TER General Board

Re: I can agree to disagree.
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 6 reads

If you'd said you'd rather have a spark than get paid for it, that would have been something. But to say you'd prefer to have a spark AND get paid for it, like yeah who wouldn't.

Charlie Sheen once famously said .. "i was paying the girls to leave!"      a friend not in the hobby asked, i cant believe you pay a hottie $500 to follow around ............... i replied ,  i only pay $100 to fool around ...  i pay $400 for them to have to see what i look like naked !  ....................  what do you think is the motivation for your donation ?  

An episode of Seinfeld, he hired a cleaning lady.  They ended up having sex on some occasions  Eventually she came, got paid, didn't clean, but had sex.  After she left he thought,  "What did I just pay for?"

Yes!! And I believe she also took a nap before she left. Great episode!!!

Dangit you beat me to it!

Yes. She asks for the money and Jerry says but you didn’t even clean. “I made the bed”, she replied. “You took a nap in it!!!”

HA!! One of the greatest shows ever.

I pay them so I don't get my ass handed to me by some woman I met on Bumble who loses her mind because I suggest a 3some.

Sir, put that shit on a tee shirt,  stat!!!

You're paying for sex. Specifically you're paying women for sex that the bottom line. Just like everybody else on this website. I'm a trick and so are you just admit it and move on or just stop tricking altogether and then move on.

We are not all here for the same thing. The majority desire sex & thats standard, but there is a small amount that is seeking a genuine connection. When I started many moons ago I had the same lame attitude. I was jaded by the industry & only cared about money. Now that I am older I need a spark. 🔥

please do not take this wrong cuz I agree with your ability to disagree but my confusion is not what has changed for you over the years of being worked up to a tier one provider and changing your purpose for providing....but no one is answering the question as to why it costs us so much to have someone ogle an old and worn out gentleman who is also there to have fun while sharing ??  I do understand inflation and cost of business but it just seems way out of proportion for some.

If you'd said you'd rather have a spark than get paid for it, that would have been something. But to say you'd prefer to have a spark AND get paid for it, like yeah who wouldn't.

instead of going on a dating site and dealing with the unknown. Shelling out money to take a woman on dates and hoping the final result is to get laid.
A guy I used to be friends with who knows what I do but doesn't like it(his words) would always say snarky comments about me being an escort. But constantly was complaining about all the $ he would spend on women he was trying to date. Majority of times he got no sex but he sure had some crazy credit card bills. I used to tell him he should hire an escort would be cheaper he used to laugh at me until he did the math.

That guy you use to be friends with went about it all wrong. He doesn't understand women so he went about dealing with them all wrong so he wasted a lot of time and energy with women that weren't interested in him. A lot of guys don't know this but a woman will go out with a guy and have no romantic interest in him. That the mistake he made. What you're suppose to do when dealing with women in everyday life as far asking them out. Have a conversation Make your intentions clear and direct then she decides if she do or she don't. Also guys need to look for consistent cooperation from a woman if you ask a woman out and tell her we'll meet for coffee and she be like no I prefer dinner at this restaurant. Leave her ass right there and move on because she don't like you. If you do what she says and meet at that restaurant she suggested that just mean now she willing to tolerate you for that date. If a woman desires a man she doesn't care where they go for a date. Unfortunately a lot of men don't know what its like to be desired by a woman.

We all know time = money.

Spending time + money => spending even more money to play games potentially to come up empty or get a catch only for her to be bad in the bed. Bummer.  

At least for no strings attached sex which is what I'm looking for, escorts are near perfect. You cut out the useless (at least to me) parts of the one-night stand and get right down to the meat and potatoes portion.  

And I'll say this. Even if a guy has extraordinary amount of game, and is a chick magnet, he still likely won't get the instant gratification you can get with escorts by simply paying.  

I can see four or five escorts in the same day with little down time between them. The guy with crazy game and who looks like Brad Pitt I don't know if he can. What he can have is deeper connections and women who are genuinely interested in him. But in terms of instant gratification and sex itself, I think p4p is nearly impossible to beat.  

Disclaimer that my view is skewed by being a sex addict, but generally that's how I feel

I want to get my dick wet without doing some stupid seduction dance. So I will happily pay my money to someone who will take care of that. Then I will leave.

