TER General Board

Re: Has anyone ever had this happen?
exislandboy 17 Reviews 950 reads

I don't feel that numbers truly limit a provider's performance rating.  What really matters is the body of the review itself.  That really details the experience, at least from the hobbyist's point of view.

I suspect that the number system is in place to allow non-vip members an opportunity to get some idea of what to expect and to, perhaps, entice them to ujpgrade to vip membership.

I was just looking at my reviews and noticed that one of my ratings for performance has been changed, more than a month after it was posted and I didn't change it. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? My rating was dropped 1 point. I guess it isn't a big deal, but I don't like the thought that my reviews can be altered after the fact. She deserved an 8, not a 7 so why should it be changed? Isn't it my opinion? Otherwise what is the point?

Boswells_Johnson346 reads

this is a perennial topic, so, here we go again.

in order to "earn" or "deserve" a performance rating above 7, the provider in question must perform at least one of these : BBBJ, anal, CIM [I think], possibly others, see the reviewing guidelines when you submit a review.

if the lady in question did not provide any of those services, her score is adjusted accordingly by the TER Staff.  it happen with one of my reviews - a 9 was dropped to an 8.

it's a standard occurrence.  admittedly, 30 days is a long time for the error to remain uncorrected.

I think the theory might be, reasoning by analogy, that the 10 rating you give your Volkswagen is not the same 10 rating you give your Bercedes, as they are vastly dissimlar autos.  At least that's how i think of it.

"Ratings above 7 are reserved for providers who render services that are considered to be real perks (i.e. Anal, BBBJ, Kissing with Tongue)."

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 6:08:10 PM

Well I looked through the info, but somehow missed that. Anyway, my problem isn't with the policy, but more with the fact that there was such a delay in the correction and the fact that there seems to be an inconsistency in the policy. I have given 9's to 2 providors who haven't met any of those "minimum requirements" and they were never changed. Another providor received an 8 from me, but it was changed to a 7 before it was posted and she provided LFK and some DFK. This one got posted and then was changed a month later. It is inconsistent.

My other problem is with the fact that a 9 is supposed to be "I forgot it was a service." There are ladies out there that don't provide any of those services, but are fabulous companions and actually make you forget that it is a service. Do those girls only deserve a 7?

I don't want to sound like I am complaining too much because I realize that it is an imperfect system, but a little consistency would good.

My impression has been that the number will not be changed unless someone complains to staff about it. This is the reason for the lack of consistency.

all 15 times that you had to click that you read the guidelines so that you could submit a review?

A lot of us have gripes with the performance ratings.  TER lets us have complete discretion regarding appearance ratings.  Why not for performance?

In my book, a lady should qualify for a 10 on the basis of CIM alone, but recently my review of a CIM-provider was reduced from a 9 to an 8.

I read that the first time I submitted a review, but can't say I have looked at it since. I scanned it when looking for an answer and just happened to overlook it.

I understand the reasoning, but I kind of think that it is unfair to limit a providor for performance just because she doesn't offer a couple of services. I think most guys would agree that performance is a lot more than a menu as most of us are here for the companionship aspect and agree that this is the most important part of performance. If I meet a girl and do DFK, anal, and CIM, but she has a bad attitude and is disinterested and robotic, she is going to get a lower score, but according to the guidelines she sort of "earns" a higher score if I wish to give it to her. But why should a lady with a great attitude and personality who makes you feel like a king, but doesn't like anal and is safety conscious be LIMITED to a lower score. I think it is unfair to certain ladies. (BTW, I did read the part about certain activities not meaning you have to give her an extra point, only that she is eligible for it.)

I am only ranting about this for discussion purposes. I find it interesting and never really considered it until this particular review was changed. I am not asking for the rules to be changed or anything. I think the system works, but I don't think providors should be limited due to not engaging in certain activities.

I agree that we should be able to give any rating we feel the lady deserves no matter what her menu offerings are. That is what the menu list is for, to see what she is willing to do. But since this is not my site, I don't get to make the rules. I can only play by the rules that TER has set for it's site.

Many people have talked about this and many different suggestions come up, but I don't think this particular part will change any time soon.


from #7 on the guidelines

"This does not mean she earns extra points for performing the service; just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is taken. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she has, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score."


So if a lady offers a trip to Greece, but you don't voyage there, she is still eligible for that extra point, right?

increaser for performance points because I was surprised that it wasn't.  

It is my understanding that a provider doesn't have to perform a point increaser service on the specific reviewer, but that it has to be offered.  The points are supposed to be reviewed and adjusted at the approval stage by the Dutch approvers, and are based on the profile questions that you fill out with the specific review, not the provider's general profile.  So, say you did not go to Greece, but you know she offers, you should mark your review profile as yes to anal.  Same thing with the other point increaser's.

