TER General Board

Re: golf and sexregular_smile
balathazar 1 Reviews 269 reads

Ain't that the TRUTH!! I should know because I'm not good at either :)


Look at how the electronics is bringing it all together.

There’s now custom GPS systems that not only help you find the golf courses but also locate each hole and how to best get your ball into the hole using the fewest strokes.



Then there’s NUDAR. A GPS system to help you locate all the Strip Clubs.



How about we come up with PROVIDAR?

A Provider GPS system with built in wireless internet connection to TER so that we can easily locate the providers where ever they might be traveling and details on how to best get our PUTTER in the hole.


-- Modified on 2/9/2008 3:41:11 PM

i like the line from "Tin Cup" by Kevin Kostner: "golf and sex are two things you dont have to be good at to enjoy"

Ain't that the TRUTH!! I should know because I'm not good at either :)


Erotic Eve (Tampa) and Elleye Taylor (Ft. Lauderdale) both offer golf specials.

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