You're right your thinking is skewed because you're thinking like a trick and using trick logic. Its not gonna be instant gratification no matter what route you take because even dealing with escorts it take time to set things up and meet. Granted you most likely to get laid that day with an escort than a regular girl however it may take some time to find an escort you like and that available. Here the main difference a man with game can have women 4 in rotation and doesn't have to spend money like a trick does, matter of fact if he really got it going on he may have them spend money on him at times. However a man that pays for sex/trick that have 4 women in his rotation is spending$1000s of dollars. In short term the trick may get laid faster but in the long term the guy with game wins because he has women that actually desire him.

"Its not gonna be instant gratification no matter what route you take because even dealing with escorts it take time to set things up and meet."

It really doesn't take that much time. I see kgirls and to set that up not a lot of time is needed. I can set up appointments with three different girls in a matter of less than ten minutes. Now of course it wold have to be beforehand and not at last minute notice.  

When I was doing amps, I would go amp hopping just like people who do bar hopping. Literally exit one amp and then go to another amp. And don't get me started on something like Thailand  

So no, by paying for pussy you can get gratification near instantly in a lot of cases.

"In short term the trick may get laid faster"

Well, wasn't that my point? I care about short term only. Lol. My dick may fall off tomorrow for all I know.

And it only takes a couple of dates to remind me of why I prefer to pay providers.  It's because it is No Strings Attached.  Except for scheduling, which I can do in ONE or TWO text messages, I don't have to engage in any back and force after the deed because providers don't need to be "maintained" the way civvie women do.    

Interestingly, many men - clients of providers- absolutely want the connection in-between.   I have a book of poems a man wrote about me: I’d like to think they were incredible, but that’s probably my ego talking ;-). In any case we were dear friends and kept in touch in between appointments. It’s not just one: many clients want the romance too. If I feel valued and my life allows for it, I like that kind of interaction. That doesn’t mean I want to interrupt his life, but if he reaches out  here and there so we maintain contact and connection: I’m all for it.

that are used to dating business executives and celebrities as customers know that time and scheduling is more important than money.  If they want something more, they will just rent an apartment and set up a girl as their mistress.  I have done this a couple of times, but it's not really my cup of tea.  Apartment leases are for one year and I tend towards a short attention span when it comes to being with one woman for an extended period of time.  The exceptions are a few regular providers I have seen off and on for years, but the time demands of having a mistress are not really for me.  It's too much like having a wife, but without the saggy tits and droopy ass.

worried1 reads

Men PAY for the IOP (Illusion of passion) and sex.  Actual romance is different.  Your "connection" is also called client retention.  

That brief moment or so of connection with what you seek.

'How do you like your breakfast?'  ALONE that's how.

Some P2P gamers have a connection with the provider they have been seeing on a regular basis, they chat about life and continue to build off the relationship (yes its business for the provider) as sometimes the hobbyist can open up and discuss things to get off his or her chest.

Maybe from the male/female point of view the dating world today is just a total mind fuck, Why waste the time and money on dating when you can go see your favorite provider, have a conversation and knowing full well that conversation won't end up on some social media platform or come around full circle leaving you wondering how many people have heard it.

Ego Boost, damn right it is,  walking into a major event with a beautiful women on your arm is a great feeling and can change the game in a room where you want to make a difference, rather than walking into a major event without he/she.

Dating game/ Its not simple, like what do they bring to the table? What is the 5, 10, 15 year plan, are they setting up for the future?
Todays dating game is just as risky as 'THE HOBBY' just in different ways, one tends to forget that.

The stigma for P2P is very real to those who are not in the game, HOWEVER,, flying into a city for a business conference and walking into the after party with a stunning female/male on your arm can make or break a deal no question. In may cases the provider just by walking in can help seal the deal if he/she is use to being in that high stakes type of environment. Not only that it's fun and exciting to feel the rush of winning, of course when the game is over and you won, you really need to tip accordingly

What a Hobbyist pays for is getting his nuts off. Not to fall in love with a Provider. Falling in love with a Client is like falling in love with your boss at your regular job (It causes problems). If you are looking for a significant other for the rest of your life, then stick to the "Non-Escort" sites.

maybe when i was 29 ... but i can get a nice orgasm by myself or for $120 go to a nice massage parlor and get a message and get off ....  for me its about experiencing an oasis from the days stress and running around.   i like to only think about the moment ok and how big her tits are ! LOL  and forget everything else.  

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