TER General Board

Re: Once my translator told me wat you sed, I agree wit evrything xcept...
meganjonesnyc3 See my TER Reviews 1296 reads

I think if your able to put your self at risk for some extra money you don't respect yourself.  If a client doesn't respect limits over email/call/text who is to say he will respect the rules of the session. Safety first.  

Posted By: bonordonor
Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  

I am a person. I am a mother, a sister and a daughter. I am also a student, a bartender, and a doula. The point is my day gets filled rather fast, weather i am hobbying or not. I can't answer every email with in minutes or sometimes even days, but by no means dose that give you the wright to call me 50x and text me 100x. I am busy, i take days off, i spend time with family, and i respect your family time so why cant you guys respect mine? We are all people of this world and this hobby is no different then any other activity we partake in, it has its time and its place and not every body dose everything the same way. This hobby takes practice and patients on my end, and there is ALOT of behind the scenes work. Just keep in mind that we are humans that can be rubbed the wrong way just like anyone else, and no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.

End of rant.

JackDunphy1786 reads

Lighten up and have a drink sweetie. Its Friday for fks sake.

Thats not my potential client base, they wouldn't have enough references to see me. :)  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Lighten up and have a drink sweetie. Its Friday for fks sake.

but you're the gal that is running BP ads.  As well as a string of mediocre reviews here.

Maybe if you did ask for "references" you'd be having a better day?

Might want to consider that when you're in a hole the first thing to do is "stop digging".

Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
Thats not my potential client base, they wouldn't have enough references to see me. :)  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Lighten up and have a drink sweetie. Its Friday for fks sake.

I dont have mediocre reviews i have one bad one. And i will not stop screening my clients to have a better day. If you cant provide me with a reference there is no need  for me to meet with you. And im not in a hole, im in a pretty castle :)

Posted By: Dr Who revived
but you're the gal that is running BP ads.  As well as a string of mediocre reviews here.  
 Maybe if you did ask for "references" you'd be having a better day?  
 Might want to consider that when you're in a hole the first thing to do is "stop digging".  
Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
Thats not my potential client base, they wouldn't have enough references to see me. :)    
Posted By: JackDunphy
Lighten up and have a drink sweetie. Its Friday for fks sake.

GaGambler1524 reads

and thank you for reminding me that even my worst days are better than many people's (your's in particular) best days.

Welcome to GD, and thanks for playing.

Not taking sides here.  But as a proponent of the anti "grade inflation" crowd, aren't you being a bit hypocritical calling 7s and 8s in review scores less than mediocre?  I thought those were supposed to be great reviews to you guys.  Just saying.

GaGambler1073 reads

because of grade inflation, even women with 9's and 10's can be rather ordinary. Seven's mean "plain Jane" at best, and five's mean downright ugly. A three?, well I am sure as a smart "cat" you can figure out just how homely that must be.

Obviously you can see her profile as well as the rest of us, unless you are scared to tell the truth, How do you think she rates appearance-wise? I am sure we can all agree her performance scores are between her and her clients. I have no way of knowing whether they are deserved or not, but based on her pictures, and stipulating that they are accurate, we can all decide for ourselves what kind of score she deserves.

So, are you willing to be honest and give us your honest opinion? Just saying.

You and others have stated, in essence, that but for grade inflation most common escort experiences should be graded 7s and 8s for excellent performance and looks.  Your position is that too many ladies get 9s and 10s inappropriately because those score are beyond stellar and "once in a lifetime" taken literally.  So your statement that her scores are less than mediocre implies that 9-10 scores should be more common for better than average.  

I think that based upon your reply above here, what you meant to say was her scores of 7-8 are too high in your estimation.  I take it you've never personally seen her so it would be speculative at best.  Maybe she doesn't photograph well.  Most of her reviews are satisfactory, so the guys that have actually boned her probably have the better argument.  

I do not know this lady, have never met her or seen her eyeballs on.  My opinion of her looks and performance would also be speculative and not at all relevant to our discussion here or the OP.  Thats as honest about it as I need or care to be.

