. And now you conveniently forgot them.
Just like cdl who are as saying a provider wasn't as good to him as she used to and when pressed for name he refused to name her. What the fuck are you guys protecting? Or who the fuck, rather?  

This is the thing. I'm not sure how much I trust the source but someone who claimed to be in your group with klient etc have said that you are much more critical in private. Why?

This becomes the double standard thibg. You have no problems with good reviews or mentioning a provider who you like publicly... but publicly naming a bad or mediocre - whatever wording you want to use - is a no-no. Why?  

This is a review site where we publicly name names and evaluate them. Literally. Using Guy Fawkes masks of anonymity.  

It also seems like you somehow base session quality on expectations. I don't get that at all. A McDonald's burger is bad quality no matter the expectations. And I have no problems saying this. If a food critics dines in a restaurant he expects to not like, why can't he say it's bad food? Is this a confirmation bias thing or something? If I buy a cheap quality product use it know it sucks and it does suck, do you then say it's not bad because I expected it to be bad? Like what are we even talking about here?  

There are people who admit why they don't name names or write negative reviews - and while I'll likely needle them for reasoning (hurting the sellers feelings on a review site is such reason), at least they're being honest. Can't say that for you. You claim you are so objective and yet you somehow refrain from negatively speaking in public. But privately you apparently say things to fellow mongers as they are. So why the change when visibility changes?  


Then you have negative reviews, which you stated are as good as "no reviews" in context of kgirls - a statement so laughable I don't even need to explain why. I mean, if I go to quora and ask what is better for customers - have negative reviews for bad products on a review site or no reviews at all, they will prolly think I'm borderline autistic. Negative reviews are vital for a review site. Because you're comparing and contrasting, there will always be negative reviews.  


Now you wanna challenge me on negative reviews not moving the needle. I told you already - take random 20 negative reviews under 5/5 and take 20 8+/8+ reviews- the negative reviews will have more details on average.  They will evaluate more of a girls features and focus less on penthouse style stories.  

You now say me saying negative reviews guide others is me thinking mongers are stupid or helpless. Yet you yourself called mongers who only check grades stupid. I don't remember you calling a provider group stupid, but I sure remember you calling mongers stupid. Just more double standards from you.

Mongers aren't stupid or helpless. In the neighboring thread Zell has said he wants to achieve much more efficient evalution without doing as much research someone like I do.  

He doesn't understand why after seeing glowing reviews he sees providers who are not up to his standards. Is he stupid too? Do you think a more grounded negative or mediocre review would not help him avoid some of the disappointments that he had? Of course it would. A negative or mediocre review helped me many times to put the breaks on a booking I was about to do. Thats helping fellow mongers - buyers and consumers.  

You know whom not writing negative reviews help? The sellers.
This whole sites main purpose is to deliver truthful and honest reviews to fellow consumers to make an informed decision.

Then you claim negative reviews are useless and removing them would result in zero change. Just stop.

-- Modified on 6/11/2024 3:11:19 PM

How about taking a break from the bickering and give us update on how the reviewer handled the situation. Did they report to TER? Edit the review?

And why did the person (you didn’t clarify whether it was the provider or not) want the review pulled down?

All I can say the provider was a kgirl and she was/is booked by cgla agency (which should be familiar to you since you claimed to have contacted the booker there).  

AFAIK reviewer was contacted by a fellow monger.

Does this answer your questions? When I have an update I will post it here, don't worry. You don't have to check in every day.

-- Modified on 6/12/2024 4:47:29 PM

Why are you still so pressed I had contact with the booker? Who else, besides the providers themselves, do you think a booker would be in frequent contact with but the guys who see those providers?

Still no answer as to the “why” the person wanted the review taken down. Did the reviewer tell you what the reason was?

John_Laroche15 reads

It sounds like something a booker would do

First of all, who the fuck cares about negativity that someone posted, but since you are, then get in front of it and prove that it's not true. Put the proof out there !!!! And don't say anything smart like "LOL !!! Now who's the Dumb ASS?!!"

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