TER General Board

Re: Nope
thisisalloneword1234 16 Reviews 21 reads

I'd probably decline or ignore the Uber solicit too. Because I know the experience is not going to be worth the cost and risk. Likely it will be some delusional price with extremely limited menu.. Or worse case a scam.

On the other hand, u never know unless u try...

Imagine if your ATF was an uber driver. Wouldn't the average male pasenger be very intersted if at the end of the ride she drops some hints she is a provider? Of course this is assuming they find her attractive. I think most men would jump on that opportunity! Or not? Maybe some will get very offended and call the police ?!

I guess in this hobby clients have to be cut from a certain cloth. Most men are not cut from that cloth so won't jump on an oppurtunity to see a provider they met in the real world?

Those who can do. I have no problem freestyling in real life. Soliciting never because it’s illegal.  I offer consultations privately. Vocabulary is everything. Smile for me! Xo 💋

If it looks like a duck, and quacks . . . . . etc.

Not for me. I like being able to research, pick the date/time, and the discretion of booking via email or text. I’m a different person in the real world. I’m the type of guy who most who know me would be shocked to hear I am part of this lifestyle. I plan on keeping it this way. So if that was me in the Uber, I would politely decline.

I'd probably decline or ignore the Uber solicit too. Because I know the experience is not going to be worth the cost and risk. Likely it will be some delusional price with extremely limited menu.. Or worse case a scam.

On the other hand, u never know unless u try...

is that you could be misconstruing what the Uber driver says, and then find yourself banned from Uber or worse.

Discreetness has got to be the hallmark of this enterprise.

A situation where there’s some sort of misunderstanding and a bit of sexual innuendo? Sounds like an episode of Three’s Company.  

Anyways I agree with you!

business cards on me at all times. You never know who you will meet. At my vanilla job though, I would never. I have to keep myself incognito there since I work with the public.

I likely could come up with 20 reasons why this is a terrible, awful, rotten idea. But I'll stick with the top 3 that come to mind:
1. Can you say sting?
2. Can you say setup (as in set up to be robbed)?
3. Can you say blackmail (notice how many Uber drivers have cameras in their cars)?

Within the last year I switched from UBER to LYFT to gain Skymiles. Seems like I have more female drivers compared to male drivers when using LYFT. I’m usually going to a party that requires dressing up. One evening I’m picked up by a gal that is a realtor. Says she drives for LYFT to promote her business. Hands me her card and explains if I need a date to the movies or somewhere, to give her a call. There was no attraction for me. Last week, I was picked up by an attractive Latina LYFT driver, who kept giving me the eye. I’ve remained neutral during all rides but wondered about their motive.

I'm trying to figure out what selling real estate has to do with going out to dinner or a movie.

Initially, she explained in the car that she was driving for LYFT to promote her real estate business. I was wearing a suit and she picked me up at my home, so she may have been sizing me up financially. Told her I wasn’t interested in selling my home, so the conversation switched to more personal conversation.

So, in essence, she was asking you out on a date??

LoL I was thinking the same when I saw that post. I figure there’s three possibilities.  

a) she’s a Lyft driver AND a realtor AND a provider.  

2) she’s a Lyft driver and a provider and the realtor thing is a cover because it looks better on a business card than “lady of the evening”.  

iii) she’s a Lyft driver and a realtor who was asking that guy out on a civvie date.  

The world may never know.

I freestyle usually when I’m on vacation, so it’s very low stakes and I don't want to think about work too much.

More often and due to my schedule, I prefer online ads as I’m able to screen properly, plan our date, and see someone at my leisure. Although, I might have an Uber kink since the scenario provided was pretty tantalizing, but I’ll never do anything IRL with drivers.

Your ATF would have to use the street walker business model.   The nonhobbists rider would probably want it for free.  Would I offer a random sexy stranger money, probably not(how much?).  I don't think it would work; it would be too much effort for everyone for the 1% success rate.  

Hmm...this is an interesting concept!   As many may say, my attitude is "it depends".  I am an open minded person....because, what if the possibility exists to really date in real life?    I was in Las Vegas and while moving around a casino, the bar, at a black jack and then a slot machine...I was watching the blatant obvious "Entrepreneurs" engage in conversation.   Some others may have been very subtle....and several times an engaged conversation leads to an adventure up to the room.  Benefit....when through, no need to do the walk of shame lol....there was mutual benefit.  Once in a restaurant in Boston following a network event...few of us ate, and 3 women next to us got friendly.   there was that one...who had an auro of sexy, they were all friendly...and after her friends left to catch a train (they did not have the look of an Entrepreneur). and the two I was talking left...we ordered another drink...I said put it on my tab.  Then she got flirty into a 3rd martini.  I'm thinking it's cool....and as soon as I heard about gifts & generosity---it threw me off, yet we both were aware....not sure if all those at fine dining establishment were aware, other than we left discreetly, somewhat independently, at front door walked 2 blocks to her apartment which was very nice!

here is a video how best to approach

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