GaGambler944 reads

Jinxie is just too chicken to say out loud that the OP is rather homely. His silence on the subject along with his comment that "maybe she just doesn't photograph well" speaks volumes,

However it's not her external "beauty" or lack thereof that has me and the rest of the board "picking on her" we all know why she is getting such a hard time and it has nothing to do with her looks

bonordonor1300 reads

you're smarter than I thought! lmao

Not taking the bait.  What I think she looks like is off topic and avoids the issue of your hypocracy.   Responding in the face of your accusation of my cowardice would itself be cowardly.  But since you know nothing of honor and bravery, you wouldn't know that.  I replied to your post, said my piece and don't need to say anything further.

DamienScott1245 reads

"Honor and bravery?" Omg this is pathetic even for your lame ass.  

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Not taking the bait.  What I think she looks like is off topic and avoids the issue of your hypocracy.   Responding in the face of your accusation of my cowardice would itself be cowardly.  But since you know nothing of honor and bravery, you wouldn't know that.  I replied to your post, said my piece and don't need to say anything further.

There's nothing wrong with being a TER 5-7 furthermore as a 7 avg for looks myself, I wouldn't want people saying I'm a 9-10 in the first place as that's setting people's expectations way too high for a busy provider like myself & it's impossible to maintain.
You DO have it backwards though,  a 5- 7 is akin to a real life 8- 10, someone you couldn't possibly approach in public without embarrassing yourself due to your awkward boner.  
As someone who gets cat called on a daily basis in real life to the point where I sometimes have to wear a full hijab so I can shop in peace, I'd say I'm fairly accurate in this assessment.

Posted By: GaGambler
because of grade inflation, even women with 9's and 10's can be rather ordinary. Seven's mean "plain Jane" at best, and five's mean downright ugly. A three?, well I am sure as a smart "cat" you can figure out just how homely that must be.

Obviously you can see her profile as well as the rest of us, unless you are scared to tell the truth, How do you think she rates appearance-wise? I am sure we can all agree her performance scores are between her and her clients. I have no way of knowing whether they are deserved or not, but based on her pictures, and stipulating that they are accurate, we can all decide for ourselves what kind of score she deserves.  

So, are you willing to be honest and give us your honest opinion? Just saying.

djddla1292 reads

a whole bunch of 'em with your proclaimed inflation makes their appearance on her scorecard horrendous. I already hit the ignore button on that fugly wendy whiner

bonordonor1507 reads

Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  

I think if your able to put your self at risk for some extra money you don't respect yourself.  If a client doesn't respect limits over email/call/text who is to say he will respect the rules of the session. Safety first.  

Posted By: bonordonor
Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  

In your OP you made a general rant about "jerks" who don't respect your down time.  How did we all of a sudden jump to the "risk defense?" Oh, right, when you know your argument holds no water, change the subject.
Another good rule: The first thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is stop digging.

If a client can not respect my down time and are beyond pushy, who is to say they will not be in the bed room? There is a risk when ever i met one of you gents, and there are way to many fish in the sea to see someone who is pushy or rude... You seem mighty defensive in your replies i guess the shoes fits.  

Posted By: inicky46
In your OP you made a general rant about "jerks" who don't respect your down time.  How did we all of a sudden jump to the "risk defense?" Oh, right, when you know your argument holds no water, change the subject.  
 Another good rule: The first thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is stop digging.

coming here to rant like this is not a wise business decision on your part.  Put yourself in a guy's shoes.  Does he really want to book with someone who thinks his ilk tend to be jerks?

I cant really rant on my facebook page now can i? LOL

Posted By: inicky46
coming here to rant like this is not a wise business decision on your part.  Put yourself in a guy's shoes.  Does he really want to book with someone who thinks his ilk tend to be jerks?

GaGambler1237 reads

and to boot, you do it in barely intelligible English, and you don't see the irony in this?

Do you really think that ANYBODY is going to read your post and either think to himself "yes, that's me, I really should not incessantly text the hookers that I am trying to book" or "Damn, that girl sounds so sexy, and she has such a great attitude, I think I will book a session with her"???

Aside from making yourself feel better for all of about twenty seconds, do you really think you accomplished anything the least bit productive with your rant?

So no real damage done here.

Now if there is an influx here of BP trolling dudes from NYC looking for $ 240 an hour...then she's got a problem.

Is today "Hooker rant day" on TER?  

Posted By: GaGambler
and to boot, you do it in barely intelligible English, and you don't see the irony in this?