If you encounter a problem, you can submit a review question.  The responses I've received in these cases have been extraordinarily good.

Good luck

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 8:28:18 PM

DickWart112 reads

As Dixie said, it's not so much what you received or didn't receive.  It's what the provider's Profile Page indicates as being offered.  I wish it mattered what I input into all the fields when I'm submitting a review, but unless I'm the provider's FIRST reviewer it doesn't!  So, if the first person who reviewed ProviderXXX states that she doesn't offer A,B,C & D when he compiles her Profile Page (remember the first reviewer SETS the fields on the Profile Page), then your subsequent review of her detailing the kissing, CIM, Anal, & multiple pops that you received, for which you gave her a 9 for performance could be dropped all the way down to a 7!  Also, as others have said, someone probably submitted a Problem Report which explains the 30+ days in which it took for the review to be altered (that seems to be about how long it takes the staff to handle even the simplest Problem Reports these days, LOL!!).  

I've often said, that one of the biggest problems for reviews is that the system REFLECTS only the FIRST reviewer's data on the provider's Profile Page.  You see a lot of cases where dumbasses have no fucking clue about a woman's cup size, yet alone if her boobs are implanted or not!  On occassion, I've been able to get some of these instances "cleaned up" by submitting Problem Reports.

-- Modified on 3/6/2008 11:57:11 AM

I don't feel that numbers truly limit a provider's performance rating.  What really matters is the body of the review itself.  That really details the experience, at least from the hobbyist's point of view.

I suspect that the number system is in place to allow non-vip members an opportunity to get some idea of what to expect and to, perhaps, entice them to ujpgrade to vip membership.

shudaknownbetter118 reads

I was unaware (I'll have to go back & read the rules again) that specified services are required or menued to be eligible for a higher score.  (I have reviewed ~6 ladies)  
I really don't think the check list is a valid way to authenticate rating.  But as several have said, you need to read the VIPs review.  Several times, I've read the complete review and had very different feeling about whether I'd want to ACTUALLY SEE a provider.  
All the number rating give... if anything...  is a sense of consistancy (or not).

It makes no allowance for the charm and graciousness of the provider.

I would much sooner see someone who is a wonderful human being, but offers no more than a hand job  (a good one, one would hope), than a boor who lets you poke any hole of hers with any appendage of yours.

Do others feel that way, or is it just I?

That was basically my point. I was complaining about a late change in rating, but I agree that it should reflect true performance and not what points she can score by offering certain services. Oh well, I guess that's just the way it is.

Mrfisher, you hit it right on the head. I have only been with one lady who actually did CIM. Others have it offered, but just never happened with me on that particular evening. My dates with some of the other ladies were every bit as enjoyable to me. In my opinion, 8's & 9's & even 10's should be a matter of personal experience and how much you actually enjoyed the time you spent with the lady, regardless of activities.

I've seen several providers that should receive a higher performance number than TER would allow. I just mention it in the desription. "Suzy was a 9 but it will probably be knocked down to a 7"

Also, the numbers are far less reliable than the description. I've seen guys give out an 8 with a description that might rate a 6 from me. Unless the reviewer has seen several providers you know, how can you judge a number?

One man's 7 is another man's 9. Read the juicy details instead.

I had a true once in a lifetime meeting with a provider (I have been at this over 25 years and am 64 years old so the phrase has real meaning for me) and gave her a 10 for performance.  Although it was knocked down to a 9, I had pointed out why the experience was once in a lifetime in the text.  That is why the details section is so important.

A provider who offers massage and h/j only and get a 8 or 9. Happens alot not to say that the h/j wasn't worth it but by the rating system that should never get more than a 7 jm.02

-- Modified on 3/6/2008 8:26:40 AM

are too subjective.  Recall some of the judging at recent Olympic Games in ice skating and gymnastics.

I don't even have any reviews on this board.
A few of my gentleman friends say they tried to imput a review and it gets bounced back or rejected.

They try again and the same thing happens.
I guess it is hard getting a review on TER?

Now I know how those people on harmony.cum feel.

Rejected but Still Reviewed
Sexy Maddy of sc and nc

No it's not just your opinion, it's your opnion based on a rating system. the scores are concise, a lot of guys run out and slap 10's on everyone because they had a great time; even if it was a cbj, and no other services offered. without additional services 7 is a 10 techically. as in the highest number you can get without giving up something extra, thems' the rules..

Can always say in the body of the reivew, I wish I could have given her a 8 9 or 10, as she was fantastic, sadly, she didn't offer the services to meet the criteria.

and stuff


...apparently because pretending to think I'm sexy is, in itself, insufficient grounds for granting a lady a 10 for performance.

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