TER General Board

Re: Ok I posted the wrong link!
Gus_n_MollyPugs 1 Reviews 21 reads

I'd wager she meant/means MARRY another man....I think she likes dick too much to completely swear off men in general.

But anyway.....THAT's the fantasy....**Off to look at Trailers with handicap access ramps**  

She's BAAaaaack!      Britney Spears.....in the mid 2000s (2004-2005) I could not grasp this woman's ballistic sex appeal as a teen slut (just not my "thing")......but now that she has aged and been through some things that make her more "weathered", I'm down for this woman as she is NOW.

And according to this article, she's available.....

RespectfulRobert48 reads

Per TER, at the top of the page:
"This is a moderated forum dedicated to discussing the hobby, erotica, and sex related subjects."

Thanks for sharing that fun fact Respectful Robert.  

I read somewhere that someone stated RR was me & I thought that was the most ignorant assumption ever, but now you clearly prove them wrong. 😆  

! I never associated Brittney Spears with white trash.🗑️ I read her book & respect her life journey. I truly believe her mental health is a continuing issue because any woman who does not have a good relationship with her children is questionable!🤨  

Have a great day gents I am off to run, swim laps & yoga. Life is good.

FlaNoName30 reads

Look who's calling the kettle black.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: The self-appointed . . . .
board-Nazi strikes again.  

ANY post where I ever said someone should not post something?  I've always been a free-speech guy.  If you can't show where I have told someone NOT to post something, then STFU.  Do you mind if I call you "Flan" for short?  

FlaNoName24 reads

Free speech guy???? Ha, I could have sworn you just told me to STFU.  Looks like I got under somebody's skin.  lol  And you may call me anything you want.  Doesn't bother me.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Do you have a link to . . . .
ANY post where I ever said someone should not post something?  I've always been a free-speech guy.  If you can't show where I have told someone NOT to post something, then STFU.  Do you mind if I call you "Flan" for short?  

up healthy side of bullshit with your claims to show how important it is that you post with an alias.  I only told you to STFU if you can't back up your claims, which you can't.  Now you can go ahead and lie your ass off because we all know who and what you are, Flan.  Flan is a caramel pudding that looks like the inside of a diaper.  It's a perfect fit for Flan the bullshitter.  Lol  

-- Modified on 7/11/2024 2:53:31 PM

FlaNoName30 reads

Aww, someone has got their panties all in a bunch.  Resorting to speculation and name calling again.  

in calling my post speculation after you couldn't back up your claims.  When your bullshit is that easy to expose, we can have a lot of fun with you.  

On the other hand, is an alias with no reviews who is just a lurker here worth ANYONE'S time?  I doubt it.  

FlaNoName19 reads

I don't know about ANYONE'S time, but it sure seems to be worth YOUR time since you can't stop spending time addressing my posts.

Flan does NOT look "like the inside of a diaper." Perhaps that's what the inside of your Depends looks like?

...Kimberly Clark (KMB), a rock solid company that actually makes real tangible stuff that people need in perpetuity....the ideal stock to bedrock your portfolio.    

Hey FlaNoName guy, you have courage and spirit.....and you're clearly alert to things many people miss.

This link's for you sir!

OK, let me fix it for her. Has anyone ever seen a hooker who looked like Brittany Spears?

And her being single means you have a shot. lmao

First, besides being unresolvable, the description in the URL seems to have nothing to do with your post. Second, if the claim was even remotely possible, the tabloids and social media would have been all over it, yet we have heard nothing. Recall Elliot Spitzer. Third, Ms. Spears has a net worth of about $70 million and has been released from her father's conservatorship, so why would she need extra money. Forth, one should be skeptical of anything read/seen/heard on the internet, especially with the advent of AI.    

My apologies to all....I cut and pasted the wrong URL....thankfully someone DID post the correct link above, thank you!

THIS TOPIC, however is most definitely sex-related....it's Britney Fuckin' Spears, now a 40+ Milf and far more desireable than when she was a pseudo-teen slut.

“Single as f–k. I will never be with another man as long as I live.” - Britney Spears

I'd wager she meant/means MARRY another man....I think she likes dick too much to completely swear off men in general.

But anyway.....THAT's the fantasy....**Off to look at Trailers with handicap access ramps**  

As she grew older and became that BSC chick running all over the Valley.. To me,she became that “trailer park trash”
I wouldn’t for free 🤮🤮🤮

lolz   Ah c'mon man....not even for free?!!    

I'm talking about sex, just sex, not bonding over shared emotional trauma, or bad meals at Neon Lit diners with half their letters burnt out that spell  "E A T S".....

RespectfulRobert20 reads

There was WAY too young Britney, where at like, what, 14 or 15 her parents sexualized her? They are insane. And now there is mentally challenged Britney which is sad to see, as she is a human being.  
Britney at her best, beauty wise, was in her mid 20s when she was absolutely gorgeous. Either way, I do feel bad for her as her parents put the $ first and her mental health dead last.

Back in the 70's or early 80's Playboy published a series of photos with a theme of No Tell Motel.

The model was made up to look slutty with clothes, cigarette as a prop, etc.  Photos progressed from clothed to fully nude.  Black and white images suggesting a cheap camera.  

One image that sticks in my mind is the model sitting on top of the TV, legs spread, with a huge bush, cigarette in hand.  

Very much a "trailer trash" fantasy spread.  Very erotic.

I am happy to say I have had a few real experiences in the hobby which were similar to the photo spread, mostly in my early days trying to figure this hobby out.  

See what I just did?  I linked erotica to the hobby.  I am so proud. LOL.

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