Do you really think that ANYBODY is going to read your post and either think to himself "yes, that's me, I really should not incessantly text the hookers that I am trying to book" or "Damn, that girl sounds so sexy, and she has such a great attitude, I think I will book a session with her"???

Aside from making yourself feel better for all of about twenty seconds, do you really think you accomplished anything the least bit productive with your rant?

Yes i found a whole new batch of clients NOT to see :)  

Posted By: GaGambler
and to boot, you do it in barely intelligible English, and you don't see the irony in this?

Do you really think that ANYBODY is going to read your post and either think to himself "yes, that's me, I really should not incessantly text the hookers that I am trying to book" or "Damn, that girl sounds so sexy, and she has such a great attitude, I think I will book a session with her"???

Aside from making yourself feel better for all of about twenty seconds, do you really think you accomplished anything the least bit productive with your rant?

earthshined1286 reads

good responses. megan

these tools that are posting don't have a clue. they actually think what they write is relevant.

Swallow an Australian slang dictionary and vomit it up o this thread? Seriously every Aussie reading this tripe is eye rolling and head shaking. You about as good a job pretending to be a black thuglette (not even good enough to be called a fully fledged thug)

NewEnglandGangsta1037 reads

I hate to disappoint you but I lived in Australia before.

with this amateurish regurgitation. And I lived on the international space station....LOL

I think most hobbiests like to avoid drama.  With so many great options, I am going to avoid ladies who give off this kind of vibe.  For the most part, people are either drama "dampeners" or drama "magnifiers" (or outright drama creators themselves).  Unfortunately I know all too many of the latter type in real life - which gets very tiring after awhile.  I think the best ladies in this biz have a talent for dealing with stressful situations, or with guys who are uptight or tense, and creating more of a relaxed, comfortable situation - which VASTLY increases the chances of a good session for both parties.  Fair or not, based on this rant alone, I have my doubts as to this lady's ability in this regard.  I'll pass on spending a lot on a lady who might bring too much drama-baggage with her to a date

I have been in a thousand bars and seen all kinds of shit bartenders have to put up with from asshole customers.  BUT!!!!!

That's the business.  Good bartenders understand that, smile, make the drink and take their $$$$.

Do you do well at bartending?  Based on your rant I suspect not.

Now,  YOU CHOOSE to make $$$$ sexually servicing guys.  So let's see how that works.  

Horny guys seeking out women who will DO IT for $$$.  So a horny guy text you alot.  Wow that's weird (NOT)

That's the business.  Deal with it or get it.

Anyone who has sold anything for a living understands that.  If you can't deal with it then you gotta do something else for a living

Skinny_Minnie:-)1572 reads

You should definitely keep with the school, especially language, spelling and grammar courses.  It will really serve you well to improve in these areas as people sometimes (incorrectly) think you're not intelligent if you can't write correctly.


Thank you for the kind words im dyslexic, it has effected my spelling. :(

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
You should definitely keep with the school, especially language, spelling and grammar courses.  It will really serve you well to improve in these areas as people sometimes (incorrectly) think you're not intelligent if you can't write correctly.  

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
You should definitely keep with the school, especially language, spelling and grammar courses.  It will really serve you well to improve in these areas as people sometimes (incorrectly) think you're not intelligent if you can't write correctly.  
Dear Minnie, I agree 100%. It put her in a class as illiterate and ignorant,  
thus, not to be worthy of consideration.

Skyfyre1239 reads

There are a lot of things that are important to me: look, menu, personality, pricing...

Ability to read and write well so as the provider can appears snobbish and stuckup? Nah I'd take a good BBBJ over that anytimes...

Skinny_Minnie:-)1228 reads

Where are you from, West Virginia?!  How does me encouraging her to work on spelling and grammar make me stuck up?

GaGambler1324 reads

You said, and I will quote

"as people sometimes (incorrectly) think you're not intelligent"

While that statement is sometimes true, in many cases we are NOT incorrect by assuming the person who can't write properly is indeed a moron. AnnoyingFungus is a perfect example of "The book being every bit as dumb as the cover" lmao

As for Skyfyre, maybe he likes it in the gutter with the BP trash? I suggest we leave him there.

Skyfyre1092 reads

If staying in the gutter means I will occasionally find the rare diamond that condescending patronizing sanctimonious windbags do not appreciate and value I'd be happy to scoop her up at bargain basement price.

You used the following words incorrectly ...
"Dose" , if spelled this way is actually a dose of medicine or perhaps your own medicine ...
It should be spelled "does" !  
Next ....
You used "patient" ...that is a person that would be found in a hospital .
It's "patience" ..... This is one who can remain calm when under a time constraint .
Next was "weather" ..... This is sunny, rain, snow , rain , clouds , dry and things that relate to climate !
You should have used and spelled it "whether " which means nothing is certain and you have options or decisions in the subject of discussion .
Last was "wright"........ It's has NO English word or definition !
What you meant and should have used was "right" . That means correct or something you agree with or also a sense of direction opposite of left .
Alot is not even a word ....
It should be "a lot" meaning a large quantity ....
Sweetie you are not very educated and it stands out to us that have just a basic education . It's in the words and spelling you have demonstrated here in this post .
It also determines the quality of the clients you are seeing .
Sorry but it is you own dong and fault .
No sympathy here !


Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
I am a person. I am a mother, a sister and a daughter. I am also a student, a bartender, and a doula. The point is my day gets filled rather fast, weather i am hobbying or not. I can't answer every email with in minutes or sometimes even days, but by no means dose that give you the wright to call me 50x and text me 100x. I am busy, i take days off, i spend time with family, and i respect your family time so why cant you guys respect mine? We are all people of this world and this hobby is no different then any other activity we partake in, it has its time and its place and not every body dose everything the same way. This hobby takes practice and patients on my end, and there is ALOT of behind the scenes work. Just keep in mind that we are humans that can be rubbed the wrong way just like anyone else, and no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  
 End of rant.
-- Modified on 9/26/2014 5:45:56 PM

GaGambler1042 reads

but that doesn't mean that he is wrong 100% of the time, this is one of those few times that I actually agree with the pedantic putz.

And what's with the "dong" comment? Lol

Posted By: guybeingaguy
Sorry but it is you own dong and fault .  
 No sympathy here !

Come on, snobs. Going after Megan for her spelling? Respond rather, as many have, to what she was trying to get across.

Meanwhile, this pedant begs to point out that “wright” is a perfectly legitimate English word. It means “to work.” It is the present tense of “wrought.” You don’t hear either terribly often these days, except in compound words like “wheelwright” or “playwright.”  

Those darned glass houses. Gotta watchem.

It doesn't mean "to work." That's a verb. It means "a maker or a builder." It's a noun. Y'know, (that's a contraction) Conan really hates it when someone corrects someone else and gets it wrong.  That's just embarrassing.  Or wuz that em-bare-assing?
Do you even know what a verb is?

I stand corrected. Thank you for a well-deserved comeuppance.  

I should not have indulged a vocab digression anyway. My would-be smartypants zeal only took attention from the point I wanted to make. Please permit me to re-offer it now, this time a bit more clearly and sans snark:

Progress is better served when we respond to the assertion. Responding to the asserter’s spelling and grammar is a non sequitur; responding to character inferences drawn from them at once begs the question and commits the ad hominem fallacy. Logic aside, it’s just plain mean.

I was wrong to append the observation only to your comment. Apologies. I wish to offer it to all who piled on Megan instead of taking on her assertion.

djddla1024 reads

you have demonstrated here in this post .  (here is superfluous)
 It also determines the quality of the clients you are seeing . (seeing is a dangling modifier, end at clients is sufficient,
 Sorry but it is you own dong and fault . "DONG" really?! : ) jk you established your point

Skyfyre1435 reads

From a guy's POV I can only assume that dudes who do this must be some sort of desperate losers with a stalker mentality. If I am a potential client trying to give business to somebody and get ignored for whatever reason, justified or not I certainly am not going to waste my time waiting around. There are plenty of fishes in the sea meaning plenty of providers/merchants deservedly desiring my patronage.

While it is possible that the provider has perfectly legit reasons to be too busy like in your case as stated my first and foremost assumption is that she doesn't care about customer service and would probably be a bad lay anyway.  

Not only am I too proud to be BEGGING somebody to take my money I'm also too proud NOT to be looked on as a desperate obsessive psycho-stalker either.

Have some dignity dudes...

THAT was my point. I guess me being as mad as i was didn't help me get it across very clearly. :( When im around i answer promptly, but when im not and my phone is blown up by the same person over and over again, its stresses me out and i just needed to vent, not be attacked for a disability that has nothing to do with this hobby. :)  

Posted By: Skyfyre
From a guy's POV I can only assume that dudes who do this must be some sort of desperate losers with a stalker mentality. If I am a potential client trying to give business to somebody and get ignored for whatever reason, justified or not I certainly am not going to waste my time waiting around. There are plenty of fishes in the sea meaning plenty of providers/merchants deservedly desiring my patronage.  
 While it is possible that the provider has perfectly legit reasons to be too busy like in your case as stated my first and foremost assumption is that she doesn't care about customer service and would probably be a bad lay anyway.  
 Not only am I too proud to be BEGGING somebody to take my money I'm also too proud NOT to be looked on as a desperate obsessive psycho-stalker either.  
 Have some dignity dudes...

ROGM1294 reads

I agree with you 1 million percent. But most guys see Providers as nothing more than a Sex Toy or someone to play with when their needs arise. For me I Respect the Provider I'm seeing. I see her as a person. Not just a Sexual Provider. She's really nice to me and I try to be nice to her. I've taken her shopping and to dinner. And she really appreciates that I do that for her. Just recently I took her to Las Vegas on my Dime because she wanted to go there. She had an Awesome Time and so did I.

Jarnvid1311 reads

are we talking dissociative personality disorder?    

I'd believe that....

your point about being busy and having a lite outside of slinging your tush makes sense -  but you decided to hang out your shingle.  It goes with the territory.  Everyone wants what they want when they want it RIGHT NOW and thinks very little of other people these days....

phone number in ads.  Who needs a phone call at 2am saying "can I come over"?  Or was it 50 calls?

ROGM1286 reads

Posted By: keystonekid
phone number in ads.  Who needs a phone call at 2am saying "can I come over"?  Or was it 50 calls?
If they didn't put their phone number in their Ads, then how is anyone going to get in contact with them?

GaGambler1417 reads

There is no possible way someone as dumb as you could possibly be Asian or of Asian descent.

Oh well, Black people have The Dungbeetle, The Turdmeister, Ridgetucky and "possibly" NEG. Indians have AnnoyingFungus and C73, There are dozens, if not hundreds of stupid white posters here, so I guess one dumb Asian isn't too much to live with, but come on, tell me you are lying about being Asian just to make me feel a little better. PLEASE. lol

Not even The green Or Purple people would Claim ROGM!


I don't do this for me.  I participate in this lifestyle for that little black kid out there that dreams of one day fucking a white woman.

This is my way of giving back.  I don't do it who will do it.

Oh I suppose many could accept the challenge but only a few can complete the deed.

I take no joy in giving massive facials and golden showers to white women.  I do it so the young black kid in the ghetto can know that he can do it too.

RT - Always of service

GaGambler1183 reads

but you are a rather entertaining board troll, and credit to your race. Keep up the good work.

but if you ever do decide to leave, could you please take that "fake Asian" ROGM with you??? lol

Sew eye no how ewe -phile.

Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
I am a person. I am a mother, a sister and a daughter. I am also a student, a bartender, and a doula. The point is my day gets filled rather fast, weather i am hobbying or not. I can't answer every email with in minutes or sometimes even days, but by no means dose that give you the wright to call me 50x and text me 100x. I am busy, i take days off, i spend time with family, and i respect your family time so why cant you guys respect mine? We are all people of this world and this hobby is no different then any other activity we partake in, it has its time and its place and not every body dose everything the same way. This hobby takes practice and patients on my end, and there is ALOT of behind the scenes work. Just keep in mind that we are humans that can be rubbed the wrong way just like anyone else, and no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  
 End of rant.

I totally get that some guys can be rude...but when you rant on here about it, it kinda makes it seem like you are taking it out on all clients,  including the cool ones- which I know you didn't mean to do!  
Maybe the provider only board would be a better place to rant about clients:)...or, maybe even tell what you just posted on here to the offender himself lol!  
Good luck:)

I'm sure what she's trying to say is somewhat common and perhaps comes with the job?  I hope she takes your advice and also realizes that every "job" has its downsides.  

 Also, in her defense, just because she can't spell doesn't necessarily mean she's uneducated.


When I have someone become a complete asshole before they have engaged my services, I just understand that they are telling me as loudly and clearly as they can that I should never, ever, work with them.  

Thank them for making their idiocy clear before you wasted time seeing them face to face, and move on to someone much better.

Epsilon_Eridani910 reads

... English grammar?  

fix your misspellings and punctuations.  
once you do that, maybe, people will take you a bit more seriously.

even with all of that... why are you complaining about your business in the forum?

what are we supposed to do with your issues? cry about it?

move on and live with it!

Posted By: meganjonesnyc3
I am a person. I am a mother, a sister and a daughter. I am also a student, a bartender, and a doula. The point is my day gets filled rather fast, weather i am hobbying or not. I can't answer every email with in minutes or sometimes even days, but by no means dose that give you the wright to call me 50x and text me 100x. I am busy, i take days off, i spend time with family, and i respect your family time so why cant you guys respect mine? We are all people of this world and this hobby is no different then any other activity we partake in, it has its time and its place and not every body dose everything the same way. This hobby takes practice and patients on my end, and there is ALOT of behind the scenes work. Just keep in mind that we are humans that can be rubbed the wrong way just like anyone else, and no matter how much money you have, no good provider will see you if your a jerk.  
 End of rant.

That’s about the best you are going to get from it.

Morons will be morons.  

PM me if you want to know how to get around this crap.

I work outside the hobby and have a family as well.

One thing that helped was making my phone number harder to find. I totally recommend taking your phone number off your BP ad. Make them go to your website. Put a few "rules" on your website as well. Another thing that helped me was I put "light screening required" on the very top of my BP ad. It weeds out a lot of unwanted clients.

I still get asked for 30 minutes all the time and "available tonight?" from BP guys (really annoying), but I just write back the same response to them all and include a link to my website.

Really, it's the BP guys that are annoying you. The dudes from TER and p411 do what they're supposed to do for the most part, at least for me that's how it's been.

And, don't pay any mind to the guys commenting on your reviews. It's obvious you're not a provider who "manages her reviews." They're still good considering what you don't offer which deducts the possible amount you can have. If you're not bi and don't do buttsex, your max is 8. So, good job. You getting an 8 is like a full menu gal getting a 10.

One funny thing I do if I get calls after 11pm, I return their call at 5am when I wake up for work. How do you like being woken up?! lol

You say you do this and do that...but one thing you can't do is spell.  

Oh well, at least bartending is better than flipping burgers

I agree. BP works, but BP is chaotic. A lot of volume and a lot of flakes. You sound like you want less inquiries and more successful dates.

What helps with availability vs inquiries:
1. Advertise on sites where there are more upscale clients, (I've gotten a couple upscale, great clients off of BP when I used it, but not many.)
2. A higher rate will cause people to research you more before calling. At a lower rate, they're not losing as much money if they don't research, so they're more willing to risk the dough.
3. A higher rate will slow down the email
4. I only use my phone for final communication after screening. They won't leave a voicemail, it's too easy for them to get me on the phone. My email is my secretary.
5. Initial contact is my screening form, unless they're simply asking for availability
6. I try very hard to write interesting and grammatical ads and/or any online form of communication that represents Courtney. That alone will teach people how to approach you. This is not a knock, but think about this. A dumb guy will be intimidated by a smart girl. If I don't represent myself in such a way that I have brains, I will be an easier target to those who enjoy manipulating and tricking other people.

Be somewhat unapproachable, and allow yourself to be the smart girl. I'm not bashing you in any way, I'm simply telling you the truth. Work on your spelling, grammar, and communication in writing. Redundancy is also something you might want to think about too.  

Your writing will bump yourself up a class, because that is what gets you your business. Right now, and I don't know how to say this so it doesn't sound mean, but, your righting represents trailer trash. I'm sure you are not. Your online representation is your 'corner'. Times have changed.

BE what you want to GET. And the first step is grammar when the first impression is writing.

-- Modified on 9/28/2014 12:53:18 PM

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